Leather Chair Reading! Seedfolks!

Leather Chair Reading!  Seedfolks!

This special summer edition of Leather Chair Reading might more appropriately be referred to as Wicker Chair Reading, since I usually go out on my patio to read in the evenings after work when it’s cooled off a bit.

Leather Chair Reading! Seedfolks!

I know that most everyone is off celebrating their last “hoorah” so to speak, on this long Labor Day weekend, marking the official end of summer–and my guess is that reading a book isn’t on the list of activities you have planned…but if you do find yourself needing a little breather to just kick back and relax and maybe pick up a good, quick read, I would highly recommend this little gem of a book!


“A young girl clears a small space and digs into the hard soil to plant her precious bean seeds.  Suddenly, the soil and the people around her hold promise.”

Seedfolks book sleeve overview

At the very least, Seedfolks timely message just might help restore your faith in the hope that as human beings we can learn to celebrate our differences and work together to help make this crazy, eclectic world we live in a better place!  Surely, that’s not asking too much, is it…?!!

If you recall, I mentioned in this previous journal entry, that I’d recently joined a neighborhood book club.  This month it was my turn to choose what we read, and Seedfolks is one of my very favorite books.  I felt that the story and theme of this insightful book was a perfect pick for the end of summer.

It’s always fascinating for me to learn about the author of a good book and how the storylines come about.

Good quotes www.mytributejournal.com

This intriguing quote is highlighted on Seedfolks author, Paul Fleischman’s website as he describes his years growing up with a Newberry Award winning father, Sid Fleischman, who often read his books aloud to his family, chapter by chapter, as they were written.  Mr. Fleischman shares that while he may have learned to write from his father, he was no less a product of his mother, who took her gardening skills into the community where she volunteered at a therapeutic garden in an old veteran’s hospital, showing men who’d returned from war how to raise vegetables and flowers, helping them to heal damaged psyches in the process.  His mother arranged book giveaways in cash-poor school districts, as well.  Such a unique background obviously helped provide the foundation for this incredible book.

Thirteen voices of varying ages and from all walks of life tell this amazing story about a garden that eventually transforms the neighborhood…from Kim, the little Korean girl, who first enters the vacant, garbage-filled lot to plant her beans as a way to feel closer to a father she never knew, to Sam, a retired social worker who still felt it was his job to bring people together.

“I start conversations in long lines, on buses and with grocery cashiers.  People see that I am friendly…if I’m lucky, I get them talking to each other.   Sewing up the rips in the neighborhood.”  

Sam in Seedfolks  

Discussing all the characters at our book club, and what happened in their lives that eventually led to them each crossing paths and working together, left you wondering about them after that initial first year in the neighborhood garden.  That’s the powerful impact of a well written book!

Secret gardens of New York City! www.mytributejournal.com

It’s always fun to see evidence of community gardens when I visit my daughter and son-in-law in New York City.  You can see the plots to the right of this picture–this was taken in the fall when I went to see Mandi run in the NYC Marathon, so the gardens had already been harvested.  My friends tell me there are a few around here where I live too.

Fresh garden salad www.mytributejournal.com

It seemed an obvious choice to serve a fresh salad with some produce from my garden at our book club.

Book Club www.mytributejournal.com

Being able to hear another’s viewpoint on various books is always the neat advantage of having a book club–that, and enjoying time well spent with good friends and neighbors.

Succulent gifts! www.mytributejournal.com

It’s always fun to have a small reminder of the neat books we read and the great times we enjoy together at our book club.  

Some more ideas for gifts from the garden coming up soon in my next Garden Therapy journal entry.

Any good books you’ve loved reading this summer?

I’m hoping these Leather Chair Reading journal entries inspire you to pick up a good book, share it with friends and family, then get together and have a lively discussion about it afterward–it sure beats debating politics!

Happy Reading!


A Backyard Camp Out Extravaganza!

A Backyard Camp Out Extravaganza!

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In checking off My Summer Bucket List–one big item remained outstanding until last weekend…

It wasn’t like I was purposely trying to put it off–busy summer schedules just didn’t free up a weekend that worked for everyone until last Friday…and it was well worth the wait!

I think it goes without saying that in planning activities for children, you have to learn to expect the unexpected and be flexible, but that doesn’t mean that a little pre-planning isn’t important…..it is!  I gave Makena and Marli an invitation about a week before the camp out, then on the night of the festivities, I greeted them with a bit of fan fair!  It let the girls know that I was just as excited as they were–it also set the mood for a great weekend!

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photo (70)My daughter informed me that the girls had packed their suitcases all by themselves and had enough for several days!  So much fun!

A Backyyard Camp Out extravaganza! www.mytributejournal.com

I think my granddaughters would have been content to run around and play with their balloons, but there was so much more yet to do at our backyard camp out extravaganza! 

My husband and I might have opted for our favorite picnic hot dogs at our camp out, but Makena and Marli love pizza!

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The girls each made their own pizza–that way they could pile on all the pepperoni and olives they wanted!  When kids pitch in and help make their dinner, sometimes they eat it better too!  

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Brand new pj’s are a must at any backyard camp out extravaganza!  Grandpa especially liked these ones!  

It’s always my hope that as I spend special times with my granddaughters, I can introduce them to some of the fun things their grandpa and I did with their mom when she was growing up!

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Our own kids enjoyed many fun, summer nights playing croquet…Makena and Marli loved playing it too! 

Marshmellow treats! www.mytributejournal.com

No backyard camp out is complete without the marshmallows!  We don’t have a fire pit, so I adapted our marshmallow treat a little.  I cut straws in half to hold the marshmallows, then just filled small bowls with some ice cream toppings and sprinkles and let the girls dip away!

Oh, the sheer joy of watching how quickly a tent can became a backyard fantasy land!

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A Backyard Camp Out Extravaganza! www.mytributejournal.comThere seems to be no better place for UNO game tournaments and flashlight stories than inside a cozy tent!  Makena informed us that she loved having a late, late night!

For a Grandma who usually prefers the comfort of a nice, soft bed, there was no better place to wake up in the morning than beside these two cute girls!

Photo (79)We enjoyed a leisure morning lounging and laughing with Makena and Marli, then after a yummy pancake breakfast, we played a few more games and were just generally silly together before their mom and dad came to pick them up.

Silly! www.mytributejournal.com

Grandpa and Grandma’s Backyard Camp Out may be checked off my Summer Bucket List this year, but I think we’ll make it an annual event!

After A Backyard Camp Out Extravaganza! www.mytributejournal.com I had to chuckle when my daughter sent me this picture of the girls in a text when they were just down the street a few blocks on their way home!  That’s a sure sign that some good playing was done at Grandpa’s and Grandma’s house!  Ha!

What are some fun adventures you’ve enjoyed this summer?

Enjoying Summer! www.mytributejournal.com

I hope everyone is enjoying what’s left of summer!


The Ultimate Food Truck Hot Dog!

The Ultimate Food Truck Hot Dog!

The Ultimate Food Truck Hot Dog! www.mytributejournal.com

I don’t think there’s ever been a hot dog that my husband didn’t like–and the more garnishes it can be smothered in, all the better!  If the hot dog comes from a food truck, well, that is his hot dog nirvana!  Me, I’m good for a hot dog maybe three or four times a year at a ball game or barbecue cookout, usually with some ketchup, a little mustard and a few pickles–then along came World Dog Food Truck at our local Arts Festival a few months ago, and oh my goodness, how my hot dog world has changed…literally! Ha!

The Ultimate Food Cart Hot Dog! www.mytributejournal.com

When my husband and I find something new that we love eating, sometimes we will try to figure out how to replicate it at home–like this version of Red Rock Pub’s Steak Salad.  My husband also has no problem asking the proprietors what ingredients they use…and Joe, the owner of the World Dog, seemed most happy to oblige as we ate these tasty hot dogs!  (There’s sure to be some secrets that are never divulged.)  Whether you go and track down World Dog Food Truck’s latest location or try your hand at making this adapted recipe at home, believe me, you will want to try these hot dogs!

My New Favorite Picnic Hot Dog!

The Ultimate Food Truck Hot Dog! www.mytributejournal.com

At World Dog, Joe told us that he uses pure beef hot dogs–not jumbo sized or extra long, just regular beef hot dogs.

Favorite picnic hot dogs www.mytributejournal.com

My husband and I love the Bar S brand hot dogs–they also taste the most like the ones used by World Dog. 

The Ultimate Food Truck Hot Dog! www.mytributejournal.com

A hot dog just begs to be grilled–that’s what brings out that great, roasted picnic flavor! 

The Ultimate Food Truck Hot Dog! www.mytributejournal.com

 Chop up some cabbage, (about 1/3 medium head for four hot dogs) add some coleslaw dressing, a little lime and about 1/2 tsp. sugar.  You could make your own coleslaw and dressing.  We tried a few different dressings, but Lite House coleslaw dressing was the best for this recipe.  Joe’s World Dog’s coleslaw has a little sweet n’ sour taste, thus the use of limes and sugar, so add them to your preference.

Kraft Honey BBQ sauce www.mytributejournal.com

The final step before you indulge in these wonderful, delectable hot dogs is to drizzle some BBQ sauce over the coleslaw.  We found Kraft’s Honey Barbecue sauce to be most similar to the sauce used–we also added a bit more honey to make it just a little sweeter.    

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Pile the coleslaw on your hot dog, drizzle it with the barbecue sauce for a fabulous picnic hot dog like no other you’ve ever tasted.  I love the crunch of the cabbage mixed with all the other savory flavors! 

Funny story that goes along with our ultimate food truck hot dog experience…my husband had made reservations at a downtown restaurant for later in the evening after we finished up at the Art’s Festival, so he only bought one hot dog, because of course, I told him I’d just have a little bite of his…that’s what we ladies do–am I right!  Long story short, as we continued to browse the booths at the festival, my husband and I each got another of these hot dogs, and ended up cancelling our dinner reservation.  Now, the restaurant we were going to is one of my favorite places to eat, so obviously, we had fallen in love with these hot dogs!

Please let me know if you try these hot dogs at your next barbecue picnic…and how you like them!  Enjoy!


I also want to wish my fun, sweet granddaughter, Makena, a very Happy Birthday tomorrow!  Makena will be turning six years old, she just started first grade and is such a delightful little girl!  Being a Grandma is truly the ultimate experience of my life!

Princess Bell www.mytributejournal.com

   Happy Birthday, Makena!