Cinderella Days! Young Entrepreneurs!

Cinderella Days!  Young Entrepreneurs!

Cindrella Days!When my granddaughters and I ended our patriotic scavenger hunt with snow cones last month, I couldn’t help but notice the intrigue on Makena’s face as she watched the young girl working inside the small trailer, making the icy treats and handing out change to customers from a small cash register that sat on a shelf by an assortment of colorful flavoring bottles.  Ever since then, Makena has wanted to make some sort of little stand where she and Marli could sell drinks and treats to the kids in my neighborhood.  Considering that everyone is going back to school next week, I decided I’d better try and fulfill Makena’s entrepreneurial wishes for this week’s “Cinderella Day”!  I’ve helped my own children run a few lemonade stands before, and once they even sold mini ice cream cones!  I recognize however, that times have changed, and individually wrapped candy novelties and small-sized, sealed drinks were a better investment for Makena and Marli’s first business venture!

I’ll pretty much let the pictures tell the story of our fun day!

Young Entrepreneurs!

Young Entrpreneurs!

Young Entrepreneurs!

It requires some work and preparation to be young entrepreneurs!  Makena and Marli were happy and willing participants! 

Young Entrepreneurs!

Young Entrepreneus!

Young Entrpreneurs!

Getting set up and discussing the best sales approach!  It tickled me how dedicated these two cute girls were to this activity!

Young Entrepreneurs!

They even did a practice run!

Young Entrepreneurs!

Marli conducted a product taste test!

Young Entrepreneurs!

Marli also figured that any sales tactic was worth a shot!  I almost collapsed with laughter on the grass when I turned and saw Marli doing this!  Makena wasn’t impressed however, and just shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes–like big sisters do!

Young Entrpreneurs!

Soon the customers started coming–including Makena and Marli’s dad!  Like any good parent, he reminded the girls to smile at the customers and thank them when they paid their money!  In being true to the accountant that he is, he also told the girls he’d figure the taxes they’d owe on their earnings–not catching his humor, Makena again, just rolled her eyes. 

Young Entrepreneurs!

Grandpa came and got in on the action too, while Marli honed her sales skills even further by trying to sell some candy to a customer who just bought drinks! 

Young Entrpreneurs!

Young Entrepreneurs!

The girls divided the tasks well and ran their little stand like pros!  Marli handed out drinks, while Makena let the kids pick the flavor of treat they wanted and put the money in the cash register drawer.

Young Entrepreneurs!

Grandpahelped them count their earnings!  Makena loved separating out the various coins into piles!  The girls are saving the money for an upcoming Disneyland trip! 

Ice Cream Cones!

Nothing like relaxing with friends and having an ice cream cone after a big day as young entrepreneurs!

Thanks to good friends and neighbors who supported this little business venture and made it such a fabulous success for these two cute, young entrepreneurs!  Truly, you live by the advice H. Jackson Brown gave in his booklet, “Live And Learn And Pass It On”!

Live And Learn and Pass It On!


2 thoughts on “Cinderella Days! Young Entrepreneurs!”

    • They were actually the 6oz. kid-sized ones, but a good deal all the same! We’ll try and arrange our next drink and treat stand when you and Mandi are in town and you can stock up! Makena and Marli would love it!


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