Doing White After Labor Day!

Doing White After Labor Day!

Doiing White After Labor Day!

My mother would have told you that when I was growing up, I was prone to break some rules on occasion…so how can I not go against accepted protocol and do a little white after Labor Day!  Besides, some rules are just meant to be broken!

Except, wait–it’s not what you’re thinking…

…stay with me on this one, you just might find yourself wanting to do some white now after Labor Day too!  (Who makes up these rules anyway?!?)

Although the fall air has a definite cool, crisp feel to it, and our white capris are stored away until next summer (sigh!)–here’s how I’m doing white after Labor Day…

When you first enter a grocery store now, or go for a drive in the foothills, you can’t help but notice all the beautiful fall foliage…their rich colors certainly help me to better embrace the fact that fall is fast approaching!

Fall foliage

How beautiful are the colors of fall reflected in a simple white vase!  If you don’t already have some white vases, most HomeGoods stores and a lot of thrift shops always seem to have a good supply that are reasonably priced.   

Potted plants

My daughter went for the opposite look and put these white flowers in a neat, vintage ceramic pot.  Kalanchoe are a hardy, indoor flowering plant that helps the feel of summer linger a bit longer–even if it’s has to be indoors!   

Oh, and if you want some unusual, eclectic white vases to add to your Halloween décor, how about these skull ones?

Halloween decor

Sort of creepy-cute in a Halloween sort of way!  You will find these at in the Brooklynglobal store.  I love the succulent plants in them!  

The other day after work, I had to run to my car in pouring rain and sleet–since I was soaking wet, I actually ended up turning on the heater as I drove home–say what!?!  My husband overheard me when I was grumbling under my breath while changing, so he went and got this white, terry cloth robe we’d received as a gift on our vacation last spring to the Dominican Republic!  I hadn’t really wanted to use it during the hot summer months.

White terry cloth robe

Wrapping up in this warm, white robe instantly lightened my mood –I could still smell the scent of the magnolia and eucalyptus oils the spa had used too!  I ‘ve seen an assortment of bathrobes in various styles available on and at Bed Bath and Beyond.  

I’ve also come to realize that evenings spent reading a good book on my patio are pretty much over until next summer, as well.

White cable knit afghan

My husband and I recently found ourselves wondering around our local Pottery Barn store while we waited for dinner reservations.  I couldn’t resist this white, cable-knit afghan–it should be perfect for snuggling up in when I want to read during the cold, winter months ahead! 

Of course, you can’t just read books wrapped up in a cozy, white afghan all winter long–you can watch movies and play some games in it too…!

Erin's White Cheddar Popcorn

I consider myself somewhat of a popcorn connoisseur.  My mom’s caramel popcorn is just one of my many popcorn infatuations, but if you’re craving a lightly salted, cheesy snack, I have to tell, Erin’s Natural White Cheddar popcorn is seriously so good, but a little addictive! 

Speaking of yummy snacks–nurses are well known for having to grab a little something to eat on the run…

Trail Mix w/ White Chocolate Chips

I try to always have a snack on hand that is somewhat healthy in my locker at the hospital; adding white chocolate chips to some unsalted mixed nuts is the perfect, not-too-sweet treat!  My favorite white chocolate chips are the big ones from the Private Collection brand.  

Regardless of the time of year, a classic white shirt is always a good addition to anyone’s closet–add some eyelet, find it on a clearance sale, and it’s sure to go home with me!

White eyelet shirt

Worn with a tailored skirt or a pair of pants in any one of the pretty autumn colors available now, a white shirt makes a great summer to fall transition outfit.  I love this eyelet shirt is from Loft, but this one at L.L. Bean is also darling.

It’s a cool, fall evening and my husband is getting ready to go on a business trip.  While he packs I think I’ll fix us a little treat.

Vaniila Bean Ice Cream

In doing white after Labor Day, a bowl of  Vanilla Bean ice cream seems perfect, especially when served with our favorite Nyaker Gingersnapp Cookies we picked up at World Market the other night!

Nyaker Gingersnaps from World market

When I eat these thin, crispy cookies, they always remind me of everything I love about the fall season!

Have you broken the rules before and done some white after Labor Day?  Please share! 

Happy Autumn!


A Backyard Camp Out Extravaganza!

A Backyard Camp Out Extravaganza!

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In checking off My Summer Bucket List–one big item remained outstanding until last weekend…

It wasn’t like I was purposely trying to put it off–busy summer schedules just didn’t free up a weekend that worked for everyone until last Friday…and it was well worth the wait!

I think it goes without saying that in planning activities for children, you have to learn to expect the unexpected and be flexible, but that doesn’t mean that a little pre-planning isn’t important… is!  I gave Makena and Marli an invitation about a week before the camp out, then on the night of the festivities, I greeted them with a bit of fan fair!  It let the girls know that I was just as excited as they were–it also set the mood for a great weekend!

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photo (70)My daughter informed me that the girls had packed their suitcases all by themselves and had enough for several days!  So much fun!

A Backyyard Camp Out extravaganza!

I think my granddaughters would have been content to run around and play with their balloons, but there was so much more yet to do at our backyard camp out extravaganza! 

My husband and I might have opted for our favorite picnic hot dogs at our camp out, but Makena and Marli love pizza!

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The girls each made their own pizza–that way they could pile on all the pepperoni and olives they wanted!  When kids pitch in and help make their dinner, sometimes they eat it better too!  

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Brand new pj’s are a must at any backyard camp out extravaganza!  Grandpa especially liked these ones!  

It’s always my hope that as I spend special times with my granddaughters, I can introduce them to some of the fun things their grandpa and I did with their mom when she was growing up!

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Our own kids enjoyed many fun, summer nights playing croquet…Makena and Marli loved playing it too! 

Marshmellow treats!

No backyard camp out is complete without the marshmallows!  We don’t have a fire pit, so I adapted our marshmallow treat a little.  I cut straws in half to hold the marshmallows, then just filled small bowls with some ice cream toppings and sprinkles and let the girls dip away!

Oh, the sheer joy of watching how quickly a tent can became a backyard fantasy land!

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A Backyard Camp Out Extravaganza! www.mytributejournal.comThere seems to be no better place for UNO game tournaments and flashlight stories than inside a cozy tent!  Makena informed us that she loved having a late, late night!

For a Grandma who usually prefers the comfort of a nice, soft bed, there was no better place to wake up in the morning than beside these two cute girls!

Photo (79)We enjoyed a leisure morning lounging and laughing with Makena and Marli, then after a yummy pancake breakfast, we played a few more games and were just generally silly together before their mom and dad came to pick them up.


Grandpa and Grandma’s Backyard Camp Out may be checked off my Summer Bucket List this year, but I think we’ll make it an annual event!

After A Backyard Camp Out Extravaganza! I had to chuckle when my daughter sent me this picture of the girls in a text when they were just down the street a few blocks on their way home!  That’s a sure sign that some good playing was done at Grandpa’s and Grandma’s house!  Ha!

What are some fun adventures you’ve enjoyed this summer?

Enjoying Summer!

I hope everyone is enjoying what’s left of summer!


Summer Lovin’!

Summer Lovin’!

My Summer State Of Mind! What is it about summer…

…even if you’re not on vacation–summertime just has a more festive, fun, casual feel about it!

My Summer State Of Mind!

“It’s a smile, it’s a kiss…it’s sweet summertime!  “Summertime”  by Kenny Chesney

Summer isn’t necessarily void of the obligations and concerns we may have any other time of year–but things just seem to be more lighthearted at summertime.

S   U   M   M   E   R  !  !  !

My Summer State Of Mind!


Summer is snow cones and splash pads! Snow cones!

If my granddaughter, Makena, had her way, “Bananaberry” would be the official flavor of summer!

Splash pads!

Going to a splash pad is a nice alternative to the neighborhood swimming pool.  It’s easy to watch the kids and you can even kick off your shoes, roll up your pant legs and join in the fun.

My Summer State Of Mind!


Summer comes with its own unique brand of fun! Arts festival. My Summer State Of Mind! Farmer’s markets, art’s festivals, boating…so many things that help make for great times and happy memories during the summer months!

iMy Summer State Of Mind!


Oh, the delightful, joyful music of summer! My Summer State Of Mind! My Summer State Of Mind!

Summertime always seems to inspire the singing of infectious, upbeat music–in my case, it’s always slightly off key!

iMy Summer State Of Mind!


It wouldn’t be summer without a little make-believe and magic!

Playing dress-ups! www.mytributejournal.comPlaying dress-ups!

My Summer State Of Mind!

Even ordinary days in the summer take on a special energy and excitement that is hard to describe!

My Summer State Of Mind!

My Summer State Of Mind!

Road trips and riding bikes–just a few more really great things that you can’t help but love about summertime!

Road Trippin'

My Summer State Of Mind! Just being together with our families is always one of the very best parts about summer!

Family fun www.mytributejournal.comThat…and lots of good food!!

World's Best Hot Dog!

The recipe for the ultimate food truck hot dog coming soon!  My new favorite summer meal–seriously, sooo good!

Quicker than we realize, summer will be a done deal…so let’s keep on making the most of it while it lasts!

A Summer State Of Mind!

What do you love most about summer?
