A Smile Worthy Moment!

A Smile Worthy Moment!

Smile Worthy! www.mytributejournal.com It was a typical morning as I grabbed a granola bar and headed out the door to work a few days ago.  My car seemed to be in auto pilot as I drove my usual route to the hospital where I’m a nurse on a woman’s floor.  I was juggling the load in my arms to free up a finger for the elevator button, when I was greeted with the warm smile of an operating room orderly as he punched it for me.  As the doors opened onto my unit, the kind eyes of our housekeeper met mine and smiled as she uttered a soft hello.  My busy day at work hadn’t even gotten underway, but already it seemed to be a little less daunting due to the gracious gestures of two people who seemed to think I was smile worthy that morning!

When I made rounds on my patients later that morning, I was welcomed by the sleepy smiles of tired, but happy parents as they snuggled their newborns.  Then, during a quick break, I received a picture that my daughter sent me of my oldest granddaughter, Makena…her smile reached out and touched my heart through the phone screen!  That’s when it hit me, I truly am very blessed to experience so many smile worthy moments in my daily routine!  I realize, however, that I need to do better at being more mindful of these moments and the positive impact they have on even my most ordinary days!

Smile Worthy! www.mytributejournal.com

Makena couldn’t contain her excitement or her big smile when on a recent day off from her school, she was asked by her sister, Marli’s pre-school teacher to stay and help out! 

Recently, I took on the Happiness Challenge–now I’m challenging myself, as well as anyone else who would would like to join me in taking on a simplified version of this challenge, so to speak, that I’m calling “Smile Worthy Moments”!  I think for the most part, we all try hard to recognize those special, happy times in our lives when we look around and take notice of those things that make us smile or even chuckle a bit–but I want to make a more dedicated effort at being more genuinely aware of those smile inducing moments–and perhaps linger in their enjoyment a little more!

Some Recent Smile Worthy Moments!

♦ Occasionally on my days off, I’ll walk out to the kitchen in the morning to find my husband has fixed us a nice breakfast to enjoy together!

Breakfast oatmeal www.mytributejournal.com I never really liked hot cereal until my husband made his specialty oatmeal for me–now it’s one of my favorite breakfasts!  Besides who doesn’t smile big when you get to enjoy a meal you don’t have to fix!

♦ Let’s be honest, kids and grandchildren just have a way of making your whole soul smile from the inside-out!

Sharing A Smile Worthy Moment! www.mytributejournal.com

Family relationships often bring on a kaleidoscope of emotions, but they are most definitely the reason for our biggest smiles!  Wearing my leopard coat makes me smile too!  

Smile Worthy! www.mytributejournal.com

On our recent “Backyard Campout” with our granddaughters, my husband and I wore those silly grandparent grins on our faces the whole night…especially when we all got in jammies and read stories together inside the tent!  I’m pretty sure we were even smiling in our sleep–the little bit we got!  Ha! 

 Seeing our children and their spouses work hard to see their career choices come true is always worthy of big smiles!

The Hippocratic Oath!Along with his parents and my daughter, my husband and I were indeed smiling when we saw our son-in-law graduate from NYU’s medical school this past year.

Smile Worthy! www.mytrbutejournal.com

I not only smiled, I laughed a little too, when my daughter sent me this picture of Cole at the end of a late night shift as he now embarks on his Emergency Medicine residency…her smile worthy caption read: “Oh, the glamorous life of a doctor!”  I think it’s probably safe to say that whatever our “job” is, most include great things and not so great things about them, but surely they all include things that make us smile on occasion!  

Sweet preemie newborns www.mytributejournal.com

As a nurse, I well understand the long, busy hours of hospital life.  That being said, my littlest patients always inspire heartwarming smiles.     

 It’s always wonderful to work hard and accomplish some of our own goals in life, but being able to witness the smiles of others who have accomplished their dreams is awe-inspiring and indeed smile worthy!  

Smile Worthy! www.mytributejournal.com

My whole family trained hard to run a half marathon together!  Their tired, but happy smiles say it all; they definitely evoked encouraging smiles from me as I cheered them on from the side lines! 

Last year my youngest daughter, Mandi, trained and fulfilled her dream of running in the New York City Marathon.

The New York Marathon 2013! www.mytributejournal.com

There were so many triumphant smiles on countless faces that day, since many who ran, did so to pay tribute to all those affected by the tragedy that took place at the Boston Marathon the previous April.  

♦ Another smile worthy moment for me occurred when I was pleasantly surprised by the delivery of these beautiful fall flowers!

Fall foliage www.mytributejournal.com

The note accompanying these flowers stated, “Hope you have a big smile kind of day!”  How could it not be a smile worthy moment after being the recipient of this gorgeous bouquet!  I decided to pay the gesture forward, hopefully creating a smile worthy moment for someone else! 

Sharing A Smile Worthy Moment!

Sharing A Smile Worthy Moment! www.mytributejournal.com

I hope you’ll join me on my Smile Worthy sojourn…besides, even if a particular day isn’t the most happy day of your life, it seems there is always something to smile about!  (I’m inclined to believe that more smiles=more happiness!)  I’ll be sharing some of my smile worthy moments from time to time in future posts and sincerely hope you will be inclined to share some of yours here too.  I’ll also put a few smile worthy moments up on my Instagram account @maryjwild1 and on Facebook and Twitter, as well.  I say we all work together and create a wonderful domino effect that should prove to have us all smiling more!           

Be the reason someone smiles today, or even better yet, perhaps you will be the lucky person that smiles because of someone else’s smile worthy gesture! 


Yay, November!

Yay, November!

It has been such an amazing fall so far…but even as the temperatures start to get colder, and snow is dusting the mountain tops as I look out my windows, I can still honestly say…

Celebrating November! www.mytributejournal.com

Some of the reasons I’m saying “Yay, November”!

Did you know that today is National Sandwich Day!  Yep, that’s right, one of America’s all-time favorite things to eat has a special day of celebration!

History records that November 3rd is the birthday anniversary of John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich.  This 18th-century English aristocrat was apparently a hard-core gambler who didn’t want to leave the gaming table to eat, so he told his servants to place some meats between two slices of bread so he could continue to play in a gambling tournament while eating his lunch.

The Italian Sandwich Place www.mytributejournal.com

The Italian Place in Logan, Utah, is a fun, eclectic place to eat.  Their roast beef sandwich, the Manhattan, served hot with melted provolone cheese and banana peppers, is probably one of mine and my husband’s all-time favorite sandwiches.

Manhattan Roast Beef sandwich from Italian Place www.mytributejournal.com

My husband often goes to the Italian Place whenever he’s in Logan on business, and has become good friends with the owner who let him in on some of the basic ingredients of the Manhattan sandwich.  We make our version of this scrumptious sandwich for weekend parties and game nights.  (I will share the yummy recipe soon on an upcoming post.)    

We get to experience our right to VOTE in November–tomorrow, in fact!

I was always so impressed with the patriotic hearts of my dear parents when I was growing up.  They saw the opportunity to vote as a most cherished privilege!

Autumn scenery www.mytributejournal.com

“I love voting day, I love the sight of other American citizens lining up to make their voices heard.”  from the life history of Merle M. Jorgensen

Our right to vote is a privilege! www.mytributejournal.com

If you aren’t sure where your voting district is located, or you’d like to study more on each candidate and their stand on various issues, visit your local government website.  It was nice for me to be able to sit down with my husband and read more about the amendments that were being voted on too.

Voting ballots www.mytributejournal.com

Our county is trying a new mail-in ballot with detailed instructions on how to fill them out included.  They must be postmarked a day before official voting takes place.

The cold weather of November calls for some warm, cozy slippers to be worn!

Knitted slippers www.mytributejournal.com

I got these knitted slippers from the Esty shop, DaisyChain–they remind me of ones my grandma used to knit.

Ugg slippers www.mytributejournal.com

And who knew that the company who makes the popular Ugg boots, also makes slippers.  Don’t these just say, “Hello winter!” Love the color!

November is the perfect month to enjoy spicy, warm quick breads!

I know everyone has their favorite family recipe for pumpkin spice bread, but if you want to whip up a quick loaf without a lot of fuss, I highly recommend this Krusteaz Pumpkin Spice Quick Bread!

Pumpkin Spice Quick Bread Mix www.mytributejournal.com

I put a loaf in my oven this morning before I started taking down my Halloween decorations.  My house smells like November now! 

Pumpkin Spice Quick Bread www.mytributejournal.com

My husband recently discovered that they sell extra large boxes that contain enough for 4 loaves of pumpkin bread at Costco.  

Like any other month of the year, November is a great time to appreciate all the things we have, and enjoy spending fun times with family and friends!

Fall leaves www.mytributejournal.com

 I know two little girls who are saying “Yay” to November too!

I would love to hear about some of the things that make you say “Yay, November”?


Fall Favorites!

Fall Favorites!

My summer lovin’ ways have definitely succumbed to the enjoyment of all my fall favorites!

Fall Favorites! www.mytributejournal.com

Each season brings with it the colors, tastes and traditions that we so dearly cherish about them!

Fall Colors Are My Favorite!

For me, the richness of all the fall colors are sort of like a big, warm bear hug!

image (15)

Colorful chrysanthemums and a variety of gourds always welcomes fall so perfectly!   

Fall leaves www.mytributejournal.com

I love to take leisure evening walks or Sunday afternoon drives to see all the beautiful autumn leaves!

Fall Flowers www.mytributejournal.com

Something as simple as putting a small bouquet of fall flowers in a pretty vase is a great way to set the mood for a new season!  This unique, gem glass vase is from Anthropologie and is very reasonably priced.

Fall Pillows and Plaids Are My Favorite!

Decorative pillows www.mytributejournal.com

Crate & Barrel plaid pillow www.mytributejournal.com

I love to put a few decorative fall pillows here and there to help bring a little touch of fall inside my home!  The fun plaid pillow is from Crate and Barrel.    

Decorative pillows www.mytributejournal.com

A classic plaid stadium blanket is the perfect thing to use to keep warm this time of year, whether you’re going to a football game or just snuggling up to read a good book.  Elliot-HeathDesigns is one of my favorite Etsy Shops that carries a wide assortment of vintage seasonal and holiday pillows.

Fall Pant from The Limited www.mytributejournal.com

I love that patterned pants are part of the fall style trend this year–this plaid pair from The Limited are my favorite.  I’m probably aging myself a bit when I tell you that these pants and shoes are very similar to ones I wore in high school!  I just love it when what was once old becomes new again, then I can tease my daughters and tell them that they are now as cool as I was back in the day!  Ha!  

Fall Decorations Are My Favorite!

My granddaughters have made putting up Halloween decorations and planning my Grandma’s Halloween Festival some of my very favorite things to do!

Halloween decorations www.mytributejournal.com

I tend to go more for the quirky Halloween decorations, rather than the freaky ones–mainly for MY peace of mind!?  

Halloween witch costume www.mytibutejournal.com

Considering my cute Marli witch, how can all things Halloween NOT be my favorite!  More ideas for seasonal house décor is coming soon on a new “Creating Your Home Sweet Home” post.

Fall Flavors Are My Favorite!

I have heard that food is memories…and this is the time of year that the memory flood gates seem to burst wide open!

Galzed donuts www.mytributejournal.com

Whenever I have fresh farmer’s market apple cider and soft glazed donuts, I’m always reminded of the refreshments that were served at my grade school fall carnivals.  There are some things that are just meant to go together!

Candy Corn M&M's www.mytributejournal.com

My granddaughters and I discovered these little Candy Corn M&M’s a few years ago–and now we can’t wait to buy a few bags whenever Halloween candy hits the store shelves!  These M&M’s are truly a sweet blessing straight from candy heaven!     

Speaking of candy…I saw a sign the other day that said, “Halloween scares the diet right out of me!”

Halloween candy www.mytributejournal.com

Bite-sized candy is just so much fun to eat!  Don’t you remember dumping out your candy loot after trick or treating and sorting through it to pick out all your favorites.

Peach cobblers, apple crisps, they all say fall eating–but one of my favorite things to make this time of year is my homemade granola recipe.

Homemade granola www.mytributejournal.com

Honey Nut Granola

4 cups Old Fashioned rolled oats

1 cup sliced almond     1 cup chopped pecans

1 cup raw sunflowers seeds

1/3 cup canola oil 

1 cup honey

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 300 degrees.  In a large bowl, mix oats, nuts and sunflower seeds together.  Stir in oil, honey, vanilla and cinnamon.  Spread the mixture on a large cookie sheet.  Bake for 10 minutes, then remove from oven and stir.  Continue baking granola until oats are a light golden brown, about 10 more minutes.  Spread warm granola on parchment paper and let cool completely before storing.  I like this granola sprinkled on yogurt or in a bowl by itself with fruit on top.

For our family, pumpkin is another favorite fall flavor–pretty much pumpkin anything!  In fact, I chuckled when my daughter, Mandi, sent me this picture of her recent grocery shopping excursion…

Pumpkin groceries www.mytributejournal.com

 Looks like a bunch of fall yumminess to me!  I’ll be posting our family’s favorite Pumpkin Roll recipe later this week!

I’ll confess that one of my favorite things of fall isn’t my husband’s love of deer hunting.

Anthropologie novelty dishes www.mytributejournal.com

However, I did humor him recently when I bought these novelty deer plates for us to use when we’re enjoying a favorite fall snack.  A big advantage of being down to just the two of us is being able to buy a few extra eclectic dishes since we only have to purchase a couple of them.

My absolute favorite fall favorite is…

Scooter rides www.mytributejournal.com

  …enjoying time spent with loved ones this special time of year!

What defines fall for you?  Please share a few things that make the cut for some of your fall favorites.
