Happy One Year Anniversary!

Happy One Year Anniversary!

It’s hard for me to believe that I’m celebrating the one year anniversary of my website going live!  Whew!  Thanks to all my supportive family members and friends!  Also, I’d like to once again thank my daughter-in-law, Whitney, who held my hand (and often saved my sanity) during the beginning phases of this venture!

The Sacred Grove www.mytributejournal.com

Lessons I’ve Learned From My Tribute Journal!

One Year Anniversary! Be fearless! www.mytributejournal.com

I love to browse home decor blogs and party/entertaining websites.  A few years ago, if I’d ever had the inclination to start a website, perhaps I’d have gone this route.  I’m sort of a closet designer and my daughter is an interior decorator and we both love fun parties, so it might have been a good mix.

Then a life changing experience altered my perspective of things so drastically that all I could think about was trying to somehow find a way to better define my life as I knew it!  Luckily, the amazing foundation my parents gave me during my childhood helped me withstand my heartbreak, so from that standpoint, I knew I needed to take a really good look at what they’d taught me so I could once again see all that is really wonderful in the world!  I also felt a strong desire to broaden my scope even more by inviting others to share what they’ve learned from their parents and important mentors in their lives.  Thus, the birth of “My Tribute Journal”!

I think it is brave when someone lets people take a peak inside their home and lifestyle, but believe me, you have to be a little fearless to share what’s in your heart!

Step outside the box! www.mytributejournal.com

As a “baby boomer”, so to speak, taking on the task of grasping more than the basic fundamental details of working with a computer was a bit daunting, to say the least!

Step outside the box! www.mytributejournal.com

You’ve heard the saying, “Hope for the best, but expect the worst!”  Hope is definitely the name of the game as you re-invent yourself to a certain degree, and step outside the box!  In being realistic, you can build on your strengths and seek help from others more qualified where you may fall short.  Your expectations can then remain well grounded and you live your life accordingly.  It’s all about juggling life’s tricky “balancing act”!

One year anniversary! Like yourself and love your family! www.mytributejournal.com

I can say with certainty that I have definitely broadened my horizons in the social media world, but with the ever evolving influx of new information, it’s impossible to become totally proficient in all that it encompasses.  I vowed when I started out on this journey that a personal phone call, a handwritten note, or finding that perfect gift for someone would never be replaced with the sometimes impersonal nature of the internet world!  I find that I “Like” myself enough to never let the valuable relationships of those I “Love” so dearly, not know some personal attention!

Happy One Year Anniversary! www.mytributejournal.com

Thanks from the bottom of my heart to family members and dear friends who have made this such a wonderful year of growth!



4 thoughts on “Happy One Year Anniversary!”

  1. Thanks for the shout out! Your blog has come a long way. There is always something new to learn no matter what point we are at in life! Here’s to another year of new adventures!

  2. Congrats on 1 year! Can’t believe it’s already been a year! I think it’s awesome to work hard towards your goals and be able to see them become reality. You are a great writer and I’ve learned a lot from your insights! Love you!


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