Fun Fall Treats And Desserts!

Fun Fall Treats And Desserts!

Besides all the miniature, bite-sized goodies that are abundantly available now, (“miniature” means they’re devoid of calories–right?) I have a few other fun fall treats and desserts I love to make this time of year!

Caramel Popcorn:

If there is one “go to” treat recipe that I make more often than most others for party events, our family’s favorite caramel popcorn recipe is it!  I just want to forewarn you, this recipe is very addictive!  You’ll find the recipe here in this previous post.

Fun Fall Treats And Desserts!

You can give this caramel popcorn a festive, Halloween flair by adding spiced gum drops and candy corns instead of the cashews that the regular recipe calls for. 

Oreo Spiders:

As if Oreo cookies aren’t beloved enough already, (I know they are a favorite of my granddaughters) try turning them into spiders and that love is enhanced all the more with young and “old” kids alike!

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All you’ll have to do to create these fun guys is insert some small pretzel sticks into the frosting on the sides of the cookie, then use any small, round candies for the eyes–I like to use the white M&M’s in the fall candy corn flavored packages and mini chocolate chips for the center of the eyes–I stick them on with honey.  These are a hit with my granddaughters.  (I’ve also seen the legs made out of thin black licorice ropes, but I like using the pretzel sticks.)      

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cake:

Fall is the time that many of us start craving pumpkin and chocolate chip match-ups in all their varied and lovely forms, but my daughter recently shared a recipe with me that is one of the easiest and most delicious pumpkin and chocolate chip pairings of all!

Fun Fall Treats And Desserts!

To make this moist, yummy cake, all you’ll need is three ingredients.  Just stir a small can of pumpkin puree (15 oz.) into one spice cake mix, then add one 12 oz. package of chocolate chips.  Bake mixture in a greased 9×13 cake pan for 20-25 minutes in a 350 degree oven.  Serve warm with ice cream.  (You can make this same mix into cookies, bread or muffins.)

Dried Apples:

Come fall time, the apple season is on full force, and one of my favorite “healthier” treats is cinnamon, dried apples.  If you don’t have a fruit drier, it’s well worth the investment!  The recipe my husband and I like to use is here in this post.

Dried Apples

I love how these dried apples turn out a little chewy and just lightly sweet–they are delicious!  You can bag them in a decorative cellophane sack with a fun bow for a great gift too!

Pumpkin Roll:

Although I tend to love all the fun fall treats and desserts this time of year, if I did have to pick a favorite, I think it would be my mom’s recipe for pumpkin roll!  Get the recipe here.

Pumpkin Roll Recipe!

Although pumpkin roll may seem like a lot of work to make–it’s really very easy, and such a perfect dessert for this time of year!  I like to serve it with hot caramel sauce drizzled over the top, but it’s also good with whip cream too!  So good! 

I have heard that the average person puts on about 5-10 pounds this time of year with all the upcoming holidays…so why I try to mostly eat healthy–it’s worth it to me to spend some extra time in the gym so I can indulge a little!  Besides, we’re all very familiar with how the saying goes…

5fd53367a8145ce1d0a5818f34ed80fcHappy Eating!

I’m always looking for some great new fall recipes, so please share what some of your favorite treats and desserts are for this time of year!


I’d Love To Have Lunch With Taylor Swift’s Mom!

I’d Love To Have Lunch With Taylor Swift’s Mom!

Taylor Swift performed in my home town not too long ago……and the talk since then from all the teen girls I know,  (and even a few “older” ladies) who were lucky enough to score her concert tickets, has not only been filled with ooh’s and ahh’s about how her show was nothing short of amazing, but more importantly, they have also shared how impressed they were with how genuinely nice she seemed to be.  Whether or not you are a fan of Taylor Swift, as a mother of three grown children, I know first hand that raising kind, productive human beings who develop a degree of passion to pursue their dreams, can be hard sometimes, then throw in the unpredictable lifestyle of being a celebrity of sorts, and I have got to hand it to the mother (and father) behind this seemingly thoughtful, smart and creative young lady.  I am not one to necessarily be star-struck by anyone, (with the exception of maybe Blake Shelton on “The Voice”) but I’d love to have lunch with Taylor Swift’s mom and visit with her about raising her daughter and what she’d say to young people today that would help inspire them to realize their full potential and channel their energy in positive ways, while still maintaining their integrity and keeping a level head in this sometimes crazy world we live in; she’s obviously done a good job of doing this with her own daughter.

I'd Love to Have Lunch With Taylor Swift's Mom!

(via Academy of Country Music Awards)

I’ll admit, I won’t soon forget the sweet dedication Taylor Swift’s mom gave her daughter as she presented her with the Milestone Award at the Academy of Country Music Awards a few years ago.  (You can view her speech here.)

After our initial introductions and some “get to know you” chit chat was out of the way, my conversation with Taylor Swift’s mom might go something like this…

♥ How did you nurture Taylor’s creativity when she was a young child?     

What other creative outlets does Taylor have besides music?

I have a cute granddaughter who sings and dances and has the sweetest little conversations with herself…my daughter has put her in ballet and gymnastics classes, as well as a few sports activities, while still allowing plenty of time for regular play–since Marli is just four years old, she figures it’s probably a good idea to tap into various different options for her to try at this point in her life–then she has the opportunity to find out for herself what she truly loves!

Nurturing creativity in children.

“The same parenting that helps children become emotionally healthy, also encourages creativity!”  

Dr. Laura Markham creator of Aha! 

♥ What are a few of the things you did that you felt were helpful in supporting Taylor and calming her fears as she pursued a career in the music industry?

Big dreams also require hard work, how did you help Taylor learn good work ethics?

I think a question we all ask ourselves is, “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid?” and yet, realistically, getting over fears is only part of the picture; hard work is a mainstay to accomplishing most worthwhile goals.  Rarely does life offer a “free lunch” so to speak–many people who are living out their dreams will most likely tell you that it involves a lot of hard, albeit enjoyable work!  My profession as a newborn intensive care nurse is very rewarding and a dream come true for me, but it requires hard work and some long hours at the hospital

Working to fulfill our dreams.

“The artist is not necessarily a special kind of person; rather each person must work hard to become a special kind of artist!” 

Ananda Coomaraswamy

 By all accounts, you seem to have a very close relationship with your daughter.  What do you do to help your relationship stay strong? 

What are your favorite things to do together?  Now that Taylor is older, do you find yourself offering much in the way of relationship or career advice?       

When your children get older, I love that they become as much your peers as they are members of your family!  My mom truly was one of my best friends; I had the deepest respect for her and the advice she offered me on occasion, even when I had a family of my own.

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 “Families can help us discover how good we can really be!” 

Hal Urban, author of “Life’s Greatest Lesson!”

I’m sure these few questions would lead to many more during our lunch; I know we’d laugh, we’d learn from each other, and maybe have a few tears, (women do that…) but mostly we’d chat about aging gracefully, staying relevant, loving our families and how as women, we need to champion each other more!

I'd Love To Have Lunch With Taylor Swift's Mom!


“Here’s to good women, may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them!” Heather Stillufsen

And one more thing…..being a country music gal at heart, I’d ask Taylor’s mom if she thinks her daughter will ever do another country album?  I would also tell her that when the time comes…she’ll love being a grandma!

Have a great weekend…and take someone you love to lunch!

What would be your dream celebrity encounter?  Have you ever met anyone “famous” in person?   


Healthy, Wealthy and Wise! Alzheimer’s Disease And My Care Journey!

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!  Alzheimer’s Disease And My Care Journey! 

Who knew that an overnight flight to Germany to visit my son and his wife, would provide inspiration for September’s “Healthy, Wealthy and Wise” topic and help me revisit a time of great heartache, as well as tremendous growth in my life!

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise! Alzheimer's Disease!

When the movie “Still Alice” came out last year to rave reviews from the movie critics, as well as many of our friends and neighbors, (Julianne Moore even won an Oscar for her role as the starring character) my husband and I agreed at the time that neither one of us wanted go see it since the wounds were still quite raw from watching both our mother’s decline in their mental capabilities during the later years of their lives.

An Airplane Reckoning!

It is amazing to me what being restricted to the dimly lit cocoon of an airplane with a long overnight flight ahead does to your sensibilities when you can’t seem to fall asleep–for me, it ended up being a blessing!  After drinks and peanuts, I settled into my neck pillow with a good book, but after a while, I was still wide awake, so I scanned the movie list for free viewing by the airline.  Other than a few sci-fi thrillers and corny comedies, “Still Alice” a story about an elite college professor, who is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at a relatively young age, was the only title that seemed appealing.  So with my husband snoring softly beside me…I pushed play.

Alzheimer’s Disease!

In simple terms, Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological disorder that gradually destroys the neurons leading to the brain, causing memory loss and cognitive decline.  My mother was diagnosed with a related malady called Parkinson’s disease related dementia, where the nerve pathways to the brain and the other major organs become frayed and all bodily functions are eventually profoundly compromised.

Healthy, Wealthy And Wise! Alzheimer's Disease!

“In examining the disease, we gain wisdom about anatomy, physiology and biology.  In examining the person with the disease, we gain wisdom about life!”  Author of “Still Alice” Lisa Genova on Alzheimer’s disease

I think one of the main reasons I was so reluctant initially to see “Still Alice” was because I was afraid of the feelings that might resurface of a very painful time in my life.  By watching the movie, however, I was able to finally fully comprehend that the care I gave my mother, not only helped her maintain her dignity, I was also able to gain immeasurable insight into my own ability to do hard things, love unconditionally and find ways to cope when things aren’t going the way I want them to go!  When my mom first received her diagnosis, I became engrossed in researching the symptoms of her disease and any possible treatments available; it was crucial for her wellbeing to be knowledgeable and ask questions so that the doctors who cared for her would be sincere and forthright in addressing any concerns.  My parents spent a lot of time and money after my mom’s diagnosis to try and ensure the best possible outcome for her, but they knew that ultimately the disease was sure to progress.

My Care Journey!

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise! Alzheimer's Disease!

 “My yesterdays are disappearing, and my tomorrows are uncertain, but I still live for each day.  I live in the moment…I have to!”  Lisa Genova, “Still Alice”

• Don’t define your loved one by their disease! 

One of the first lessons I was taught in nursing school was that no matter the diagnosis, everybody is deserving of being treated with great consideration and care.  It’s easy to get so wrapped up in the daily routine of looking after someone’s physical needs that you forget to really look into their eyes and see them for the lovely, gracious people they are!  No matter how much my mom’s condition continued to deteriorate, I tried to never lose sight of the fact that she was an amazing woman who had devoted so many years of her life to caring for our family!  By maintaining this perspective, I was able to get through some really tough times!

• Outline care plan goals as soon as possible! 

Once my parents had received recommendations from doctors involved in my mother’s care, we immediately sat down as a family to consider the long term goals to be made while my mom was still able to have a voice as to the direction her care should go.  My experience is that you should also include legal counsel in these planning sessions as well, that way you can safeguard against dissenting opinions from others later on down the road.  Doing this not only empowers the person with the disease, it helps to unify everyone else involved so that they can make a more concerted effort to honor the wishes of their loved one!

Helping your loved one maintain a sense of independence is key!

Loved ones given the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or dementia seem to have the odds stacked against them in countless aspects of their lives, so being able to care for themselves as much as possible, even when many tasks take much longer to do, is key to their overall wellbeing and serves to thwart the effects of the illness almost as much as any medication that’s given.  I found that this was not a good time to try new hobbies, instead, keeping a good routine and doing familiar activities with my mom that she had enjoyed prior to her diagnosis, such as gardening and scrapbooking, helped her thrive the most, despite her illness!  Even when the time came that my mother could do only a few things for herself, she seemed to always take pride in doing those few things!

(Be sure to check for more helpful information on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.) 

I count my blessings that I was able to help care for my mother when the harsh symptoms of Parkinson’s disease ravaged both her mind and body!  Although, I caught glimpses of my sweet mom every now and then, most often, she was a shadow of her former self and we both had to adapt to a new normal every day.

“Courage is grace…under pressure.”  Ernest Hemingway

My mom once told me that it might seem more courageous if she had cancer “…it seems you can put your finger on that diagnosis…this disease is so elusive!”  My mother was the epitome of both courage and grace!

Have you cared for or are you currently caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia?  I’d love for you to share your thoughts. 
