Little Things Mean A Lot!

Little Things Mean A Lot!

Lately, I have found that the goals and dreams I set for 2015 are already in need of some re-energizing…so in an attempt to do just that, I decided to take a good look around at all the little things that mean a lot to me and help make life good, and in turn, inspire me to live better–if you find yourself in a first quarter slump, maybe doing this will help you too.

Little Things Mean A Lot!

Small surprises, kindness given softly, a reassuring touch, the generous gift of another’s time…these little things both astonish and enchant us and ultimately add up to make our lives a big wonderful existence!

Noticing The Little Things!

◊ You might be wondering how little things llike a Geirge Strait CD and cleaning sponges combine to make my life better.

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My husband was raised in a large family of nine children, and as you can imagine there were plenty of jobs to be done!  Saturday mornings at our  house are often started with George Strait music blaring loud and my husband scrubbing the floors and vacuuming carpets. As my husband and I work together to get things done around the house, it means we can go “play” much sooner!  Perhaps this doesn’t seem like much, but man, isn’t a guy who helps with the cleaning simply the best!  All those little things we do for each other as husband and wife certainly mean a lot!

◊  Come March, my overly zealous January exercise goals and strides for healthy eating start waning a bit!

Women's Health magazine

Lucky for those of us who are feeling a little less than enthusiastic about getting up and out of bed early to hit the gym, helpful resources like the article in this month’s Women’s Health on “Lazy Ways To Burn More Calories” have us covered!  I find it’s best for me to have a few options right about now that help keep me motivated and give me the boost I need to stick with healthier choices.  Finding ways to live better are just a few of the little things we do for ourselves so we can be strong and live longer.  I’m not going to lie though, I also took to heart the advice given in the article “Best Sleep Ever”!

◊  No doubt about it, life gets busy, and schedules are hectic at times–but I will always strive to find a good balance between meeting my various obligations and spending time with those I love!

Little Things Mean A Lot!

Little Things Mean A Lot!

I think one advantage of getting a little older (yes, there are a few) is that finding time to spend with loved ones seems to be much easier to prioritize! Like most children, my cute granddaughters have a knack of making the little ordinary things you do each day, from working around the house to simple lunch dates, seem like the most fun you’ll ever have!  Spending time with them is usually first on my “To Do” list these days–besides being with them often provides extra opportunities for me to spend a little more time with their mother, my neat daughter–and that means the world to me!

◊  Some days you can be surrounded with all sorts of people, but your heart is still lonely.

Little Things Mean A Lot!

I feel lucky to have neat friends who know just when to pick me up, dust me off, and even bring me my favorite treats on occasion–often accompanied by a heartfelt note or brief visit where we laugh about our ordinary but crazy lives!  All the little things these ladies do not only mean a lot to me, they help restore my hope and confidence!

What I’m learning now is…

Little things and kind deeds mean a lot because they can’t help but expand your heart until it’s ready to burst…and that makes you want to do little things that mean a lot to others in return!

Little Things Mean A Lot!

“The long, long memories of life are of people who are loving and kind!”  Helen Exley

What’s been a happy, wonderful deed you’ve experienced lately?


2 thoughts on “Little Things Mean A Lot!”

  1. I love this post and I couldn’t agree more. It’s easy to feel down a bit going through the ups and downs of infertility. I must say, going through a particularly hard trial is one sure way to know how to prioritize life and it definitely comes down to the people in my life just like you said in this blog post. When it comes to the little things, just a small quick note from a family member or friend reminds me that I am loved.

    • Whitney, This touches my heart! Much love to you and Jake! I’m incredibly proud of all you two have accomplished together!


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