Dear Mom…Writing A Special Mother’s Day Letter!

Dear Mom!  Writing A Special Mother’s Day Letter!

Mother’s Day is this Sunday, and if you’re anything like I was when my mother was alive–it was always the mad search to find just the right gift that expressed perfectly the love and respect I had for her and the wonderful influence she was in my life!  I don’t think it ever really dawned on me that the best gift might have been to write a letter and tell her what was in my heart…you see, having been a mother for many years now myself, I’ve come to realize that time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters!

Dear Mom...Writing A Special Mother's Day Letter!

I love the quote by the late satirical journalist, Erma Bombeck, that says, “Mothers have an astute way of making your life feel important!”  Why then…do we often find it so hard to express our gratitude for them?

One of the things that romanticized my dad and mom’s generation for me were the letters that my parents often wrote to each other during their courtship and subsequent marriage, as well as other amazing stories I’ve read about that were highlighted in the correspondence that was shared between loved ones who were often separated for long periods of time during the war times of that era.

The Art Of Letter Writing!

In this day and age of ever advancing technology and electronic communication, we just might find ourselves in need of a little refresher course in the art of letter writing.  When I looked up the word “letter” in the dictionary–yes, I resisted the urge to access Goggle–the definition proved profound!

Letter: (noun) A written message from one party to another containing information.  Letters guarantee the preservation of communication between both parties.  They bring friends or relatives closer together, enrich professional relationships and provide a satisfying means of self-expression.

A Mother’s Day Letter!

Interestingly, it also states that the main advantage of letters are there is no need for special devices– just a postal address and stamp where applicable.  Letters also provide a permanent physical record of communication that is more personal than an email.

Mother's Day quote.

If you need a little inspiration to help get you started, here’s a few ideas…

Celebrate Memories!

There’s nothing that gets the ball rolling, so to speak, than sharing a few favorite memories that you can both laugh about!  If I was writing a letter to my mom now, perhaps I would share again the story we laughed about over the years…

One afternoon when I had first learned to ride a bike, but was still a little shaky, my mom thought I should wear some gym shoes instead of the sandals I had on as I set out on a bike ride adventure with friends.  She knew that I still used my feet on occasion for some extra breaking power when I got going too fast.  Well it was summer, I was with friends, and somehow putting on shoes didn’t seem too cool at the time.  But as fate would have it, it wasn’t long before my vulnerable feet had to be used to help gain control of my bike as I descended a steep hill.  Oh, how I remember hobbling home with the toe pieces of my thongs all askew and gravel embedded in most of my toenails.  My mother and I would have chuckled again about how some kids have to learn things the hard way!

♥ Tell Her You Love Her…And Why!

Writing a Mother's Day Letter!

Many conversations in our family end with, “Love ya!”  And while there’s nothing wrong with that, writing down a few specific reasons why you love your mom is sure to make this Mother’s Day especially memorable for her!

I love that my mother taught me that it was okay to express my feelings and share my concerns with her; she truly was my “safe haven” when the world seemed a bit daunting.  Her ability to listen was one of her greatest virtues!  I loved my mother’s deep commitment to our family.  She taught me to have a willing heart and in so doing, she helped me realize just how beautiful the world can be when you serve and give to others.  I loved how she showed such finesse in living well!   

Thank goodness our mother’s are patient and can withstand the many phases of a child’s love as they grow and mature!

Mother's Day quote.

♥  Thank Her For Her Sacrifices!

It goes without saying that our mother’s seem to come with an innate ability to love us unconditionally and are willing to do most anything within their power to help their children become the best versions of themselves.  Perhaps the best way for us to thank them for their selflessness (beside telling them) would be to always work hard at reaching our full potential!  In his book, “All Mom’s Go To Heaven” –Dean Hughes discusses this topic perfectly!

We say, “My mother is always self-sacrificing; she takes the smallest piece of pie and never looks out for herself because she does everything for us.  She cleans and scrubs and picks up after us and works her fingers to the bone and I really do appreciate it.”  We ought to follow that line of thought with the right conclusion; “But I’m going to do my best to change that because it just isn’t right.  From now on , I’m going to take the smaller piece of pie, and I’m going to help her scrub the tub and toilets and I’m going to pick up after myself.”

♥  Share What You’ve Learned From Her!

I think it’s fair to say that young mother’s in the trenches of raising small children all too often feel like most of what they have to say usually falls on deaf ears!

Quotes about mothers.

One valuable lesson I learned from my mother’s nurturing example was just how important it was to truly enjoy the journey of motherhood and the privilege that was mine of being able to steer my children in the right direction with positive energy and disciplined guidance; trying my best to help them develop integrity and strength in character that would lead them to being productive, caring individuals!

Thoughts On Motherhood!

“As a mother, you will often be somebody’s superhero…and you won’t even have to wear a cape!”  Jen Singer  “14 Hours Before Bedtime” 

(My mother has been gone for a little over ten years now, but I am always mindful of her and the wonderful legacy she left for our family!)

♥  Share Your Heart!

Being a mother is not without its joys and triumphs, but the truth of the matter is that most days it is really hard work!  Maybe the hardest thing about mothering is keeping a clear vision of the big picture amid the confusion of everyday life!  Who better to help you gain keener perspective than your own mother…after all, she can attest to the fact that embracing the role of being a mother makes you a better person!  Whenever I did share my heart with my sweet mother, and the feeling of inadequacy I felt on occasion, as I compared my skills to those of other women, she in turn shared her heart…always reassuring me that ALL mothers are human and they mess up and make mistakes–their best isn’t perfect by a long shot–but still the role of “Mother” is one to be cherished and cultivated in our own unique way!

Mother Teresa quote.

“Of all the people who reach out and try to understand one another, mothers surely ought to lead the way!”  Dean Hughes

I’d love to know what little gems of advice your mom taught you that you treasure the most!

Happiest Mother’s Day wishes to all…and happy writing!

(Feel free to down load some fun stationary here to use for writing your letter.)


Creating Your Home Sweet Home! Floral Décor!

Creating Your Home Sweet Home!  Floral Decor!

Depending on where you live, your spring weather might still be a little bit too fickle for planting flowers outside…but that doesn’t mean you can’t consider a little floral decor inspiration for inside your home!

Creating Your Home Sweet Home! Floral Decor!

When we were first married, any talk of floral décor seemed to conjure up scary visions of flower velour sofas and baskets filled with dusty, plastic flower arrangements in my husband’s mind!  But then again…in those days his idea of good interior design often resembled a log hunting cabin in the mountains without a single flower in sight!

70's style floral decor.

There’s a saying that goes… “Be faithful to your decorating taste, because nothing you love ever really goes out of style!”  I am so thankful that our decor tastes evolve!

(Fun fact–my mom used to have some gold tables in her living room, much like the ones pictured above.  I remember some great conversations and good times gathered around them with family and friends…so although our tastes may change over the years, I’m sure glad the memories last!) 

Floral Décor That Isn’t Scary!

As an experienced designer, my daughter, Malia, will usually recommend creating a good balance when it comes to certain design elements.  With this in mind, here are a few things to consider when adding floral decor to your home.

• A Little Goes A Long Way!

Like any other design statement, the use of too many flower features can be a bit overwheming…like most things in life, moderation when decorating is a good rule of thumb to follow.

Floral decor.

 (via Home Decor)

Using a neutral wall and furniture palette makes it easier to add extra floral detail to your room, like the pictures, pillows and other accessories shown in this room.

Anthropologie floral furniture.

(via Anthropologie)

Floral wallpaper.

(via A Beautiful Mess)

Should you decide to go bold with a particular floral design element, like the sofa or wallpaper above, it’s usually a good idea to keep other decor features more simple and understated.

Explore The Many Forms Of Floral Decor!

If you’re just not ready to commit to more permanent, pricier items like wallpaper and large furniture pieces, there seems to be plenty of other options to consider when it comes to adding some unique floral decor to your house.

Floral decor.

Updated floral print fabrics for curtains, quilts and pillows, as well as botanical prints and area rugs, can certainly add a neat floral flair to any home’s interior design!

(I’ve found that JoAnn’s and Hobby Lobby carries a good variety of floral fabrics, Target stocks a great pillow selection and rugsUSA has a nice assortment of rugs in various styles and sizes.)

 • Silk Flowers Are A Good Option

Silk flowers used in home decor today get the “most improved” award–a far cry from the ones used in our mother’s and grandmother’s generations!  In fact, I think the silk flower arrangements now look so good that it’s hard to tell the difference between them and real ones often times.

Floral decor.

(via Fixer Upper)

Beautiful silk flower arrangements are a wonderful way to give a room some personalized character and make it feel extra warm and inviting…and you just can’t beat their low maintenance quality!

Floral decor.

Even something as simple as the single silk peony put in an old perfume jar on my granddaughter’s antique dresser gives it such a fun finishing touch.

(I have gotten some of my most favorite silk flowers online at Magnolia Market.)

• There’s Floral Decor For All Design Styles

While some design styles seem to lend themselves more to floral decor than others, it can certainly be fit into any decorating scheme.  My daughter often likes to add a few eclectic accessories from different styles to the overall theme of a home.

Floral decor.

From a vintage painting to modern metal art, or country flower pillows in a rustic setting, floral decor just seems to make any space more welcoming!

Floral decor.

My grandma always used to say that every room in our houses deserved some flowers…even if it was just a few daisies in a jelly glass jar!

I hope everyone has a happy spring!

 Does floral decor give you a panic attack? What are some fun ways you incorporate it in your home?


Cinderella Days! A Few More Of Grandma’s Favorite Things!

Cinderella Days!  A Few More Of Grandma’s Favorite Things!

Cinderella Days! www.mytributejournal.comI know as parents we all too often watch in disbelief as our children grow up too quickly…and now I’ve come to realize that this same fast forward phenomenon continues with grandchildren as well.  I have thoroughly enjoyed watching my granddaughters get older with the same wonder and awe as I did my own kids–but obviously, that means that I’ve had to do a little revamping of my playroom and some of the activities we do on our fun Cinderella Days!

First and foremost…I think we all recognize that whatever we decide to do with our children or grandchildren, they just want to know that we love them and enjoy spending time with them!

Making grandchildren feel special!

“Simple moments spent with grandchildren become priceless memories!”  Tribute Journal

Easy Bake Oven

I don’t know of too many little girls who don’t imagine themselves as the owner of a bake shop at some point in their childhood.  I know my daughters loved playing with their Easy Bake oven, but the new version of this timeless toy is streamlined, easy to use and most importantly to my two granddaughters, a delightful shade of purple!A Few More Of Grandma's Favorite Things...the new Easy Bake oven.

There’s a wide assortment of pre-made mixes you can buy to use with the Easy Bake oven, but using small amounts of your own cookie, bread or cake recipes works great too.

Grandma's Favorite Things...Easy Bake Oven

The look of joy on my granddaughter, Makena’s face whenever she uses her Easy Bake oven tickles me!

A Few More Of Grandma's Favorite things...Easy Bake Oven.

The end result is pretty tasty too…besides, eating anything in miniature size is always a lot of fun!  

“Accomplishment is a celebration of the human spirit!  Sebena White 

Kids Cookbooks

Another good way to have fun cooking with kids is with unique cookbooks geared to keeping things simple.

Cookbooks for kids.

I recently purchased this cute cookbook that also has tips on eating healthy.  The illustrations are darling and the recipes are made with fresh ingredients and are low in sugar as well.   

Caboodles Backpacks

I think it’s a fairly common habit among most kids, even if it causes some chagrin for their moms, that they seem to have an innate pension for wanting to take a few personal treasures with them wherever they go–but on the upside, these items can be a real lifesaver in helping kids from being bored or impatient when errands get delayed or sidetracked.Children's Caboodle backpack.

These backpacks are made of sturdy, colorful vinyl and are smaller than regular backpacks.  They provide a good way to keep little travel treasures contained. 

A Few More Of Grandma's Favorite Things...Caboodle backpacks.

Instead of an Easter basket this year, Makena and Marli collected all their Easter goodies in these new little backpacks; it’s been fun to see the assortment of special things they’ve put in them when they come to play at my home–my daughter says there seems to be fewer scattered toys in her car too!     

“The simplest toy, one which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent!”  Sam Levensen

Real Life Dress-Ups and Grown-Up Tea Parties

Who doesn’t love to get dressed up on occasion and go out on the town–I know I do!  This year, instead of having my usual Valentine’s Tea Party  at home with my two granddaughters, I opted for a fun outing at a local hotel that hosts a fanciful English Tea Party complete with finger sandwiches and fruit-filled scones!

Grandma's Favorite Things...Tea parties.

 My granddaughters were so excited to attend this special tea party! 

Grand America Tea Party.

This fun activity gave my granddaughters a chance to practice their best grown-up manners.  I’ve found that your city’s online community calendar is a good resource for finding out about these types of activities, including children’s museums, art fairs and theater productions.

“Grandparents are good at sprinkling stardust over the lives of little children!”  Alex Haley

Fun Bean Bag Chairs

It’s always amazing to see how one item can take on such a key role in the play life of imaginative children!

Grandma's Favorite Things...Bean Bag Chairs.

Snuggling up with a good book is just one of the many uses for our big bean bag chair…it becomes a bed for an array of assorted dolls and stuffed animals when playing house, a soft place to land while doing tumbling or gymnastics, or it’s a safe boat when the carpet around it becomes a shark infested ocean, but mostly, it’s a comfy lounger when watching a good show!  I bought this particular bean bag chair online at Land of Nod and love the sturdy broadcloth fabric, but ones very similar to this one are also available at Pottery Barn Kids and Target. 

Speaking of good shows to watch…one of my very favorite things has been that my granddaughters have discovered the old TV series “Full House” thanks to Netflix!

Full House TV Series.

Listening to my granddaughters talk about the antics of Uncle Jesse or Michelle brings back a flood of memories from when my own kids loved this show.  My daughter and I laugh when the girls seem so surprised that we know so much about the show and all the characters!  Yep, this tops my favorite things list! 

“Love is the greatest gift one generation can leave to another!”  Richard Garnett

Since my youngest daughter just had a new baby, it’s still nice to know that my favorite things for younger kids will still get some good use.  You can check out that list here. 

Please share some of your favorite things that you love for your kids or grandchildren?
