Beautiful Utah! Life Elevated!

Beautiful Utah!

Not only do we celebrate America’s birthday this month, in Utah on the 24th of July, we also celebrate the day the pioneers entered this beautiful valley to make it their home!

Beautiful Utah!

Five Fast Facts About Beautiful Utah!

  • Utah was acquired by the United States in 1848 in a treaty ending the Mexico War.
  • The Great Salt Lake covers more than a million acres.
  • In February of 2002, Salt Lake City hosted the XIX Winter Olympics.
  • The TV series “Touched By An Angel” was filmed in Utah.
  • USA Today recently rated Utah as having the strongest economy. 

My father traveled extensively throughout his life, but he always used to tell me that driving up over the ridge of Sardine Canyon into beautiful Cache Valley and realizing that he was once again back home in Utah always filled him with deep feelings of great joy and contentment!  I experience those same feelings when I return home from a trip and peer out the window of the airplane as it touches down at the Salt Lake City, Utah airport.

The beautiful view as you first enter Cache Valley via Sardine Canyon!

Beautiful Utah!

Welcome To Beautiful Utah!  Life Elevated!

Beautiful Utah! Life elevated!

The vast mountain ranges and scenic surroundings of Utah can’t help but make you catch your breath as you visit this great state!  I imagine that as the pioneers caught their first glimpse of Utah when they peered over the rugged mountain tops, they surely realized there would be plenty of hard work ahead for them as they settled in Utah.

Perhaps that is why “Industry” is our state’s motto!

Industry--Utahs motto

I’m so grateful for my Utah heritage.  I loved growing up in Utah, it was a great place to raise my children, and it’s fun to see my granddaughters being raised here, as well!

Beautiful Utah!  Things I Love About My Home State!

♥  I love experiencing all four seasons in Utah! 

Each season brings its own kind of magic to Utah–although I will admit that the older I get, I love shorter winters!

Beautiful Utah!

♥  I love the natural outdoor playgrounds in Utah!

Hiking, biking, boating and skiing, and anything else in between–you name it…it’s all amazing in Utah!

Beautiful Utah!

Biking in Utah

Watering skiing at Pineview

Vintage "Ski Utah" sign

I love that even the big cities have a quaint, small-town feel in Utah!

There are many big-name department stores in Utah, but I love that there’s an eclectic mix of small businesses and shop owners too.  A fun array of vintage, antique and thrift stores help keep locals stocked up with all the unique baubles and chachkies we love so much!

Vintage jewelry

On any given weekend from early spring to late fall throughout the beautiful state of Utah, you can bet that there will be a local Arts Festival or Farmer’s Market set up to sell fresh produce and handmade wares to intrigued consumers.

Beautiful Utah! Summer Arts Fest!

Beautiful Utah!

There’s lots of good eating to be done in beautiful Utah too!

Good eats in Utah

Mostly, I love Utah because like all the other 49 states in America, we are blessed with countless opportunities to work hard, play harder, and raise our families in wonderful communities where we have the chance to nurture and support each other through good times and bad.  I am so grateful to be an American citizen–and I love living in beautiful Utah!

Beautiful Utah!

I hope everyone is having a fabulous summer–even though it is going by way too fast!

If you live in Utah, what do you love about our fair state–or what do you love most about where you live?



Creating Your Home Sweet Home! DIY Vintage Ladder!

Creating Your Home Sweet Home!  DIY Vintage Ladder!

Creating Your Home Sweet Home! DIY Vintage Ladder!

One of the things that is so on trend now that I love in home décor is the creative use of every day, household items that are repurposed into beautiful, functional fixtures for someone’s home!

For instance–let’s take an ordinary wooden ladder, or a version of one…

wooden ladders

…you can literally find a seemingly endless array of ideas for making a ladder into a unique home design element!

Pinterest is prolific with creative uses for ladders.

Ladder Pot rack

Vintage ladder book shelf

Ladder magazine rack


Ideas like this are such a great way to add some eclectic “house jewelry” to our homes like I talked about in this recent Creating Your Home Sweet Home post.  I also love that you can easily adapt these types of pieces to whatever style your home may be, whether it’s traditional, vintage or modern.

Easy Tips For Making A DIY Vintage Ladder!

DIY--Vintage Ladder Towel Rack

When my daughter, Malia, first started the process of building her new home, she knew she wanted to put a claw foot tub in her master bathroom.  Malia also knew that there was plenty of room for the vintage ladder towel rack she envisioned in this space.  (Oh, the creative insight of an interior designer!)  However, Malia’s venture into finding exactly what she wanted left her coming up empty-handed, so she and her husband did a some research and ended up making their ladder based on a few easy tips given here on Our Vintage Home Love website.

Vintage Ladder Towel Rack

Malia’s dilemma was that she wanted a much wider ladder than is normally available.  This DIY project allowed her to customize the size of her ladder.    

Once Malia and Shane built their ladder, the thing Malia found most helpful on Our Vintage Home Love, was the instructions on how to finish the wood to give it the perfect vintage look she wanted.

DIY Ladder Towel Rack

(via Our Vintage Home Love)

Usually when distressing or giving a piece of furniture a vintage look, you paint the wood first, then stain and sand it afterward–with this process you stain the wood first, wiping it in good and letting it dry overnight.  Then you paint over the stain–Malia used the paint color of the trim work in her home.  Again, allow this to dry for several hours before using either a palm sander or a piece of medium grit sand paper to sand down areas where you’d imagine normal wear would show.  Some areas you will obviously want to sand down more than others, thus giving the ladder that aged, vintage look–how distressed you make it is strictly personal preference.    

Vintage Ladder Towel Rack

Vintage Ladder Towel Rack

As you can see, Malia even sanded right down to the wood in some places.   

I think Malia’s vintage ladder towel rack is such a neat idea for any bathroom.  It gives an unconventional surprise element that’s fun to add to our home decor.

Photo (79)

Malia will readily admit that she’s not a hard-core DIYer, as will I, but kudos to Malia and Shane for their stellar job on this project!

I thought I’d also show you that although her modern decorating taste is quite different from her sister’s vintage preference, my youngest daughter, Mandi, has incorporated a ladder design element in her neat New York City apartment, as well.

Ladder shelf.

As you can imagine, space is at a premium in most NYC apartments.  Mandi and her husband, Cole, found that these ladder book shelves are a perfect solution for creating much needed vertical storage!

Again, it just goes to show you that many design elements can be adapted to various décor styles.

I’d love to be inspired by any unique DIY projects you have recently finished or are tackling now to create your Home Sweet Home!



Cherry Dessert Squares!

Cherry Dessert Squares!

It’s hard to believe that summer is about half over!  Crazy!

Picnics and patio parties are definitely a couple of my favorite things to do during the summer; they also provide a great reason to check off one of the items I listed on my summer bucket list

“Raid My Recipe Box” –and whip up a few family favorite recipes that I haven’t made in a while–CHECK!

Cherry Dessert Squares are perfect for a light, summer treat!

Cherry Dessert Squares.

Cherry Dessert Squares!

After making dough, spoon 1 can of cherry pie filling over 2/3’s dough that’s been pressed into a generously greased jelly roll  pan.  Take the remaining 1/3 dough and drop dollops randomly over the top of the cherries.

Cherry Dessert Squares!

Bake for approximately 30 min. at 350 degrees or until lightly golden brown–the mixture will come out resembling a bit of marblized cherry heaven!

Cherry Dessert Squares

Cool briefly, drizzle with frosting glaze, then cut into squares for a light, summer picnic dessert or patio treat!

Cherry Dessert Squares

With the bright red color of the cherries, you could put a little decorative flag in the center of the squares to give them a little patriotic flair that’s perfect for this time of year.

Cherry dessert squares are also good served warm with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.  My hubby has to have them with a tall, cold glass of milk!

Any fun family recipes you’ve made recently that you had to dig deep in the crevices of your recipe box to find?
