Summer Lovin’!
…even if you’re not on vacation–summertime just has a more festive, fun, casual feel about it!
“It’s a smile, it’s a kiss…it’s sweet summertime! “Summertime” by Kenny Chesney
Summer isn’t necessarily void of the obligations and concerns we may have any other time of year–but things just seem to be more lighthearted at summertime.
S U M M E R ! ! !
Summer is snow cones and splash pads!
If my granddaughter, Makena, had her way, “Bananaberry” would be the official flavor of summer!
Going to a splash pad is a nice alternative to the neighborhood swimming pool. It’s easy to watch the kids and you can even kick off your shoes, roll up your pant legs and join in the fun.
Summer comes with its own unique brand of fun!
Farmer’s markets, art’s festivals, boating…so many things that help make for great times and happy memories during the summer months!
Oh, the delightful, joyful music of summer!
Summertime always seems to inspire the singing of infectious, upbeat music–in my case, it’s always slightly off key!
It wouldn’t be summer without a little make-believe and magic!
Even ordinary days in the summer take on a special energy and excitement that is hard to describe!
Road trips and riding bikes–just a few more really great things that you can’t help but love about summertime!
Just being together with our families is always one of the very best parts about summer!
The recipe for the ultimate food truck hot dog coming soon! My new favorite summer meal–seriously, sooo good!
Quicker than we realize, summer will be a done deal…so let’s keep on making the most of it while it lasts!
What do you love most about summer?