Garden Therapy! Gifts From The Garden!

Garden Therapy!  Gifts From The Garden!

Garden Therapy! Gifts From The Garden!

Perhaps one of the things I love about gardening is the instant gratification…you plant a few flowers or vegetables and within a fairly short season you reap the rewards!

Harvesting Garden Gifts!

When I was a young girl and worked with my grandma in her garden this time of year, she used to joke that if you didn’t watch out, and turned your back for too long, your front porch would soon be littered with the abundant zucchini crops of your well-meaning neighbors.

I learned from my grandma and my mom that gifts from your garden are perhaps best given in smaller, more frequent doses–and with a bit of thoughtful consideration.

Garden Therapy! Fresh garden produce.

In her garden shed, my grandma always seemed to have an endless supply of charming woven and wire baskets that she’d arrange her colorful produce in–these eclectic treasures were a special gift in and of themselves.  My grandma also carefully trimmed excess leaves and vines from the vegetables or fruit before washing them off good.

Both my mom and my grandmother would often include homemade samplings of some of the things they gave out in their baskets–then along with the recipe, they’d provide enough extra ingredients so that the lucky recipients could try their hand at recreating their own version of these tasty treats!

Pickled cucumbers

My mom’s “Pickled Cucumbers” were always a big hit!  They are so easy:  You just peel and slice 2-3 small cucumbers, (I find that fresh garden cucumbers seem to have fewer seeds, so they work best for this recipe.) then with the cucumbers, add about a third of a thinly sliced onion, salt and pepper to taste, then place in a pint-sized jar.  Add a 3 to 1 ratio of cold water and white distilled vinegar.  Then let the cucumbers marinate overnight in your refrigerator before serving.  There’s something about the tangy flavor of these cucumbers that people seem to love! 

Garden Therapy! Gifts From The Garden!

One of my very favorite garden gift baskets to give includes a bag of my favorite tortilla chips, a bottle of salsa, and instructions to add fresh diced tomatoes and ripe avocados to the salsa for a great semi-homemade snack!  (Giving homemade salsa would be great too, I just didn’t get around to making any this year.)  This is a Wilding household staple!

Another favorite gift from the garden is this layered salad in a mason jar.

Layered toss salad

Chop up lettuce and any other fresh garden vegetables you like in a toss salad, then layer them a few times in a large mason jar.  Give with a bottle of dressing and maybe a loaf of bread or a bag of rolls and you’ve got a fun dinner for someone–all they will have to do is pour the salad into a large bowl and they’re set.  I like doing it this way, since I find that eating out of individual serving jars is a little awkward.  It’s also hard to get the dressing down to the bottom too.  But hey, go for however you like to do it best–I just like the idea of serving fresh garden veggies in fun, creative ways!   

My grandma, in particular, taught me that it was also nice to include a little jelly glass jar of freshly cut flowers or a potted plant of some sort tied up with leftover scraps of lace and ribbon with my garden gifts.

Here are a few of my updated versions of plant and flower gifts from the garden that my grandma used to make.

Garden Gifts!

It tickles me that “Chicks and Hens” and other succulent plants that were popular when I was growing up are so trendy again.  However, my sweet grandma would shake her head to think that burlap is all the rage now!  I simply wrapped a small rectangle piece of burlap, folded over at a 45 degree angle, around the base of this small clay pot and secured it with some vintage lace and thin jute rope.

Vintage glass vases

In trying to follow the example set by my mom and grandma, I like to have a few novelty bottles and vases on hand, then when needed, I can add some fresh flowers and combine them with a fun treat for a great impromptu gift for that special someone on any given day!  My mom was a big proponent of giving little gifts on days other than the ones set aside for those usual kinds of celebrations.   

Recently, I discovered a really simple way to recreate the aged, floral patina look of some of my favorite clay pots that were once stored in my grandmother’s old gardening shed.

Photo (92)

The only supplies you’ll need is a clay pot, a bottle of ModPodge, a sponge applicator and some decorative tissue paper.  

Apply a coat of ModPodge directly to the pot itself, then carefully smooth tissue on top of ModPodge. (There will be some creases, but this just adds to the overall look.)  Apply another coat of ModPodge directly on tope of the tissue paper.  The ModPodge will appear milky white, but it dries clear.  Dry pot overnight.

Mod Podge floral clay pots

The subtle design of the tissue paper gives the clay pot a classic vintage look that I love.  Add some flowers and it will definitely provide a unique gift from the garden–maybe for yourself!     

Decorative clay pots

My daughter-in-law used this same technique using fabric–then she gave this cute pot to me!  It’s such a unique look–I love this so much!

Even though it’s quite small, my husband and I enjoy our garden’s crops this time of year…

Garden vegetables

…especially when we slow down long enough and take the time to prepare and serve the vegetables!  Now there’s a head smacker for you!  Ha!  Our new favorite veggie dip is “Vegetable Garden” cream cheese! 

My ever wise grandma often quipped that–

Garden quotes: "Where A Garden Grows So Does Hope!"

  • Hope for new experiences in life.
  • Hope for abundant living and giving.
  • Hope for sharing it all with those you love!  

What I’m learning now is…

My dad used to joke after being lightly reprimanded by my mom for snitching some goodies meant for neighbors, that if anything was in a fancy jar or on a gilded tray–it wasn’t meant for him!  When it comes to gifts from the garden, it’s good to learn the “make two-take one” rule of thumb, that way everyone stays happy and healthy!

I would love to hear about any special garden memories or stories you’ve had that you’d be willing to share.  Any fun garden gifts you have given or received? 

Coming up next is the recipe for my mom’s secret ingredient peach jam! 


Doing White After Labor Day!

Doing White After Labor Day!

Doiing White After Labor Day!

My mother would have told you that when I was growing up, I was prone to break some rules on occasion…so how can I not go against accepted protocol and do a little white after Labor Day!  Besides, some rules are just meant to be broken!

Except, wait–it’s not what you’re thinking…

…stay with me on this one, you just might find yourself wanting to do some white now after Labor Day too!  (Who makes up these rules anyway?!?)

Although the fall air has a definite cool, crisp feel to it, and our white capris are stored away until next summer (sigh!)–here’s how I’m doing white after Labor Day…

When you first enter a grocery store now, or go for a drive in the foothills, you can’t help but notice all the beautiful fall foliage…their rich colors certainly help me to better embrace the fact that fall is fast approaching!

Fall foliage

How beautiful are the colors of fall reflected in a simple white vase!  If you don’t already have some white vases, most HomeGoods stores and a lot of thrift shops always seem to have a good supply that are reasonably priced.   

Potted plants

My daughter went for the opposite look and put these white flowers in a neat, vintage ceramic pot.  Kalanchoe are a hardy, indoor flowering plant that helps the feel of summer linger a bit longer–even if it’s has to be indoors!   

Oh, and if you want some unusual, eclectic white vases to add to your Halloween décor, how about these skull ones?

Halloween decor

Sort of creepy-cute in a Halloween sort of way!  You will find these at in the Brooklynglobal store.  I love the succulent plants in them!  

The other day after work, I had to run to my car in pouring rain and sleet–since I was soaking wet, I actually ended up turning on the heater as I drove home–say what!?!  My husband overheard me when I was grumbling under my breath while changing, so he went and got this white, terry cloth robe we’d received as a gift on our vacation last spring to the Dominican Republic!  I hadn’t really wanted to use it during the hot summer months.

White terry cloth robe

Wrapping up in this warm, white robe instantly lightened my mood –I could still smell the scent of the magnolia and eucalyptus oils the spa had used too!  I ‘ve seen an assortment of bathrobes in various styles available on and at Bed Bath and Beyond.  

I’ve also come to realize that evenings spent reading a good book on my patio are pretty much over until next summer, as well.

White cable knit afghan

My husband and I recently found ourselves wondering around our local Pottery Barn store while we waited for dinner reservations.  I couldn’t resist this white, cable-knit afghan–it should be perfect for snuggling up in when I want to read during the cold, winter months ahead! 

Of course, you can’t just read books wrapped up in a cozy, white afghan all winter long–you can watch movies and play some games in it too…!

Erin's White Cheddar Popcorn

I consider myself somewhat of a popcorn connoisseur.  My mom’s caramel popcorn is just one of my many popcorn infatuations, but if you’re craving a lightly salted, cheesy snack, I have to tell, Erin’s Natural White Cheddar popcorn is seriously so good, but a little addictive! 

Speaking of yummy snacks–nurses are well known for having to grab a little something to eat on the run…

Trail Mix w/ White Chocolate Chips

I try to always have a snack on hand that is somewhat healthy in my locker at the hospital; adding white chocolate chips to some unsalted mixed nuts is the perfect, not-too-sweet treat!  My favorite white chocolate chips are the big ones from the Private Collection brand.  

Regardless of the time of year, a classic white shirt is always a good addition to anyone’s closet–add some eyelet, find it on a clearance sale, and it’s sure to go home with me!

White eyelet shirt

Worn with a tailored skirt or a pair of pants in any one of the pretty autumn colors available now, a white shirt makes a great summer to fall transition outfit.  I love this eyelet shirt is from Loft, but this one at L.L. Bean is also darling.

It’s a cool, fall evening and my husband is getting ready to go on a business trip.  While he packs I think I’ll fix us a little treat.

Vaniila Bean Ice Cream

In doing white after Labor Day, a bowl of  Vanilla Bean ice cream seems perfect, especially when served with our favorite Nyaker Gingersnapp Cookies we picked up at World Market the other night!

Nyaker Gingersnaps from World market

When I eat these thin, crispy cookies, they always remind me of everything I love about the fall season!

Have you broken the rules before and done some white after Labor Day?  Please share! 

Happy Autumn!


Happy Grandparents Day!

Happy Grandparents Day!

In 1979 President Jimmy Carter signed the official decree that made the first Sunday after Labor Day each year as National Grandparents Day.

The proclamation reads in part:

National grandparents Proclamation

Marian McQuade of Oak Hill, West Virginia, who spent many years working with the elderly, was instrumental in seeing legislation passed to honor grandparents.  As a mother herself of 15 children and grandmother to 43 grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren, and one great-great grandchild, I think it’s is fair to say that Ms. McQuade, along with so many other dedicated grandparents, are deserving of at least one day to celebrate their wide-reaching influence in the lives of so many!

When my husband first learned over six years ago that he was soon to become a new grandpa, I don’t think he was necessarily overjoyed at the prospect…

Happy Grandparents Day!

…perhaps he was a bit fearful of being seen as becoming part of some pre-historic population!?  However, once he got his first glimpse of our oldest granddaughter, Makena, after she was born, and then her sister, Marli, a few years later, he has now gladly taken on the coveted role of being a grandparent–as have I.

Happy Grandparents Day!

 “Perfect love sometimes does not come until after you have grandchildren!”  Welsh Proverb

My own father and mother, as well as my husband’s parents, were the kind of grandparents you’d want your children to have–and now, at this stage of my life, I hold dear the neat examples they were for me of being amazing grandparents!

My parents, a life well lved!

“We, like our grandchildren, begin with a childhood we thought would never end.  Now, all of a sudden, we’re older than our parents were when we thought they were old!”  Lois Wyse

It’s Grand To Be A Grand!

On this very special Grandparents Day,  I want to pay special tribute to a few other wonderful grandparents that I have the privilege of knowing and have the opportunity, on occasion, to gain insight from them on their unique experiences as grandparents!

I feel blessed to be able to share grandparenting duties for Makena and Marli with my son-in-law’s mother, Glee.  Even with 14 grandchildren, some of them teenagers, and a full-time job, Glee manages to keep up with all their activities, and with the help of her children, plans regular family parties so that everyone stays close–after all, there is nothing so fun as having cousins for some of your best friends!

Happy Grandparents Day!

“Grandmother — a wonderful mother with lots of practice!”  Tribute Journal

My good friend and co-worker, Carol, has been a nurse for several years and like me, has witnessed the miracle of birth many times over, but she will also tell you that there are no words to describe actually witnessing your own grandchildren being born!  Carol told me that one of the things she loves about being a grandma is feeling a lot less rushed and being able to take the time to really enjoy every little thing about each grandchild–that, and being able to see the big picture, so to speak… “After having raised my own kids, I now realize that certain little nuisances experienced at various ages will soon be outgrown, and given time, these little ones, with guidance from wonderful parents and grandparents, are going to be terrific adults!”

Grandparent quotes

I’ve been blessed with neat neighbors who are great friends too.  We’ve watched our own children grow up over the years and shake our heads sometimes as we now see each other’s grandchildren growing up and ask ourselves, “How did we get here!”  It’s so surreal sometimes!  Alison is one of those neighbors, and she told me that she’s always been excited about being a grandma and never really worried that it sounded like she was old–“It’s the very best part of getting along in years!  I’ve felt like it’s the best part of both worlds–I feel the same intense love for my grandchildren as I did for my children as they were growing up, but with none of the added responsibilities of telling them to go clean their rooms, do their homework or practice the piano.  The only job I have with my sweet grandchildren is to make them feel loved and adored…my sincere hope is that they will always know that there is at least one person in the world who thinks they are absolutely perfect!”    Image-1 (6)

“The idea that no one is perfect is a view most commonly held by people with no grandchildren!”  Doug Larsen

Janica is another dear, long-time friend, and the thoughts she shared with me on being a grandma are what I imagine all new grandparents must feel in some form or another as they embark on this venture of grandparenthood–“Everything you hear about being a grandma is true…times ten!  Everyone always told me that it was so much sweeter than being a parent, and I could not agree more!  I was lucky enough to have a grandma who adored me.  I just never realized how much until I became a grandmother myself.  Unfortunately, none of my own children experienced a close relationship with their grandparents.  It has made me even more determined to give back the way my sweet grandma gave to me.  And why wouldn’t I?  Cute Nash and Nayson are simply the best!  I’m looking forward to many more fun times as they grow and hopefully we are blessed with more to come!”


(Janica is a great cook, so I for one know that her grandchildren will be served yummy cookies, along with a lot of love.) 

Another co-worker and fun friend, Julie, has 12 grandchildren and lives by the motto that as a grandma she picks up on the fun where the parents leave off!  Julie and her husband recently purchased a camper trailer because her family loves to camp, but she needed a few of the basic necessities of home–like a bed and a bath room!  (I have definitely got to up my game with more than just a backyard camp out if I want to keep up with this awesome lady!)  Julie told me that as much fun as it is to get together with all her grandchildren, she loves spending one on one time with them too–she’ll plan individual birthday dates or shopping trips with each of her older granddaughters.  Julie also makes a point of taking time off work a few times a year to visit her grandchildren who live out of state.  I love that Julie said her grandkids know better than to leave her house when they visit, without giving good-bye hugs!

Family pictures!

“The best place to be when you’re sad is Grandpa’s lap!”  Tribute Journal

(I love this picture on so many levels…it tells it how it is sometimes when dealing with children–and since Julie is such a cool, chill grandma, I can just imagine that her grandson crying on her husband’s lap didn’t phase her too much.  Sure makes for a great picture though!  Too funny!)   

What I’m learning now is…

My dad used to tease that there was nothing quite like having grandchildren to restore your faith in hereditary!  As my husband and I watch our two, sweet granddaughters grow and develop their fun personalities, we have often found ourselves commenting that it sure would be fun to have our parents be able to be here and see them.  What I’m learning now is that I’ve come to realize that our folks play a bigger role in these cute girls lives than I can even imagine!

“Sometimes our Grandparents are like grand-angels!”  Lexie Saige

Grandparent quotes

I love comments, so please leave one—at least, and share something you find special about your own grandparents or what you love most about being one!
