I Can!

I Can Become A Better Version Of Myself!

So here it is, a brand new year…and with it comes the onslaught of reminders of what we ought to be doing to make our lives better.  While that’s not all bad, I’ve decided to concentrate on the doable here, and create a theme for each month to help me live my life to its fullest!  For the month of January, I’m focusing on the things I can do to become a better version of myself!

Nelson Mandela quote.

To begin with…let’s get a usual New Year’s resolution culprit out of the way–sigh!  I Can…try some new exercise routines.  I usually do a pretty good job at working out 4-5 times a week, but I tend to get stuck in a rut doing my same few routines over and over again.

Weight machines.

It’s very unlikely that I will ever run a marathon race with my husband, but perhaps instead of just going our separate ways when we hit the gym…I can have him help me maneuver my way around the vast land of the weight machine room better, or I can take a few of his beloved spin cycling classes with him.  In turn, maybe he will want to try a few workout classes with me or go for a whirl on my favorite cross fit machine!  More time spent with a loved one getting healthier is definitely a worthy  “I Can” goal!

I Can…learn to make a few new recipes from the cookbooks that my husband and I have collected over the years…but tend to not use too much!

The Big Cookbook Challenge!

I love giving fun cookbooks and some unique baking dishes from a vintage shop for wedding gifts.  Too often though, my husband and I find ourselves with another cookbook in hand for ourselves before we can escape the store.  The problem is, we usually just end up drooling over over the luscious meals so beautifully pictured on the pages and don’t actually get around to making too many of them!  But we are making 2016 the year of  “The Cookbook Challenge!”  We have both vowed to make at least one new recipe from our large stockpile of cookbooks each month.  Since it’s just the two of us most nights, we find it easy to grab a bite to eat at a favorite local joint, or throw a quick meal together at home after a busy day.  But I am up for the challenge, and it will be fun to share a little about our venture here with you in some upcoming cooking challenge posts.  I CAN do this!

I Can…learn from others, enjoy their talents and celebrate what makes them so uniquely wonderful!Yay_black_on_blush_grande

One of the things I loved most about my father was that he always strived to learn new things.  He was intrigued with people from all walks of life and celebrated their contributions to making the world such an interesting place–however big or small!  On occasion he’d pick up a new hobby that his friends taught him, but mostly he was perfectly happy to let them shine and gladly became a supportive member of their cheering team when they shared their talents with others.  I can certainly be someone’s biggest cheerleader as they strive to become a better version of themselves!  Yay!!! 

I Can…plan happiness–for myself and for others.  I have found that as you plan happiness, it naturally becomes a bigger part of your everyday life!


I consider myself to be a pretty happy person, but a few years ago when I embarked on the “100 Days of Happiness” challenge, (See it here.) I soon realized my romantic notion that happiness needed to be spontaneous and fun and wasn’t necessarily linked to my busy, daily routine was a bit naïve.  While celebrating special occasions and enjoying weekend activities can definitely be attributed to the reason for great happiness in our lives, we can also plan to make it overflow into the so-called mundane routine of our everyday lives.  Washing your husband’s truck, making a special meal for your family on a typical week night, taking a favorite treat to a co-worker or giving them a sincere compliment, mailing letters or packages to loved ones who live far away just for fun, or calling a friend to go get a drink while you catch up on each other lives are the kinds of little things that create true, long lasting happiness, and I can do this!   

I Can…learn to listen better.  I can maintain eye contact, nod, frown, smile, ask questions…because this shows the other person that I think they are important, and they are!

Stephen Covey quote.

In his best selling book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” author, Stephen R. Covey wrote that when you do speak after listening, it’s best not to offer advice unless you’re asked–and when speaking, you should consider what really matters most to the other person and not yourself.  As I have gotten older, I’ve learned that I need to listen more carefully, and then when I do talk, I should choose words that uplift and help others feel better about themselves and their circumstances.  I can learn to listen better and show more love and understanding when I do talk–I know that’s what I want when I need a listening ear!

And finally…

I Can…choose to see the good!  No matter what–there is always some good to be found in the world around us…and the people in it!

Seeing life through children's eyes!

As you watch the news on TV, you can’t help but feel like nothing is going right with the world sometimes.  But I can learn to see the good more, especially as I look at things through the eyes of my sweet granddaughter, Marli, and revel in the magic of each day, even the snowy ones…for truly, life is good–we just need to look around! 

What are some of the things you know you can do this year…please share!


Healthy, Wealthy And Wise! Calories, Cash And Celebrating A New Year!

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!  Calories, Cash And Celebrating A New Year!

I hope everyone enjoyed some fun family time, yummy food, and neat gifts during this special holidays season.  In anticipating the arrival of a new year, I thought I’d share a few things that are on my mind for this December “Healthy, Wealthy and Wise” journal entry.

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise! www.mytributejournal.com

Having realistic expectations about your daily challenges is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life!   Marilu Henner, actress

Being healthy. www.mytributejournal.comIt seems to go without saying, that a common New Year’s goal for almost everyone is to live healthier.  For me, this includes taking a common sense approach; voodoo diets or quick-fix tactics just don’t work.  I have found that it seems to work best if I try and incorporate a few key core strategies that ultimately become a part of my overall lifestyle.  In my studies about nutrition over the years, one factor is always proven true…calories count!

Put it in simple terms, calories are defined as units of energy supplied by food we eat.  In order to maintain a healthy body weight, the calories consumed from food must be balanced by calories used in normal bodily functions, daily activities and exercise.

As I researched information to help me be more resourceful in losing a few pounds recently, I came across this video by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention that effectively outlines how finding a good life balance by counting calories, eating healthy and exercising doesn’t need to be too complicated…a reminder we all need once in awhile.

Gaining wealth. www.mytributejournal.comNo doubt, after holiday expenses, most of us are feeling a little cash crunch as we pay off our bills and start to think of financial goals for the new year ahead.

Although my husband and I both work hard and try to budget sensibly, if we ever do find ourselves wanting to add a substantial amount to our savings plan or help our children with unexpected expenses they might have, we’ll often revert back to the cash system we used to help us with our finances when we were younger.  In the card-swiping culture we live in today, it’s a good way to really see where your money goes and reign in unnecessary expenses.


After establishing a written budget, make and use cash envelopes.  In addition to making an envelope for specific monthly mortgage and utility bills, make ones for categories like: groceries, drug, home improvement, entertainment…etc.  There’s nothing quite like the visual reminder of spending cash instead of plastic to keep your spending under control.  I think it’s fun once in awhile to see if you’re up to the challenge of using cash for most of your expenses.

Using wisdom. www.mytibutejournal.comI love celebrating the arrival of a fresh new year and the anticipation of what might be ahead in the upcoming year, but as stated in this previous journal entry, making new year’s resolutions tends to make me a little grumpy!  But recently, I heard about a smart way to outline goals so that they’re a lot more doable and a little less daunting.

Often, it is simply a matter of having a more focused mindset as to how we’d like to accomplish the goals we have set for ourselves, then breaking them down into smaller increments so we can make wise choices to achieve them.


Whether you’re one to make New Year’s resolution lists or not, I think it seems like a good idea to try and be better at celebrating the imperfectly, perfect things about ourselves!  Let’s also try and find a little bit of magic in each day too!


Here’s to being “gloriously ourselves” in 2016!!!

I’d love to hear about a goal you accomplished this past year? 

(Look for fun, new “Balanced Lifestyle” journal entries coming in 2016!)


Christmas Cinderella Days! Holiday Activities and Goodies!

Christmas Cinderella Days!  Holiday Activities And Goodies!

My husband and I always love spending time with our two granddaughters, but it’s especially fun during the holiday season!  Lately, we have really enjoyed some neat Christmas “Cinderella Days” together!  Children always have a way of spreading a special Christmas spirit!

Special Christmas Activities And Goodies For Children.

It’s good to be children sometimes…but never better than at Christmastime!

Fun, Simple Activities And Goodies For Kids!

My husband is the ultimate tool guy, so it’s fun to see him nurturing the inner DIY personalities of our granddaughters, Makena and Marli!

Simple, fun activities with kids.

As I mentioned in this earlier journal entry, on the first Saturday of every month, Home Depot provides all the supplies for a fun kid’s craft.  It’s neat to see how excited my granddaughters are about making something with their grandpa…and the finished project makes for a fun holiday decoration for their rooms.  

One of my favorite Christmas memories with my own children was stacking up all the Christmas books and then piling on the couch to read them together.

Christmas books.

My granddaughters love doing the same thing now.  A favorite new book this year is Merry Christmas, Mr. Mouse, about a mouse family who moves into a warm spot beneath the kitchen stove of a big house one cold winter.  Soon Mr. Mouse and his family learn about a baby born long ago, and a jolly man named Santa who brings gifts to celebrate the special child’s birth on a day called Christmas!   

Although kids usually love games of any sort, funny made-up Christmas games are always a big hit!

Fun activities for kids.

My husband got these large, puff dice at a work event he attended.  I made up a Christmas game where there’s an activity associated with the number that’s shaken on the dice.  For example, sing a line or two from your favorite Christmas carol, what’s a favorite gift you’ve given, or how have you been nice this year…etc.   

(Amazon carries these dice.  They are fun to play regular games like Yatzee too.) 

I think anytime children can attend any formal Christmas programs, or better yet, participate in them, it can’t help but make them feel the spirit of Christmas!

Makena playing her violin.

A highlight for our family the last few years is being able to watch our oldest, granddaughter, Makena, play her violin at various Christmas programs around town during this special time of year.  It’s a nice reward for all the hours she practices to see how much people love seeing her perform the beautiful songs she plays!

Baking with these two, cute girls always provides a great time, but making holiday goodies doesn’t have to be too complicated to be fun!


These darling powdered-sugar donut snowmen are so easy to make!!  All you’ll need is some skewer sticks, mini chocolate chips, and a few gum drops.  Marli said it was kind of hard to eat their cute faces! 

Christmas goodies for kids

Kids love fun goodies that are served in miniature size.  I’m excited to have individual chocolate fondue plates for Christmas Eve dinner.  So yummy, and yet so easy to make!  Just heat up some ice cream hot fudge in small bowls and serve with any fruit and cake bites. 

I love seeing Christmas through the eyes of children–they have such a unique way of reminding us what this special season is really about!

Celebrating Christmas with children!

My granddaughter, Marli, has always been drawn to the little figure of Jesus in the wood nativity I have displayed in my family room at Christmastime–she tells me that she just loves Him so much!  Such a wonderful sentiment from this sweet, wise soul! 

I hope everyone takes time to really enjoy the rest of this Christmas season with all your family members–young and old alike!

What are some fun activities and goodies you enjoy with the kids in your family?
