Go With The Crazy!

Go With The Crazy!

Wait–before you start thinking that I am about to outline a tactical plan on how to commandeer strategic “Black Friday” shopping…let me explain the reasoning behind the title of this journal entry!

Christmas Shopping! www.mytributejournal.com

I have actually never braved the crowds on the day after Thanksgiving to do any Christmas bargain shopping, but that’s not to say that I don’t get feeling a little crazed with my holiday “to do” list sometimes.

As much as I love celebrating the Christmas season, sometimes all the added responsibilities that come with this time of year can be a bit overwhelming.  That’s why I’m grateful for a bit of sage advice my husband gave me one year when I was feeling particularly frantic–“Mary,” he told me, “it’s always a little crazy during the holidays with everything that’s going on, we can simplify where we need to, but otherwise, just go with it!”

Go With The Crazy And Still Enjoy The Christmas Season!

♦ There’s nothing more fun than finding that perfect gift for the loved ones in our lives, but it can prove to be a daunting task sometimes.


Your shopping may be a little less stressful if you take the unique approach my friend, Hayley uses–she simply asks her family members and friends to give a few suggestions for something they need, something they want, something to wear, and something to read.  This way, when you do go shopping at this busy time of year, you will actually have some specific things in mind and you won’t have to wander around aimlessly.  This obviously applies to cyber shopping too.  I love this!

♦ I love planning parties and fun gatherings with family members and friends during the holidays, but let’s be honest, preparing for these occasions can also add stress to an already busy time of year.

Christmas parties. www.mytributejournal.com

My parents had great Christmas parties and people looked forward to them every year.  My mom was happy to let others help with the refreshments and she didn’t hesitate to recruit her children to pitch in and help too.  Our house was warm and inviting, but without too much fuss.  My dad and mom’s main focus was always on the people who attended!

♦  As you embrace the crazy, busy Christmas season, some of the best holiday memories are created. 


Since my children are all grown now, I have the advantage of being able to look back and realize that although at times it might have been a little hectic during the holidays, the things we did together as a family, from picking out a neat holiday ornament to hang on our tree each year, to the holiday crafts and cooking, were not done in vain, and are in fact, some of the things my kids cherish the most about this time of year now–these traditions have also helped them start similar ones with their own families.

As another Christmas season is now upon us, it’s inevitable that we will  find ourselves rushing about on occasion, so I hope we can all embrace the crazy good things about this wonderful time of year.  

What are some of your most cherished holiday memories?



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