Women’s Health–A Common Sense Approach!

Women’s Health–A Common Sense Approach!

I love the latest ad campaign for Walgreens Drug Stores:

Walgreen's Ad Slogan- "At the corner of happy and Healthy!" www.mytributejournal.com

When the lighthearted announcer tells us that feeling good is “at the corner of happy and healthy” –at the very least, it serves as a reminder that a big part of our happiness really does rely on being healthy!  As a nurse, I have never met anyone who likes being sick–this especially seems to hold true for busy women who often have the added responsibility of overseeing their family’s health too!  Since October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month–I figure it’s also as good a time as any to take inventory of our general, overall health, as well.

Good Health Cartoon www.mytributejournal.com

  “Life is not merely to be alive, but to be well!”  Marcus V. Martial

Sensible Wellness Checklist!

Since I’ve been a nurse on a women’s and newborn unit for several years and have the privilege of working with many amazing physicians, here’s the common sense approach I’ve learned to take when it comes to living healthy!

Womens Health--A Common Sens Approach! www.mytributejournal.com

  • Take a good vitamin.  This seems simple enough….and it is, but you’d be very surprised to find out that even in my line of work on a hospital maternity floor, how many expectant mom’s don’t take their prenatal vitamins consistently.  Companies today even go so far as to make vitamins that are specific for particular age groups.  As women, we usually need ones with added iron and calcium to protect against anemia and osteoporosis.  At regular check-ups with your doctor, he can inform you when to add fish oil tablets for your heart health and perhaps glucosamine for your joints.  Also, be sure and take any prescribed medications as directed too.

Keeping track of yur health. www.mytributejournal.com

  •  Keep track of yourself!  You might be thinking that this sounds like some sort of preventative program against Alzheimer’s disease, and perhaps in a round about way, it is.  We should all be in tune with our bodies enough to have a basic knowledge of how we feel when we’re enjoying optimal health, then if there is ever the feeling that something isn’t quite right, we can then make notes of concerns we have, along with changes in diet or activity that have occurred.  It is also a good idea to write down any questions we might want to ask our doctor if we decide that the symptoms warrant closer inspection.  Keep track of the dates when blood tests and exams like mammograms, pap smears, etc. were done so they can be rescheduled each year as needed.  Recording exercise regimens or keeping a food diary can be of great value as we strive to live healthier too.     

Women's Health--A Common Sense Approach! www.mytributejournal.com

 “Take care of your body.  It’s the only place you have to live!” 

                                                                                                           Jim Rohn

Women's Health--A Common Sense Approach! www.mytributejournal.com

  • You are what you eat. This phrase is often uttered with a bit of jest, but in reality, a good gauge of what we see in ourselves on the outside is determined, in large part, by what we put inside our bodies!  Drats!  There is no lack of information available for what comprises a healthy diet–in fact, researching the topic can definitely prove to be information overload.  Most nutritionists recommend the updated version of the food pyramid called the My Plate approach to eating healthy–it’s an easy way to determine a good balance in the foods we should be eating.  The bottom line is…we all know that by eating healthy servings of fruits and vegetable, along with proteins, whole grains and dairy products, we just feel better.  Eating a good balanced diet also seems to go hand in hand with maintaining a healthy weight.  This doesn’t mean I won’t be having dessert or a few sweets on occasion.

As I’ve gotten older, I have seen the humor in this quote by Mark Twain that my dad often repeated.

“The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not!”   


Womens Health--A Common Sense Approach! www.mytributejournal.com

  • Smile for your health!  It seems rather simplistic to say that by being happy we’ll surely experience better health, but I think we can all agree, it’s usually true!  Jullian Michaels of the TV show “Biggest Loser” fame, goes so far as to say, “Good health and fitness create an entry point that leads to helping you build a happier life.  When your health is strong, you’re capable of taking risks.  You will feel much more confident to go the extra mile.  You will have the energy to be a better person.  You will feel more deserving of love!”  This being said, there are sure to be those days that require us to muster up all the strength we can to put on a happy face and brave through them….but that’s OK!    

What I’m learning now is…

My father recorded in his life history that his good health was one of his greatest possessions and made for better contentment in his life.  What I’m learning now is that good health and the ability to be content and enjoy life are two of the ultimate sources of happiness!

Also, here is a reprint of my “Think Pink” acronym to help us all remember to be proactive when it comes to our breast health.

Think Pink..an acronym for good breast care awareness! www.mytributejournal.com

Here’s to good health and happy, happy times!!

What are some fun things you do to stay healthy?


Creating Your Home Sweet Home! Seasonal And Holiday Decor!

Creating Your Home Sweet Home!  Seasonal And Holiday Décor!

Seasonal and Holiday Decor!

I think you’ll agree that some of our fondest memories focus around activities and events that take place in our homes during the various holiday seasons!  So often, a big part of those memories is associated with the unique decorations we use to set a festive mood during these special times!

Home Sweet Home quote www.mytributejournal.com

With Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas fast approaching, it’s fun to pull out of storage all those treasured pieces we love to decorate our homes with for each holiday season, as well as buy or make a few new ones.

A few years, ago my husband and I went on a holiday house tour sponsored by a local design and art store.  Seasonal décor literally abounded in each room of the beautifully decorated homes we visited.  It was so much fun to hear the stories behind some of the holiday pieces that had been collected over the years and held sentimental value for the homeowners.  With this in mind, for this special edition of “Creating Your Home Sweet Home”, I have asked my good friend and fellow nurse, Hayley, to share some of her thoughts on interior design, (she just moved into her cute house) as well as some of the fun things she’s done to get her home ready for Halloween–including a couple of great DIY projects.

From Hayley:

When I’m not comparing my home to another, or decorating to win approval of others, I love to decorate!  My philosophy: Decorate for ME, and surround myself with things that I love!  My décorating favorites are things that are nostalgic, inspirational, or homemade.

Here’s a few for this season:

Paper Book Pumpkin–

DIY Book pumpkin www.mytributejournal.com

Simple and Thrifty…but takes some patience!  This project requires a thick book, one of about 350 pages or more.  I found mine at Deseret Industries (our local thrift store) for only 50 cents..  Here’s a link for a tutorial that I found online.  I inked mine with an orange stamp pad, but that’s optional.  (I love the touch of orange color Hayley added!)

Crows–not homemade…but a great find–

Inexpensive Halloween Decorations www.mytributejournal.com

I found these crows at the Dollar Store.  I have a few perched here and there.  My kids love them! 

Burlap and Ribbon Wreath–

Burlap and Ribbon Wreath www.mytributejournal.com

Here’s the link to a tutorial on the basics of this wreath.  The choice of burlap and ribbon is up to you.  (The mix of black burlap and ribbon is so perfect–and seriously, that herring bone ribbon…!!) 

Spring Wreath…Spookified–

Revamped Halloween Wreath www.mytributejournal.com

I had a spring wreath that I fell out-of-love with.  Rather than just get rid of it, I transformed it.  I lightly coated it with black spray paint.  I wanted some green to still show through a little.  I added the ribbon and pumpkins after.  (Is this not a great idea!  It is obviously a unique and inexpensive wreath that makes all who visit want to go inside and share more of Hayley’s holiday spirit!)   

Thanks, Hayley!  I am truly inspired by your holiday sense of style without feeling too overwhelmed to try tackling one of these projects!

My daughter, who lives in New York City, sent me these pictures of other simple, seasonal décor ideas.  Since Mandi’s space is somewhat limited for storing a lot of decorations, she will often just display fruit and other things from nature that she finds outside or at a Farmer’s Market to give her cute apartment a fun, holiday feel!

Simple Fall Decorations www.mytributejournalc.om

Fresh picked apples! www.mytributejournal.com

The great thing about these apples is Mandi and her husband picked them at an orchard just outside the city! 

When you enter my other daughter, Malia’s home, some of the first things you will see as you peer inside are the neat decorations she puts up on her fire place mantle; they set the tone for each holiday season and draw you in to see more!

Halloween decorations www.mytributejournal.com

Most importantly, I hope that the upcoming holidays are filled with happiness and special times spent with those you love!

I’d love for anyone else to share some of your holiday traditions and decor in an upcoming “Creating Your Home Sweet Home” feature, just click on the “Contact Me” header on my home page and send me an e-mail.  It’s always fun to catch a glimpse into how others live and celebrate the holidays!


Pumpkin Roll Recipe!

A Delicious Pumpkin Roll Recipe!

Pumpkin Roll Recipe! www.mytributejournal.com

As promised in my Fall Favorites post, here’s our family’s favorite Pumpkin Roll Recipe:

Pumpkin Roll recipe.

The cream cheese filling is sooo good!  Since the pumpkin roll stays good in the freezer for a week to 10 days, you can make it ahead to serve later at your upcoming holiday gatherings.  (Take roll out of the freezer 10-15 minutes before serving.  It cuts best with a serrated knife.)

This would make a nice addition to the pies and other desserts you serve on Thanksgiving Day!  Mini pumpkin rolls would make fun holiday gifts for neighbors too!

Are you a pumpkin dessert lover?  What are some of your favorites?  

Hope you ENJOY trying this yummy recipe!
