Healthy, Wealthy And Wise! Living The Dream!

Healthy Wealthy And Wise!  Living The Dream!

I love a good party and making celebrations last as long as I can–so now with the new year comes a new regular feature on Tribute Journal“Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!”

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!

Every year, my husband strives to keep a good balance in his life and works hard to up his game in his ongoing pursuit to be healthier, wealthier and wiser!  I have to hand it to him, these are certainly worthwhile achievements–they’re why I’ve decided to devote a journal entry each month to exploring some good options in each of these categories.  While much of the information I will be posting won’t necessarily be new to you, I hope it serves as a friendly reminder to be proactive in your life and take action where needed.

Be Healthy!

Being more healthy always seems to be at the top of everyone’s list of things to do for the new year!  I would imagine that it’s pretty fair to say that with all the information available to us on the topic of living a healthy lifestyle, that for the most part, we are all aware of what we should be doing.  Often it’s a matter of taking time to make a plan, then incorporating it into our daily lives that seems to stump us up!

As a nurse, I work with a lot of doctors who are qualified to offer fundamental advice for optimizing our overall wellbeing, but for this post, I asked my own personal physician for his input–without hesitation, he said that keeping track of our resting heart rate and blood pressure, along with other lab tests, such as blood glucose and cholesterol, was of utmost importance in order to establish a good medical care regimen.  By doing this, your values can then be compared to those recommended for people in your age group and treatment or medications ordered accordingly.  Obviously, these things can best be monitored by getting regular check-ups.


Most pharmacies and drug stores have medical equipment for public use so you can tract your blood pressure.  Local hospitals also routinely conduct public health fairs where vital signs and other lab tests are done for free or at a minimal charge  

At these appointments, your health history can be reviewed and updated; any medications you are taking can be adjusted accordingly, as well.  Other tests that might need to be done can be scheduled at this time too.  My son-in-law is a doctor who is doing his residency in emergency medicine concurs with this wise counsel–he told me that it’s imperative to try and keep current on anything regarding your medical care…preventative medicine plays a substantial role in decreasing the likelihood of ever having to visit the emergency room!  Cole also said that too many people underestimate the havoc that smoking has on their bodies and the toll it takes on your overall health at a very early age!


My husband is a financial planner, but if you were to ask him what it means to him to be wealthy, you just might be surprised by his answer: “Wealth isn’t always how much money you have.”  Often he will advise his clients to work hard to save and invest their money wisely so that they will have enough to live comfortably, as well as provide for a “wealth” of experiences to enhance the opportunities to live life more fully.

For our family, financial security has meant not taking on a lot of debt, with a few exceptions:  One being for schooling, which will ultimately help you be qualified for the best employment available to provide an adequate income.  A second one being for the purchase of a home.  Although my husband and I were in a position to help our children with most of their expenses when they were teenagers, they all worked part-time jobs while they were in school to help pay for some of their extracurricular expenses, by doing this they learned valuable budgeting lessons!

Saving money.

Most money advisors will counsel that saving even a small amount, while you work towards investing as much as ten percent of your income in reliable investments, leads to better financial security.   

My husband also believes that it’s never too early to start saving your money and setting up a retirement account.  If your employer has a 401K retirement fund, if possible, he’ll usually encourage you to invest the maximum amount since the money set aside is on pre-taxed dollars and is automatically withdrawn from each paycheck, it provides a ready savings plan for those that have a hard time doing it on their own.

Using wisdom.

In his book, “Life’s Greatest Lessons: 20 Things That Matter” Hal Urban states that we make two important choices regarding our minds:

1.  What we let into them.

2.  How we use them.

Mr. Urban says that we should be as selective about what goes into our minds as we are about what we put into our bodies.  “When we nourish our minds by observing, reading and studying, we can condition them to be more creative, to learn more quickly, to think more strategically, and problem solve better.”  Some people like to do Sudoku word games or solve cross-word puzzles to help their minds stay sharp and agile.  My husband and I have fun quizzing each other on current events or trivia questions like the names of groups singing certain songs on the radio.


One of my favorite ways to give my mind a little mental gymnastics is to put technology aside for awhile each day and read at least one good book every few weeks.

Someone once said that a mind is a terrible thing to waste–and why would we want to…when used constructively, it can help us to both appreciate life and live it more fully!

       “In truth, the only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded in life lies in the difference of their habits!”  Og Mandino

I always have to chuckle whenever I ask my oldest daughter’s husband, Shane, how things are going for him and he replies…

“Just working hard at doing what I need to do and living the dream!”  

Here’s to our success as we continue to explore ways to strike a good balance in all that we have to do as we live out our dreams—-even those we didn’t know we had for ourselves!  Ha!

Finding balance in our lives.

I’d love to know what health and money habits, or mind games you practice to help you keep plugging away at life.   


Goals And Dreams For 2015!

Goals And Dreams Of 2015!

Happy New Year! Welcoming a New Year traditionally goes hand in hand with making resolutions, but I think I pretty well made my case on how I feel about New Year’s resolutions last year in this post.  For me, the term resolution suggests the need to make major changes–like maybe who I am just isn’t good enough.  Whereas, the words goals and dreams conjures up feelings of growth and adventure.  I would imagine that each one of us realizes that there’s always room for self-improvement, but often the way we choose to go about it makes all the difference in whether or not we will be successful in our endeavors!

Rather than beating myself up too much, if my personal inventory takes on a more positive approach, then when I set a few new goals, I’m much more likely to feel optimistic about my ability to accomplish them and ultimately I’ll be able to work harder at seeing some of my dreams come true.

Goals and Dreams 2015!

I came across this quote several years ago and tape it to the front of my journal each year to remind me that my biggest limitations are usually the ones I set for myself!

Take Time To Write Goals And Dreams Down!

Journal books.

Throughout her life, my mom always kept some sort of journal; she encouraged me to do the same, telling me that one of the first steps to accomplishing my goals and making my dreams come true was to write them down.  Of course, it also helps to be somewhat realistic and devise a plan of attack too.  I’m well aware that this isn’t rocket science, but good advice all the same.

Some Goal And Dream Books I Love!

I know there are a lot of resources out there for online journals now, but there’s just something about the actual written word that resonates with me.  I get a bit giddy when it comes to finding a fun, new journal to record my thoughts in each year.

  • If all you want is a basic pocket planner without any of the bells and whistles, so to speak, “Today Is The Day” planner by Galison Mudpuppy of New York is ideal. 

Pocket Planner

Pocket Planner

This handy planner is perfect for writing in day to day appointments and notes, but also shows a week at a glance, as well.

  • If simplicity is what you need in a journal, I love any of the “Jotter” booklets by Studio Oh!


The “Gratitude Jotter” is my personal favorite–there are some thoughtful quotes written on a few of the pages, subtle reminders to be grateful for even the very craziest of days! 

  • I picked up this little gem of a journal-type book recently to take the place of all the sticky notes I tend to have hanging around my desk.

Journal books.

I record inspiring thoughts and fun ideas I want to try in this journal–including pictures.  In one section I also keep record of some of the projects my husband and I do together around the house.  I even include product resources we used, paint codes etc. then if I ever need to refer to it at some point in the future, the information is all written down in one place–it also serves as a reminder of all we’ve accomplished, I often tend to focus on the next thing on our “to do” list instead of appreciating the things that are done.   

  • Santa gave my me and my husband his favorite journal pick for Christmas; I guess he figured that no matter how long two people have been together, there are always fun ways to learn new things about each other!

photo (100)

A lot of husbands out there might be inclined to do the exasperated shoulder shrug if they were presented with this journal, but it’s cleverly put together by Random House and as stated on the cover page, there are insightful questions that “ask you to reflect on your own life” while others “invite you to jot down something about your partner or write quick notes to one another” —then as the years go by you’ll be able to see how your lives evolve side by side…if nothing else, it should spark some interesting conversation!  Here are a few sample questions:  “If you could take a class on any subject, what would it be?”  Also, “Write the first sentence of your partner’s biography!”  One of my very favorite questions is asked on March 21st: “Where would you like to travel together?”     

  • Speaking of travel, the “I Was Here: A Travel Journal For The Curious Minded” by Chronicle Books, prompts venture seekers, whether near or far, to capture the unique details of their journeys!

IMG_441914785 (2)

My son and his wife are living in Germany while he serves as a dentist for the Army for a few years, so my husband and I are planning to make good use of this journal in 2015, since we are making plans to visit them this year!  I think I will send one to them too; every weekend seems to be an amazing adventure as they explore Germany and all the neat surrounding countries nearby.  

What I’m learning now is…

If keeping a journal isn’t your thing, I understand, I used to give my mom the teenage eye roll when she gave me a new journal each year.  But since I’ve had the opportunity to catch a more personal glimpse into her life through journals and other mementoes since losing her, what I’m learning now is we all have a wonderful legacy to record!

Share one or two of your goals or dreams for 2015 here with us and you may find yourself receiving one of my favorite journal picks!

One of my goals for 2015 is to be a little more fearless!

Be Wild and Wonder!

(Via Dreamstime)

Whatever inspires you to live well–I wish that and more for you this year!



And So This Is Christmas…A Magical Time Of Year!

And So This Is Christmas…A Magical Time Of Year!

It is a delightful, but hectic time of year, and as mentioned in an earlier post, we all have to learn to “go with the crazy” a bit during the holiday season to help us better embrace the fast-paced fun.  However, when I entered my home one night last week after working and running errands, my pace slowed to a standstill–my husband had the Christmas tree lights on, he was fixing dinner, and music played softly in the background.  I remember taking a deep breath as I paused for a brief minute and looked over the scene at my doorway, I think I may have even sighed out loud, but I distinctly remember thinking …and so this is Christmas!


As the holiday season evolves each year, I like to try and capture a small part of the “Norman Rockwell” feel that it seemed to have in my youth.  As I do, I can’t help but reflect on those things that truly are Christmas to me.

  • Christmas is festive trees and special decorations collected over the years.

West Elm ornaments

These woodsy ornaments are a reminder of a neat holiday season our family spent with my daughter and her husband in New York City.

Olive Wood Nativity

Nothings says “and so this is Christmas” more to me than this cherished olive wood nativity set I bought in Bethlehem several years ago on a trip with my parents.  

  • Christmas is wonderful music that sets the perfect holiday mood!

Christmas music

I love seeing my sweet granddaughter, Makena, play her little violin at various events throughout the holiday season.   

"Human Nature" Christmas program.

Every year my husband and I pick a few special Christmas musical programs to attend.  This year he surprised me with tickets to the “Human Nature” concert in Las Vegas.  This show was amazing!  

  • Christmas is hearing the sacred story of Christ’s birth!

"The Nativity" book


One of my favorite renditions of the birth of Christ is the book, “The Nativity” by J. Kirk Richards.  The artwork is simple and beautiful! 

  • Christmas is loved ones…even if they are far away from home!

Christmas in Germany.

My son and his wife are in Grafenwoeher, Germany, where he is a dentist for the Army.  Jake and Whitney won’t be home for Christmas this year, but they shared this picture of an enchanted holiday scene from a recent trip to Munich. 

  • Christmas is all those things that make it such a magical time of year!

The Magic of Christmas!

I hope whatever Christmas is for you, that you will take the time to cherish all those things that make it such a magical season! 

I would love it if you’d share one or two things that gives Christmas special meaning to you!

Vintage Christmas card –Mary