It’s Hearty Tuna Casserole For Dinner!

It’s Hearty Tuna Casserole for Dinner–And You’re Going To Love It!

It seems that everyone has their favorite comfort foods…it might be something your mom made for you when you were sick, or maybe it’s the ones that remind you of the holidays or other special occasions, perhaps it’s a dish that helps you dissipate the stress of a particularly crazy day.

One of my very favorite comfort foods when I was growing up, especially during the winter months, was my mom’s tuna casserole.  I know, it’s nothing fancy, but there was just something about the warm creaminess of this dish and the loaf of homemade bread that she often served with it, that spoke to my heart and let me know that my mom cared about serving a good, hearty meal to our family.

“If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with them…..the people who give you their food, give you their heart!”  Cesar Chavez    

Since I’ve never been able to find the specific recipe that my mom used for tuna casserole, I have tried my hand at trying to recreate it with other recipes I came across over the years, but they always fell a little short of her version.  Then, my husband adapted a recipe he recently found in a “Taste of Home” magazine, and wha-la, it’s the tuna casserole of my childhood memories, if not better!

Tuna Casserole

Tuna Casserole Recipe

When making this casserole, we use about 3 cups egg noodles and 2 cups rotini noodles.  The combination of these two kinds of noodles makes for a really great texture.  You can also use low sodium/low-fat cream of mushroom soup, I just like the creaminess that the regular soup adds to this recipe.

Tuna Casserole

One of the best parts of this tuna casserole, for me, is the crispy bread crumb topping.  You can certainly use pre-made bread crumbs from the store, but I think that fresh bread crumbs add the perfect finishing touch on this dish!

Tuna Casserole

Serve with some warm artesian bread, or if you’re really feeling ambitious make a fresh loaf of your favorite home-made bread, add a salad and dinner is served!

Tuna Casserole

This hearty tuna casserole is such a simple, yet delicious dinner! 

Please share one of your favorite down-home, comfort dinner foods?


A Second Look At January!

A Second Look At January! 

In between the glitter and gifts of December and the heart décor and pastel hues of February, sits poor January!  Yes, there’s the initial excitement of making some goals and dreams for the new year, and my husband’s birthday is in January–but other than that, I tend to wish January and its winter drabness away!

Yes, I can be a January Grinch!

January Grinch!

The view that typically greets me when I look out my window during the month of January is one of heavy, frosted air and snow encrusted scenery.

Winter in Utah!

But as the sun peaked through the clouds the other day, I found myself reaching for my sunglasses–and in the spirit of being better at seeing the beautiful in the world around me, I decided to take a second look at January!

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My New January Perspective!

There is a unique peacefulness that comes during a January winter storm.  I have to admit that when my little corner of the world is covered with white, fluffy snow, it feels so calm and serene that for a brief time, all seems right with the world!

Enjoying winter weather

Some of my favorite family memories are when we spent more time skiing and playing in the snow!

Beautiful winter weather

If you look close, there really are beautiful pops of color amid the grayish tones of January!

♦ Cheers to healthy living in January!  Living healthier always seems to be a popular New Year’s resolution (or goal, if you prefer) made by most people every year.  After all the Christmas holiday indulgences, and before the Valentine’s Day chocolates and candies make their debut, I know that I am certainly more focused on exercising and eating better during the month of January than probably any other time of year! 


With all the January clearance sales that are going on, you’re sure to find some great deals on new work-out clothes and equipment too.

Speaking of sales–you name it, and it’s usually on sale during January clearance deals!  We’re talking major mark-downs here–it’s the stuff that shopping dreams are made of!

January sales

Bundling up for winter weather is always so much more fun when you feel stylish and you get it on sale…oh, and stocking up during January “white” sales is a must, don’t you think!   Some great deals I have come across this month are: fun scarves from Nordstrom, Steve Madden lace-up boots from Macy’s, a moto jacket from Forever 21, (yep, you read that right, and it’s so cute) and spring has sprung, at least in my bedroom, with new sheets from TJ Maxx!  I was also able to get a screamin’ deal last week on some new tools my husband wanted for his birthday.  I mean really, who knew tools went on sale!  Ha!

♦ The Sundance Film Festival begins in January!   A short drive from where I live in Salt Lake City, Utah, up beautiful Parley’s Canyon, the Sundance Film Festival kicks off in the quaint town of Park City during the third week of January.  Festival coordinators are good to make sure that a number of tickets are made available for local residents to attend this star-studded event–many at a discounted price.

Sundance Film Festival in Park city, Utah

If there’s fresh snow, skiing is another great January option in Park City.  Usually Park City doesn’t get socked in with the bad air inversion like it does down in the valley, so that’s another reason to spend some time up there in January.

Enjoyring winter weather

My cute granddaughters always inspire me to go out and enjoy the winter weather of January!

When all is said and done, there is nothing quite like coming in from the cold outdoors, putting on some warm pajamas and getting cozy in those brand new sheets you bought on sale while you read a good book!

January "white" sales

What I’m learning now is…

I really am glad to live in an area where I can experience all four seasons, and I believe it’s always a good idea to gain better perspective on something that isn’t particularly your favorite–but to be perfectly honest, I will be glad when spring weather does finally come! 

What are some things you do to enjoy January and winter weather? 


Cinderella Days! Fun And Games!

Cindrella Days! Cinderella Days!  Fun & Games!

My granddaughters, Makena and Marli, love playing games–and I suppose they come by their gaming abilities quite naturally, since my husband’s mother was quite a card shark and their Grandpa Wilding loves the competitive nature of a spirited game being played out!

When these sweet girls were little, we played all the usual games that are still popular for younger children, like Candy Land, Go Fish, Chutes and Ladder, and Memory, but now that they are growing up, it’s fun to see them developing their game chops and becoming a force to be reckoned with at the game table!

Doc McStuffin's Operation game.

Even children’s games that have been around for a while have been given a new face-lift, so to speak, with cute cartoon characters from popular children’s TV shows!  Marli loves her Doc Mcstuffins Operation game.

Fun New Children’s Games!

Just like many of you, our family spent many hours during the Christmas holiday playing games.  Here’s a list of a few new games that are especially fun for kids to play and were a big hit with my granddaughters.

  • Scrabble Scoop is a fast-paced children’s version of the original Scrabble game that so many adults love playing.  The letter tiles are mixed up in a large bowl that comes with the game, then each player takes turns scooping as many letters as they can with the orange spoons that are also provided.  The players work quickly to spell the word they’ve chosen on a card that is passed out at the beginning of each game.  The cards have words of varying degrees of difficulty, which makes this a great game for children with different levels of letter recognition and reading ability.  When their word is completed, the winning player puts a hand over the bowl and calls out “Scooped” –that way no more letters can be retrieved by other players.

Fun children's games.

Scramble Scoop is a great game to help kids learn letters and words if they are just beginning to read.  Even though Marli can’t read, she does know her letters and can match the tiles to the easier words, while Makena does the harder words since she can read most of them now. 

  • The Garden Game is a cleverly designed board game that was just awarded the Oppenheim Toy Award for best new game.  All I know, is that my granddaughters love this game.  The artwork is beautiful and setting up each of the garden pieces prior to actually playing the game is half the fun!

Garden Game by Eeboo.

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The object of this game is to spin the number wheel and work your way around the board until you have collected an item from each garden.   I think I love this game as much as Makena and Marli do!

  • While Spoons is a game we’ve been playing for a number of years, usually with old cruise-ship face cards and mismatched spoons; we often adapted the rules as we played too.  Now Patch Products has come out with a fun, updated variation of this game that comes with brightly colored spoons and matching cards.  The game also comes with an official rules card…imagine that!


You start spoons by setting out one less spoon than the number of players, then after all the players are dealt four cards, the dealer quickly passes the cards to the person on the left–cards continue to be passed in tandem to all the other players.  When someone gets four matching cards, they quickly sneak a spoon.  Often it seems, everyone gets so caught up in keeping pace with the cards being passed and getting all their matches that the game can go on for a while before everyone realizes all the spoons have been taken. 

Spoons game by Patch Products. www.mytributejournal.comMakena takes her games very seriously and has honed her skills well on this game…she has become a particularly sneaky spoon stealer!  

  • Uno Dare is a silly adaptation of the original UNO game and I’m here to tell you, it’s a riot!  Some special cards come with the game that when used, gives a player the option of accepting a dare rather than drawing extra cards when it’s their turn, and since winning is determined by being the first one to get rid of all your cards, this is a fun alternative.  We played this game as a family on Christmas Eve and laughed so hard at the crazy antics people were willing to do so they didn’t have to draw any cards.

UNO Dare Game.

The “dares” range anywhere from having to balance a card on each shoulder until your next turn, to blowing the top card off of the draw pile.  Makena helped her Uncle Cole show off his best dance moves during one of his turns–I wish I had a picture of that, it was seriously so hilarious!  One of the things that makes this game so much fun is that it allows kids to see adults being a little silly–and that’s always a good thing, I think!    


I think one of the things Grandpa loves most about game nights is that Marli usually wants to be on his team–then no matter what, you walk away a winner!

What are some fun games your children love to play together as a family! 
