Little Things Mean A Lot!

Little Things Mean A Lot!

Lately, I have found that the goals and dreams I set for 2015 are already in need of some re-energizing…so in an attempt to do just that, I decided to take a good look around at all the little things that mean a lot to me and help make life good, and in turn, inspire me to live better–if you find yourself in a first quarter slump, maybe doing this will help you too.

Little Things Mean A Lot!

Small surprises, kindness given softly, a reassuring touch, the generous gift of another’s time…these little things both astonish and enchant us and ultimately add up to make our lives a big wonderful existence!

Noticing The Little Things!

◊ You might be wondering how little things llike a Geirge Strait CD and cleaning sponges combine to make my life better.

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My husband was raised in a large family of nine children, and as you can imagine there were plenty of jobs to be done!  Saturday mornings at our  house are often started with George Strait music blaring loud and my husband scrubbing the floors and vacuuming carpets. As my husband and I work together to get things done around the house, it means we can go “play” much sooner!  Perhaps this doesn’t seem like much, but man, isn’t a guy who helps with the cleaning simply the best!  All those little things we do for each other as husband and wife certainly mean a lot!

◊  Come March, my overly zealous January exercise goals and strides for healthy eating start waning a bit!

Women's Health magazine

Lucky for those of us who are feeling a little less than enthusiastic about getting up and out of bed early to hit the gym, helpful resources like the article in this month’s Women’s Health on “Lazy Ways To Burn More Calories” have us covered!  I find it’s best for me to have a few options right about now that help keep me motivated and give me the boost I need to stick with healthier choices.  Finding ways to live better are just a few of the little things we do for ourselves so we can be strong and live longer.  I’m not going to lie though, I also took to heart the advice given in the article “Best Sleep Ever”!

◊  No doubt about it, life gets busy, and schedules are hectic at times–but I will always strive to find a good balance between meeting my various obligations and spending time with those I love!

Little Things Mean A Lot!

Little Things Mean A Lot!

I think one advantage of getting a little older (yes, there are a few) is that finding time to spend with loved ones seems to be much easier to prioritize! Like most children, my cute granddaughters have a knack of making the little ordinary things you do each day, from working around the house to simple lunch dates, seem like the most fun you’ll ever have!  Spending time with them is usually first on my “To Do” list these days–besides being with them often provides extra opportunities for me to spend a little more time with their mother, my neat daughter–and that means the world to me!

◊  Some days you can be surrounded with all sorts of people, but your heart is still lonely.

Little Things Mean A Lot!

I feel lucky to have neat friends who know just when to pick me up, dust me off, and even bring me my favorite treats on occasion–often accompanied by a heartfelt note or brief visit where we laugh about our ordinary but crazy lives!  All the little things these ladies do not only mean a lot to me, they help restore my hope and confidence!

What I’m learning now is…

Little things and kind deeds mean a lot because they can’t help but expand your heart until it’s ready to burst…and that makes you want to do little things that mean a lot to others in return!

Little Things Mean A Lot!

“The long, long memories of life are of people who are loving and kind!”  Helen Exley

What’s been a happy, wonderful deed you’ve experienced lately?


Get Your Chocolate Fix!

"Get Your Chocolate Fix!

My husband and I hosted a little dinner party not too long ago–my husband is a great cook, so he was in full chef mode, but there’s always the dilemma of what to serve for dessert that’s not too heavy after a nice meal, and can satisfy your sweet tooth…and in my case, it’s always about chocolate!

My dessert inspiration came from the most unlikely of places–the dentist chair!!  While I was waiting to get my teeth cleaned last month, I happened to browse a Family Circle magazine and came across this Chocolate Raspberry Trifle recipe, here is my easy adaptation.

Single Serve Chocolate Raspberry Trifle

1 box chocolate cake mix

2 eggs

1/4 cup vegetable oil

4 egg yolks

1/2 cup + 5 tbsp. sugar

1/4 cup unsalted butter, cut up

4 oz. bittersweet chocolate

2-1/2 cups whip cream

1 tsp. vanilla

2 pkgs. fresh raspberries

Chocolate curls or cocoa powder for garnish

Make cake mix according to package directions, using eggs oil and 1 1/4 cups water.  Line 9X13 cake pan with wax paper and spray with non-stick cooking spray.  Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes.  Cool for about 10 minutes and then invert on wire rack, then peel off wax paper. 

Sweet Cakes brownies

Since time was a factor for me, as well as food considerations for my guests, I bought brownies from a local gluten-free specialty shop; I love these since they have a thicker consistency and a chewy texture, just cut them into small squares right before serving the trifle.

While your cake cools, combine egg yolks, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup water and butter in a double boiler, cook while you whisk until mixture read 160 degrees on a food thermometer.  Remove from heat and stir in chocolate until smooth.  Beat 1 cup of whipping cream in a separate bowl adding 2 tbsp. sugar and the vanilla until it forms firm peaks, then fold into chocolate mixture, cover with plastic and refrigerate for at least an hour.

Kozy Shack Cocolate Pudding

    Again,  for the sake of saving some time and because it’s so good, I combined a 12 oz. tub of Kozy Shack Real Chocolate Pudding (also gluten-free) with 1 cup of whipped cream and 4 ounces of softened cream cheese spread.  (Beat pudding and cream cheese together then fold in whip cream that has been beaten.)  I have another great chocolate dessert recipe that layers chocolate pudding and calls for the cream cheese to be added, I really like the consistency and taste that this combination adds to the Trifle.  

Layer cake squares, chocolate mixture and raspberries in a 4 quart glass bowl and top with the remaining 1-1/2 cups of whipped cream.  Serve immediately or refrigerate until serving.  

Chocolate Trifle Dessert

 I set the individual ingredients of the Trifle out in separate bowls and served  it like a dessert bar, letting our guests personalize their Trifle creations–besides, it’s just a fun way to do dessert. 

What’s a fun desert you love that gives you your “chocolate fix”?

I hope everyone has a great weekend that includes a little chocolate!


Oscar Worthy!

Oscar Worthy! m01705-b78920785z_120120226185705000g19154osv_1 Whether you have actually seen any of the movies being honored each year for an Oscar or not, it’s always fun to tune into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards–the Oscar’s, even if it’s just for the last half hour of the show when winners for best actor, actress, and movie are announced.

Eddie Redmayne

  (via Yahoo News)

One of my favorite moments from the 87th Academy Awards was watching Eddie Redmayne accept the Oscar for his genius portrayal of astrophysicist Seven Hawkings in the amazing movie, “The Theory Of Everything” –his accent is so charming, I could listen to him talk for days!   

Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper at 2015 Academy Awards.

(via Movie Biz)

However, seeing Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper together as they represented the inspiring movie, “American Sniper” was also a big highlight of the night for me!  What a gripping tribute they gave to the honor, courage and patriotism of Chris Kyle, the actual soldier portrayed in the movie!  


(Felicity Jones via E-News)

And of course, we can’t forget about all the fuss that’s made over the gorgeous evening gowns of the female movie stars who walk the red carpet!     

Oscar Fun Facts

Here are a few fun facts from New York’s Daily News that I bet you didn’t know about Hollywood’s biggest award show:

  • The very first ceremony was held in 1929 and was a private affair at the Hollywood Rockwell Hotel and a ticket cost just $5.  It is still a private event and tickets are not sold to the public.
  • The “Oscar” award was originally known as the Academy Award of Merit, but it’s a well-known belief that the trophy got its nickname because the Academy librarian, Margaret Harrick, once said that the little gold man looked like her Uncle Oscar!
  • The Oscar weighs more than you’d think!  When someone wins an Academy Award, they usually comment on how heavy the statuette feels.  There’s a reason for this: it stands at 13.5 inches and weighs 8.5 pounds.  Clutching an Oscar feels a lot like holding a gallon of milk.   
  • The legendary actor, Bob Hope holds the record for hosting the most Academy Awards, having emceed 19 ceremonies between 1940 and 1978.  He closed out his run on Oscar’s 50th anniversary.  (This will date me, but he’s my favorite host so far!)

Other Oscar Worthy Movies

Watching the Oscar’s always gets me and my family thinking about other great, note-worthy movies that we’ve seen over the years…ones that are impactful and thought provoking, but didn’t necessarily receive a lot of public notoriety.


“Sandlot” is one of those great coming of age movies about baseball that helped us recognize (if we hadn’t before) that there’s a little bit of underdog in each of us, to one extent or another, and we can only hope that there’s a Benny “the Jet” Rodriquez character to take us under their wing and help us see our potential!

"The Sandlot" movie poster

I don’t know of anyone who didn’t find “The Sandlot” totally endearing!

Scenes from the movie "The Sandlot"!

Quotes for the ages abound in “The Sandlot” movie–

“You’re killin’ me Smalls!” –when the main character didn’t know what smores were!

“You play like a girl!”  Girls who watch the movie might take offense to this statement, but it certainly had a way of shutting down the ring leader of the opposing “elite” baseball team in the film!

“Remember kid, there’s heroes and then there’s legends.  Heroes get remembered, but legends never die!”  quote by Babe Ruth in the movie.

A League Of Their Own!

“A League Of Their Own” is an equally inspiring baseball movie with perhaps a more grown-up view of the world, and one that introduced many to the versatile talents of Tom Hanks.  Directed by Penny Marshall, of “Laverne and Shirley” fame, this movie is about the fictionalized story of the real-life American Girls Baseball League during World War II; it is a favorite of my daughters who both played on various softball teams throughout their youth.


For many young gals who saw “A League Of Their Own” when the movie was first shown in theaters, it helped them realize that they could accomplish just about anything they set their minds to!


This movie provided a great quote that we often use as a family, even to this very day, when we’re faced with particular challenges!  

Good quote from "A League Of their Own"

My husband, who coached all of our children in baseball and softball, always took a good-hearted view of this quote from the movie, “A League Of Their Own”!  

The Man From Snowy River!

This movie came out when my husband and I were first married and has been a favorite of his over the years.  Based on the poem by AB “Banjo” Patterson, the main character is a head-strong Australian cowboy, named Jim Craig, who ends up going to work for a rich land baron after his accidentally father dies so he can earn enough money to keep his father’s farm up and running again.  I think the beautiful Australian low lands that provide the backdrop scenery for this movie, along with the rugged cowboy life portrayed, and the quirky character of Spur, played by Kirk Douglas, seemed to speak to my husband’s alter ego.  The neat love story that is woven throughout the movie is also intriguing and I would like to think that at the time, I reminded my husband of the adventurous and out-spoken love interest, Jessica Harrison, which ultimately led to his great love of this incredible movie.


The soundtrack for this movie, by Bruce Rowland, truly transcends you to another place and time!  

First Knight!

When a movie is described as  “A magnificent epic full of spectacular battles, blazing passion and grand performances, where the greatest battle is the one for love…” —then throw in Sean Connery, Richard Gere and Julia Ormond, as they portray the classic tale of King Arthur’s Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table and who can resist!

"First Knight" movie poster

"First Knight" movie

I think most modern women can’t help but be just a little bit captivated by the beautiful wardrobes and chivalry that are shown in this movie!  

My husband and I hosted a party the other night and when we asked our friends what Oscar worthy movie they loved, we got some really fun and eclectic answers that covered a full array of classics from “Pride and Prejudice” and “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” to “Rat Race”!  I think our movie picks sort of depend on what kind of mood we’re in at the time too.

Oscar Worthy! "Return To Me" movie

  Since there’s a week left in February, you could still get your Valentine on and watch this fun love story with your honey–I guarantee you’ll find yourself cheering for Carroll O’Connor and the ‘old guys’!  Such a great movie!  

I mean really, is there anything more fun than sitting down to a good movie with some hot popcorn!

I want to know what movies are in your “Oscar Worthy” movie library.
