I Pledge Allegiance

I Pledge Allegiance!

Most mornings while driving to work, I listen to a local radio station who invites various elementary classes to recite the Pledge of Allegiance; I remember doing the same thing when I was in grade school.  The hopefulness that is heard in the innocent voices of these children as they utter these age old words can’t help but leave you feeling very blessed to live in America!

I Plegde Allegiance to the Flag! www.mytributejournal.com

The Privilege Of Being Able To Say The Pledge Of Allegiance!

I find it such a privilege to be able stand while placing my hand over my heart and say the Pledge of Allegiance in honor of America’s flag and the wonderful freedoms we enjoy here!

The Pledge of Allegiance! www.mytributejournal.com

I pledge (v. solemnly promising to a significant undertaking) allegiance (n. a loyal commitment)

I Pledge Allegiance! www.mytributejournal.com

to the flag (n. a piece of cloth used as a sacred symbol or emblem of a country)

I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag! www.mytributejournal.com

of the United States Of America (n. a federal republic comprised of 50 states that originated in the American War of Independence and the successful ascension over British rule) 


and to the Republic for which it stands (n. a form of government in which power is explicitly vested in the people, who in turn exercise their power through elected representatives)


one nation (n. an organized body of people) under God (n. a divine being, perfect in power, wisdom and goodness)

Utah scenery www.mytributejournal.com

indivisible (adj. impossible to divide or separate) with liberty (n. the state of being free)

Land of the Free www.mytributejournal.com

and justice (n. genuine concern and respect for people) for all! 

I Pledge Allegiance! www.mytributejournal.com

May you all enjoy a very blessed 4th of July!

What gives you the “patriotic chills”? 


Healthy, Wealthy And Wise! Energy, Nest Eggs and Ego!

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!  Energy, Nest Eggs and Ego!

We have officially kicked off summer this month–and it’s no big secret that it’s a busy, active time of year, but we can still do things that will help us be “Healthy, Wealthy and Wise”! 

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise! www.mytributejournal.com

There’s nothing quite like the happy exhilaration and the delirious exhaustion of working hard at summer play…I guess that’s what makes it so much fun!


“Summertime passes by quickly, so you better hurry up and enjoy it!?!”  CagleCartoons   

Being healthy. www.mytributejournal.comEach summer brings its own unique brand of fun–but I think we can all agree that it takes a certain amount of high-octane energy to really enjoy it!!  As I get a little older, using my energy wisely has become part of my summer game plan, and as a nurse I’m always looking for smart ways to help me keep pace with busy hospital schedules so I can give good patient care, while still maintaining my own health and well-being!!  Recently in a “Simple Living” magazine article, I came across some great ideas on finding ways to get an extra energy boots when needed.

The key to having a good energy level is ramping up your metabolism, and with these few practical reminders, it’s much easier to adjust than I would have ever imagined!

Drink plenty of water.  Water is the purest way of removing toxins from your body to help revitalize it!!  (At the very least, I’ve had to make it a habit to drink a big glass of water before each meal.)

♦ Reduce meal sizes and incorporate a few healthy snacks into your daily diet.  Eating this way can help you maintain energy by eating more frequently and avoiding the sluggish feeling you get from heavy meals; include higher protein snacks with less sugar and carbohydrates.  When I eat a boiled egg or natural peanut butter on some whole grain crackers instead of sugary snacks, I notice a huge difference in my energy level.  It takes some planning when you go to the grocery store, but it is worth it when you feel so much better!  (More healthy snack ideas coming soon.)

♦ Exercise in short bursts throughout the day. There’s no doubt that strenuous exercise burns a lot of calories, but when you break your exercise into smaller, more frequent periods of activity, your metabolism will also increase without causing a spike in your appetite.  Shorter exercise sessions can help build and maintain lean muscle mass easier and save wear and tear on joints!  (I’ve tried doing a couple of 20-30 minute exercise sessions each day and have found I feel more energized afterward–they’re a nice change from my usual routine.)

Get the sleep your body and mind need.  It’s definitely easier said than done, but the average person should aim for 7 hours of sleep at night, and try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, even on the weekends.

Summer play! www.mytributejournal.com

“It’s a happy talent to know how to play well!”  Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Gaining wealth. www.mytributejournal.comJune seems to be a popular month for people to retire…after all, why not get your summer underway knowing that it is the beginning of your extended leisure living time!  (My parents used to say, however, that they were never so busy than when my dad retired.) 

A good friend of mine just retired at the age of 70 as the head of the blood bank department at the hospital where I work–he was a hard worker and did his job well; I once teased him that he kept working because he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he retired, but he told me that it had simply been poor retirement planning on his part that kept him on the job longer than expected.

As I’ve mentioned before, my husband is a financial consultant and he will often review a few questions with his clients based on a Kiplinger Personal Finance Quiz when they are considering the best plans for their retirement “nest egg”!

Here’s a few of the questions to consider: 

$$ Considering the many financial variables, what percentage of your gross income, including employer contributions, should you strive to save for a comfortable retirement?

$$ If you postpone claiming your social security benefits beyond the regular retirement age, how much will future benefits be increased for each year you delay until age 70?

$$  Should you wait until your retirement to shift your investments to a more conservative allocation?

$$ Recent cutbacks in employer-provided health care benefits means many who retire will be paying more for their medical care out of their retirement savings.  To cover out-of-pocket medical costs during a 20 year retirement, not including long-term care, how much would a 65-year-old couple need to have?

Get answers to the above questions and take the full “Are You Saving Enough For Retirement” Quiz by clicking here. 

Saving for retirement "Nest Egg"! www.mytributejournal.com

 “The secret of getting ahead is getting started!”  Mark Twain

Using wisdom. www.mytibutejournal.comIf you turn your television on to any news station now days, it’s more than likely you’ll find yourself besieged with commentaries on a myriad of political viewpoints as yet another presidential race season gets underway!

Recently, I discussed with my husband that considering the less than amicable environment of the current political arena, it was pretty amazing to me that anyone would want to run for office…he just chuckled and responded in a rather matter-of-fact way, but what he said gives you real food for thought, irregardless of your party affiliation:

Try to consider the person’s true character the best you can, along with their confidence vs. ego quotient as they present a viable plan for following through on what they’ve committed to do.”

That my friends, is sensible politics 101…and seemingly applies to all aspects of life!  I suppose any major accomplishment in life takes a bit of fearless confidence and humble ego.  Dr. Ben Carson, former head of pediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins Medical Center and author of the book, “Gifted Hands” wisely stated:

“I actually don’t think I’m that much smarter than anybody else, I’m just willing to study hard and do the work required to solve a problem, and therein lies wisdom!”  

Know Yourself! Arisotle quote www.mytributejournal.com

 “Truly knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom!”  Aristotle

I would love to know what advice you’d give to help others have a healthier, wealthier or wiser summer.


Garden Therapy! Planting Herbs…And A Mint Limeade Recipe!

Garden Therapy!  Planting Herbs…And A Mint Limeade Recipe!

Garden Therapy! Planting Herbs! www.mytributejournal.com

“For me, there is nothing quite as satisfying as telling the people you’ve invited over for lunch that the food they are eating first started in your garden!”   Curtis Stone – Chef 

For a gal who enjoys gardening and has helped her husband grow a variety of garden vegetables throughout the years, I have to confess that until a few years ago, I hadn’t really tried my hand at growing herbs–the Schilling company had usually met my needs for the herbs and spices I used for cooking.

Garden Therapy! Planting Herbs! www.mytributejournal.com

 Although I hadn’t planted herbs myself until just recently, I remember my grandma’s kitchen window sills being lined with small pots containing beautiful, fragrant herbs!

In my research on growing herbs, I found the general consensus to be that if you plant herbs in your garden, they should be In a cordened off space, separated from the rest of your vegetables, since herbs are prolific growers and can easily take over a garden space.  Herbs thrive the most when they get early morning sunlight and should be generously soaked when watered, but the dirt should be allowed to dry out in between watering sessions.  Also, for the best flavor and to extend their harvest season, some herbs, like mint, should be pinched back as flowers start to appear.

Garden Therapy! Planting herbs! www.mytributejournal.com

A separate planter box for herbs would be an ideal space to plant herbs and keep them contained from spreading into the rest of your other vegetable garden.  (These are easily made by cutting and securing a couple of layers of 2X4 wood planks or railroad ties together to a size that fits your space.)   

IMG_455984025 (3)

My husband and I chose to start our maiden voyage into the world of herb gardening by planting a few of our favorite herbs (basil, thyme and mint)  in a big container pot. 


The rich colors and textures of the various herbs are as pretty as any of the flowers in our other pots.

It only takes a quick glance online for you to be able to find countless unique and clever ideas for planting herbs…..

Garden Therapy! Planting Herbs! www.mytributejournal.com

Even if your herbs are growing in an outside garden during the summer months, you could easily transplant them to containers for inside use during the winter months too.  (I also think planting herbs in clay pots or other decorative planters can bring a fun element to your home décor too.)

A Tasty Mint Limeade Recipe!

The delicious mint limeade at Vinto’s Pizzeria, one of mine and my husband’s favorite restaurants, was what first inspired us to try our hand at growing a few herbs of our own!  Adding fresh basil to home-made spaghetti definitely sold us on using fresh herbs in some other recipes too.

Mint Limeade at Vinto's. www.mytributejournal.com

A few fresh mint leaves mixed in with a tangy limeade drink is summer in your mouth!  (You could always add some grape juice to make a refreshing lime rickey too.)   

After making and adapting several variations, this is the recipe I love for Mint Limeade:

Mint Limeade! www.mytributejournal.com

Depending how sweet or tart you prefer your limeade, adjust sugar accordingly.  I put in about a half liter of seltzer or ginger ale to this recipe–again, add to your liking. 

Mint Limeade Recipe! www.mytributejournal.com

Mint Limeade is the perfect drink to serve and enjoy for a patio party too!  Enjoy!!

Do you have a favorite drink that hits the spot and quenches your thirst on a hot summer day?  I hope you’ll share!
