Celebrating Life And The Easter Season!

Celebrating Life And The Easter Season!

Celebrating Life! Grandpa and granddaughter! www.mytributejournal.com

As a maternity and nursery nurse, I’m often asked what I love most about my job …hmm, that’s a tough one!  Like any job, there’s definitely a few things that can be a bit of a hassle, (too much paperwork quickly comes to mind?!) but for the most part, I really do have the best job!

Spring time is always an extra busy baby season at most hospitals!  The word Easter is actually derived from the word Eostre, which means goddess of spring and fertility, so I guess it makes sense that new life and Easter go hand in hand.  It seems most everyone would like a spring baby–I love celebrating my March birthday, and my own children were born in February and April!

The Miracle Of Birth!

As we celebrate the Easter season, let me share a few of the things that I love about my job as a nurse who has cared for many precious newborns as they’ve made their debut into this world!

The Miracle of Birth! www.mytributejournal.com♥  Strength and tenderness are interchangeable terms when it comes to having a baby!  Unaware of their true capabilities, I have often observed many remarkable women, including my own daughter, who reach deep into their untapped reservoirs of strength to help them push through unbearable pain and exhaustion when giving birth; this is matched only by the tender strength of the love shown by a new mom as she holds her sweet newborn for the first time!

“A mother’s arms are made of strength and tenderness and children sleep soundly in them!” Victor Hugo

♥  Giving birth is a team sport, but the mom is the star player!  Sometimes women come to the hospital with many preconceived notions of what having a baby entails.  A good medical team and loving family members, most importantly the baby’s father, should try to do everything within their power to follow the desired delivery game plan.  A big part of a nurse’s role is to be an active member of the laboring mom’s cheering squad, that being said, we also have the “home team” advantage, so to speak, so if some unexpected curveballs sideline some of her wishes, our main priority will still always be that of making sure every delivery has the best possible outcome!

One quick example…my good friend’s daughter was recently admitted to one of our labor suites for delivery.  Her birth plan included an epidural, and in her words, “any other drugs deemed necessary!”  However, her preliminary platelet count was low enough that this procedure was contraindicated.  Can you even imagine the pep talk she had to give herself when she got the news that other than possibly some IV pain medication, she’d have to deliver naturally–that is a drastic game changer for women where pain-free comfort during labor is a top priority.  Her husband’s role also changed, he had to become a more active team player, coaching his wife through the contractions and keeping her spirits energized to see her through the safe arrival of their little baby.  The delivery went well, but this cute mom has earned major bragging rights!   

♥  The most cherished pictures of a newborn’s arrival are often the ones captured in your heart!  There are countless ways available to record a baby’s birth–and believe me, it’s a camera worthy time for any family welcoming a tiny new addition!  However, the miracle of birth is one of those unique times in life that deserves our full attention–living in the moment, if you will…and that can’t always be achieved when you’re behind the lens of a camera.  The first sweet nuances of these precious babies during the initial hours of their lives leaves little doubt in my mind that newborns indeed come directly from heaven–it is a special experience that should be cherished and will most certainly be etched on your heart forever!

I’ve shared a few more thoughts here about embarking on the amazing journey of parenthood–to be sure, it is an endearing, wild ride!

My mom always used to say, “When you touch a new baby’s hand, it can’t help but touch your heart, confirming to you that they’ve just talked with God!” 

(Greg Olsen Gallery)

This picture hangs in my living room as a beautiful reminder that even on our hardest days, there is always someone looking after us!

I hope everyone has a very Happy Easter! 

Since it’s also baby shower season, coming up soon are some ideas for baby gifts that I love to give.


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