The Best Advice…A Compilation!

The Best Advice…A Compilation!

I’m always drawn to people who seem content in the ordinary and have a deep appreciation for life’s basic experiences; they find sincere pleasure in enjoying their day to day routines; they find satisfaction in simple friendships, creating something, helping those in need, reading a good book, a job well done, chuckling at the absurdities of life…..the list is endless.  One of the things I find exceptional about these wonderful people is their willingness to be open to advice that will help them know what they are capable of accomplishing so they can be successful in life.  We all have our own strengths and weaknesses, that’s just the nature of our lives, but I believe it is inherent in all of us to seek the best advice that will help us live our best lives!

The best advice...A Compilation!

“The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge!”  Bertrand Russell

The Best Advice From Some Of The Best People I Know!

I guess it’s only fitting that I start with some advice that my cute hubby, who is a financial consultant by profession, finds particularly enlightening–I think he likes the play on words!


My husband is also an avid reader and “old school” to the extent that he has absolutely no Social Media inclinations whatsoever, thus this sage advice seems to be his life’s mantra!
The Best Advice...A Compilation!I have a dear nurse friend, Carol, who I worked with for many years until her retirement last year…she is always so wise and kind–she makes you want to be a better person when you’re around her!  We recently planned a lunch date and I asked her what her secret was for living with such positive energy, without hesitation she replied,

“If you want to be happy…you have to be happy on purpose!”

Bloom where you are planted.

“When you wake up each morning–you can’t wait and see what kind of day you will have.  You have to be the one to decide what kind of day you will have.  THRIVE…in spite of your circumstances!”

Another fun friend, Kellee, who along with her neat husband, has raised four boys.  They often used these wise words to help their sons establish a good foundation for a strong work ethic!


Along with busy school schedules and other jobs, Kellee’s boys run a lawn care business with their dad.  Many yards in our neighborhood and surrounding areas have benefitted from their expert skills.


Kellee also tells her boys to be nice to everyone–you never know, she warns, who you may end up working for or who your neighbor will be when you move out and are on your own!  Good advice, Kellee!

When I married my husband, I also got a wonderful extended family in his parents and eight siblings.  Two of his sisters recently shared some advice with me that has helped them keep a happy perspective about life.

Serve others quote.

My sister-in-law, Colette, shared with me that the best advice she got was from her parents, who never really expressed it in words, per se, but rather by their example of never turning down the privilege to serve.  “My parents always accepted the opportunity to serve with valiant hearts.  They were kind, selfless ministers to others their whole lives and wonderful examples of Christ-like love!” 

Wendy is the youngest of my husband’s siblings, and she told me that when she was deep in the trenches of raising her young family and feeling torn between trying to keep her house clean and taking time to play with her kids and enjoy their “kid-ness” (aka–messes) a friend shared some great advice on how to do both and keep her sanity!  “My friend suggested cleaning one room a day.  When it’s done, let it go.  Cleaning house this way was so liberating!  I knew that each week every room was clean under the clutter my kids made.”   

Sidwalk art.

“May my children look back on this day and see a mom who had time to play.  There will be years for cleaning and cooking, but children can grow up quickly while we’re not looking!”   A Mother’s Prayer

The Best Advice...A Compilation!

Even though their kids are grown-up and on their own now, these cute ladies still have a lot of fun and are always young at heart!

I think we all know someone who has an insatiable appetite for discovering all the fun nuances about the world around them.  For me that person is my friend, Marilyn.  So of course, I just had to ask her what her best advice would be…and her answer was delightful!

Live Curious!”  

“Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it has added spice to my life.” 

Marilyn goes on to explain that she was extremely shy as a child and teenager, but her avid sense of curiosity pushed her and led her into situations and places that have brought her a lot of joy and knowledge.  “Not holding back when I was curious about things or people I wanted to understand better has given me so many choice life experiences, new friends and wonderful talents.  Hopefully, unlike the cat, I’ll know when not to be too curious.”

Live Curious! The Millard House by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Marilyn took these pictures as she was peeking through the gate of the Millard House in Pasadena, California.  It’s one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous four-patterned block houses built in the 1920’s.  

No advice post would be complete without the wisdom my father shared often…and with everyone!

“What is almost as important as breathing?”

The Best Advice...A Compilation!

“Getting a good education!”

My dad was a brilliant educator who loved his profession; he truly believed that the key to being able to go out into the world and make a difference was getting a good education!

Following this same train of thought, a wonderful friend and teacher, Catherine, who wants kids to love learning, shared this beautiful insight…

“Kids are candles waiting to be lit, not buckets waiting to be filled.”

My mother’s wise advice was always the perfect mix between trying to inspire our family to do better and yet somehow find contentment along the way!

Faith quote.

“The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most of every day”  Merle M. Jorgensen, my cute mom

And lastly, I’m offering this advice since as a nurse I’m often asked by friends and acquaintances who I’d recommend as a good doctor for their medical care.  Just like you’d expect, there are as many physician personalities as there are patients!

Robin Williams as Patch Adams.

(via “Patch Adams” with Robin Williams)

Some people want their doctor to have the funny, soft-hearted approach of a Patch Adams… 

William Hurt in the movie, "The Doctor".

(via “The Doctor” with William Hurt) 

…while others, my husband included, like a doctor with a straight forward, no fluff approach.

…so my advice is always to find a doctor who you feel is invested in your health and that you are comfortable in communicating your concerns!  Nothing should be compromised when it comes to your health and wellbeing!

(I’ve worked as a Maternity and NICU nurse for many years.  You can read some advice I offer on occasion to new parents and grandparents here.)

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this advice segment.  I’ve been so touched and humbled by the many responses I received on this topic that I’m going to make it a regular series on the journal.  We all benefit when others are willing to share with the universe the advice and wisdom that motivates them to live better–so be prepared to be inspired!

What tidbits of wisdom have helped you on your life’s journey, I know you have some, so please share it with us here!  

–Here’s to living our best lives!  Mary

Lessons Learned!

Lessons Learned!

As I get another year older…I’m so grateful that my parents were such good examples of teaching me how to love life in all its various stages.

Life Lessons Learned! Embrace the current season of your life quote.

We’ve all heard the saying, “with age comes wisdom” –however, I suppose that we have to be willing to learn in order to gain that wisdom!

Being An Avid Learner!

Celebrating another birthday seems like as good a time as any to reflect on a few of the life lessons I’ve learned over the years…although I hope to be an avid learner in the school of life, so to speak, for many years to come!

Small daily habits are important.   As a nurse, I often see people who don’t feel well because they haven’t taken very good care of themselves.  Sure, we all get sick once in a while, but if there is one life lesson I’ve learned that seems to compromise the outcome of other great lessons to be learned in this life, it’s taking our health for granted.  It’s never too late to make it a daily habit to look forward to each new day, pray, exercise, eat fresh food, brush our teeth and be more aware of all the little things that can help inspire us to live better!Life Lessons Learned. Aristotle quote.Be stronger than yesterday.  My parents grew up in what has been coined as “the greatest generation”having persevered during the tumultuous times marked by the historic economic downfall of the stock market in the 1930’s, followed by World War II.  At every turn in their lives, they taught me that personal duty, integrity and faith should be the defining characteristics in how I face challenges in my life.  My mom always had a quiet dignity about her, but she was fierce in teaching her children that every day was a good day to be stronger and make a difference!


Change is inevitable.  When we hear this cliché, it seems to imply something bad…but if there’s one life lesson that is a persistent teacher, it’s that life is change!  Change can become one of our greatest life lessons and allows for the most personal growth if we allow ourselves the permission to step outside our comfort zone and learn from it.  As I’ve embraced change and impermanence in my life, surprisingly I have found more inner peace and contentment.  In fact, on those occasions when it seems my life has hit a plateau, so to speak, whether it’s in my relationships, my job, my health…I try to change things up a bit to keep things fresh and even a little unpredictable.

Life Lessons Learned! Change is inevitable.

• Deliberately choose the people you spend the most time with.  If we spend time with people who bring out our best personality traits, but at the same time challenge our fears and insecurities, chances are we’ll become the best version of ourselves.  Sometimes people come into our lives at a crucial time because something in us wants to learn–and they too want to learn from us…and a lovely friendship is formed.  I’m so grateful for all the incredible people in my life who love me unconditionally and teach me wonderful life lessons through their examples so that I can continue to cultivate my true potential!

Life Lessons Learned! Surround ourself with good people!

• Trust your heart.  I have found that if we stay true to ourselves, our hearts will never guide us wrong.  Throughout my life, I’ve often felt the pull between what other people think I should do (or what the accepted standard is) and what my heart discreetly and sincerely tries to tell me is right.  The world likes to bombard us with big promises, glorified acclamations and even false adulation, resulting in our egos getting in the way of what we know, deep down, is in our best interest.  Call it intuition or a small inner voice, it is essential for us to take a step back from our busy lives once in awhile, so we can honor our true feelings and trust that our hearts will help us make the decisions that will bring us genuine and lasting happiness.  Like anything else, this takes time and practice, but the reward for doing so will ultimately be what defines our personal legacy!

Life Lesson Learned! Trust your heart.

And finally, a few other important lessons I’m always trying to learn better…

Life Lessons Learned!

I’d love to know what life lesson or advice has helped you most in your life? 


Make A Difference!

Make A Difference!

As a new year approaches, I think most people are inspired to take the opportunity to make the upcoming year better than the last…but rather than just focusing solely on what we might do to improve our own habits and circumstances, I’d like to suggest that perhaps this year, we try just as hard to make a difference in the lives of others, as well.

Make A Difference!

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”  Mahatma Gandhi

Make A Difference For The Better!

I have been very fortunate in my life, to rub shoulders with passionate people who are dedicated to living well and making a difference for the better…not only in their own lives, but in those of their family members, neighbors, work associates and communities.  Their selfless actions are contagious and always inspire me to up my game, so to speak, as I try to be a better influence for good myself. 

Make A Difference!

“Be who God meant you to be…and you will set the world on fire!”  Catherine of Siena

Three Doable Ways To Make A Difference!

I am a big believer in the power of one…one unique person, one simple idea, one kind action…each can cause a ripple effect that makes a big difference.  This simple concept can change the trajectory of many lives–including our own!  Here then, are three ways I think will help us all make a difference as we celebrate a new year!

1.  Daily Devotions!  

In trying to better catch a glimpse into the “big picture” of my life…I tend to face the day with better perspective and more focus on others when I take the time to acknowledge a higher power.  Whether through meditation, scripture study or prayer, inviting God into our lives seems like a sure way to start the day off right, helping us to be more genuine in our actions as we associate with others.

Daily Devotions!

“The purpose of life, of course, is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate; to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

2.  Do Good!

As we strive to reach out to one another with a more dedicated desire to do good and with a certain level of excellence, we can’t help but inspire each other to do better and make a difference as we work together to make our journey in life more joyful!

Abraham Lincoln quote.

My father used to tell a story of an elderly man who was a forklift operator at a big warehouse.  “The man would ride the forklift around with a big smile on his face and always exuded great passion for his job.  Knowing that most of his younger co-workers would eventually move on from this menial labor, he often felt compelled to remind them to do good and be the best at the job they were doing…no matter where life took them.  The man made everyone feel good.”  After reciting the story, my dad always asked a question: Do you have a special person in your life that you think of when you interact with others…someone that reminds you to always do good and be your best?  Most of life is simply showing up and putting your heart, mind and soul into whatever it is you are doing, no matter how mundane.  Showing up in life and doing good allows you a committed chance at making a difference every day for the people you love, the people you will meet, and the person you will eventually become!

Reach out and do good.

“Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of others; step forward, reach out and help with graciousness.”   Pablo

3.  Dare To Dream!

If there was ever a notion that my husband and I  wanted to impress upon our children, it was that they should dream big, work hard and surround themselves with good people.  Most “overnight” success stories that we hear of, are often about people who are persistent in achieving their goals despite having to wrangle with many trials and errors along the way.  These individuals show great thoughtfulness in making decisions and are always willing to learn; they also seem to have equal parts of depth in character and humility of heart…making them a powerful force against the words and actions of naysayers who would tell them that their dreams are impossible!

“I am always blown away by the good and dedicated people who help hold our society together with their dreams.”  Jeff Chaplin

Make A Difference In The New Year!

I believe that we are put on this earth to realize God’s plan for each of us and make the world a better place.  As we look forward to the New Year, it’s my deepest desire that together we will raise the standard of living well by implementing more fully the power of our beliefs, the decency of our actions and the fulfillment of our collective dreams!

God's plan for you quote.

“Stand for something.  Make your life mean something.  Start where you are with what you have.  You are enough.”  Germany Kent

Please inspire us with some of your dreams and aspirations for the coming New Year.  

–Best wishes, Mary