Cinderella Days! The Great Read-A-Thon!

Cinderella Days!  The Great Read-A-Thon!

It was all about gearing up for back to school (where did summer go…) with my granddaughters for our latest  “Cinderella Day” together!


Like a lot of kids, my granddaughters will be starting school again in a few weeks.  Since it was a little stormy and overcast this past week, we decided to venture out to our community library to check out some good books in anticipation of having a fun Read-A-Thon!  (Besides, everyone needs a little breather from all the busy, summer activities once in a while!)

I was delighted to see the look of excitement on my two granddaughter’s faces as they anticipated the adventures they knew they would have inside the library!  I have often thought of libraries as being the “secret gardens” for books!

The Great Read-A-Thon!

“Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers, and the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open!”

Laura Bush  

Of course, the girls will tell you that the very best books are always found on the top shelf!  Ha!

The Great Read-A-Thon!

“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world, the love of books is the best of all!” 

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 

It has been fun to watch Makena become immersed in a good book since learning to read; she likes reading to Marli too!

The Great Read-A-Thon!

“Oh, to witness the magic when a child first knows she can read the printed word.”  

A Tree Grows in Brioooklyn

Here then are some of Makena and Marli’s new favorite books from…

The Great Read-A-Thon!

How the Ladies Stopped The Wind  by Bruce McMillan

Children's books. (How The Ladies Stopped The Wind!)

The cover picture of this cute book caught Marli’s eye right away.  When I read her the title, both she and Makena said it was a “must read” for us, since where we live is well-known for the strong winds that hit our community on occasion!

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This fun book tells the story of some rosy-cheeked ladies of Iceland and their plan to plant trees to help buffer the strong winds that blow through their village.  But despite their best efforts, the sheep keep eating all the newly planted tree saplings.  The folk art in this book is bright and beautiful, and I love how the story emphasizes the fact that you can never underestimate what can be accomplished when everyone, including children and animals, works together towards a common goal!  

Ella Takes The Cake  by Carmela and Steven D’Amico

Children's books. (Ella Takes The Cake!)

This book is just one in the series written by a husband and wife team about the adventures of Ella the Elegant Elephant!  In this particular book Ella really wants to help out in her mother’s bakery!  Marli informed me that she picked this book because she loved Ella’s red hat and cute bike!

Cinderella Days! The Great Read-A-Thon!

The events that take place in this book are described on the cover page:  Ella may be little, but she still wants to help.  Only her mother says she’s too small to slice the cakes and too young to bake the cookies—so how in the world is she supposed to do anything important?  When Ella’s mom finally does decide to let her make a cake delivery, it’s not without a few obstacles in the way!  Ella better hang onto her good luck hat, because it looks like she might be in for a bumpy ride!  Besides the colorful illustrations, I like the neat lessons about trust, responsibility and completing a job that are taught in this darling book!   

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I couldn’t help but grab a quick shot of the girls as I read to them during our Read-A-Thon!

Kika The Upside-Down Girl  by Jessica Tudos

Children's books. (Kika the Upsid-Down Girl!)

This book was being showcased on a feature shelf the day my granddaughters and I visited the library…..they were immediately drawn to this book since their mom had recently signed them up for gymnastics–we decided we had to sit right down and read this book while we were still at the library!

Children's books. (Kika the Upside-Down Girl!)

Kika is the happiest when she is active and upside-down.  This makes her different, but she is a cheerful child and accepts that being a little different is okay!  Kika is even happier when she learns that her mom has signed her up for classes at the big Gymnastic Emporium where she meets other children who love being upside-down too!  This is such a fun, action-packed book with adorable characters.  What really makes this book special is that it’s about gymnastics, and was written by an Olympic gymnast!     

The Rainbow Magic Fairy Series  by Daisy Meadows

Children's books. (Rainbow Fairies!)

I can’t even begin to tell you how thrilled Makena was to discover the Rainbow Fairy Book series for young readers during her wanderings at the library.  I’d imagine that any of us would love it if some brave, valiant fairies came to our rescue when things didn’t go according to plans–but for young girls with keen imaginations, these books are a wish come true!

Nothing quite matches the limitless adventures that are at your fingertips within the walls of your local library!  If you haven’t been in a while, my granddaughters and I would highly recommend it!

Cindereela Days! The Great Read-A-Thon!

“Books are portable magic!”  Stephen King

Any good children’s books you’ve read lately?  What are some of the creative things you do to help your kids get lost in a good book?


Creating Your Home Sweet Home! Feature Walls!

The Creating Your Home Sweet Home!  Feature Walls!

I haven’t posted a Home Sweet Home journal entry in quite awhile, since during the summer months we tend to focus more on all the outside jobs that need to be done, but today I want to share with you a neat project that my daughter and her husband recently completed in their darling new home.

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Like me, I’m sure that many of you had grandparents who proudly adorned the walls of their homes with an eclectic array of family photographs…each picture having a unique story that went along with it… know, the stuff that family folklore is all about!  Ha!

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“It’s hard to truly understand somebody without visiting them at home–the walls of their house reveal their character and share a bit of their story!”  Gilbert Higbit

Meaningful Feature Walls!

Like other decorative elements we put in our homes, I think it’s important to personalize walls and feature a few special items that are meaningful to us!  Obviously, each wall doesn’t need a full-throttle design treatment, but giving a little attention to a few key walls, especially those you see when entering your home, lets those who come to visit catch a glimpse of your personality!  In her work as a designer, Malia recommends that you try to stay on trend with your decorating style throughout your entire home, this way, all  the rooms of your home flow together better and your house will seem bigger.


(via Ecowood Design)



Window picture frame.

(via Vintage Home)

Whether it’s adding an architectural element with a unique wood design, a simple wallpaper treatment or an unusual framing technique, feature walls help to create a neat, added dimension to your home’s décor.  

The Look Of Old Wood Shiplap On New Walls!

A favorite home remodel show I like to watch on HGTV is “Fixer Upper” where the husband and wife team of Chip and Joanna Gaines fix up older homes for their clients in the Waco, Texas area.  One design element tthey quite often have to work with is the wood shiplap that’s often found behind the wall coverings of these old homes.

Old shiplap walls

(via merzbaudesigncollective.blogspot)

Pre-sheetrock, interior walls were done in either wood shiplap or plaster.  Shiplap was usually cheaper to install; typically the wood was covered in cardboard, then painted or wallpapered.   

Malia knew when she built her home that she wanted to incorporate the look of old shiplap on a big wall by her entryway staircase–she also wanted the wood used to be painted white too, while still showing the different textures and variations of the wood.  After doing quite a bit of research on various techniques, this is the semi-DIY approach that Malia and her husband, Shane, took to get the shiplap look they wanted on their wall.

Installing shiplap wall.

Malia decided she liked the look and texture of knotty fencing wood.  (All the wood was sanded, but not so much as to compromise the wood grain and knot holes.)

Shane set up shop in their garage temporarily while he prepped and painted all the wood.  (Shane highly recommends buying a paint sprayer for a project like this for two reasons–to get an even coat of paint and to save time!)

The big wall where the shiplap was going to go got a coat of the same paint color as the wood.  Since Malia was going for more the casual, farmhouse look with the shiplap, there would likely be some small gaps in the wood when it was installed, and she didn’t want her other wall color showing through.  (The feature wall and the wood were both painted with the same color of paint as the trim paint used throughout the rest of Malia’s home.)  

Installing shiplap wall.

Malia and Shane laid out the wood in the pattern they wanted, but opted to have a professional carpenter install the shiplap wall.  (As you can see, trim pieces were put up along the wall’s outside edges.)

And…the finished product!  Malia added her personal touch with her choice of unique wall hangings!

Shiplap walls.

Shiplap walls.

Malia found the large, divided mirror at Pottery Barn–besides its neat decorative element, she loves how it gives some depth to the tall wall.  I really like how Malia kept the wall hangings simple so they don’t detract from the unique look of the shiplap.  (Malia also put shiplap on some walls in her dining area to help tie the rooms together.) 

This project was a large undertaking that required careful planning and some good teamwork between Malia and Shane, but like most things in life, it’s always worth the effort when the outcome is how you envisioned it!  Great job, it’s just beautiful, Malia!

Have you been brave enough to take on a big home improvement job?  I’d love to hear about it!  It is always fun to be inspired by other’s decorating projects!


Healthy, Wealthy And Wise! Cholesterol, Credit Cards And Courage!

Healthy, Wealthy And Wise!  Cholesterol, Credit Cards And Courage!

As is always the case, summer is passing by way too quickly, I mean–where has July gone!

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!

This month’s edition of “Healthy, Wealthy and Wise” has been inspired by the all the summertime camp fire treats, fun excursions and new adventures we love!

Being healthy. www.mytributejournal.comMost doctors will tell you that your cholesterol level is a key factor that often determines your overall health and wellbeing-that is why it’s one of the lab tests done when you go for a physical evaluation!

Here’s a simple way to help you better understand your cholesterol numbers:

HDL: equals healthy cholesterol and levels need to be 50 or better.

LDL: is the unhealthy cholesterol and results should be under 100. 

If your results aren’t within this criteria, it’s important to discuss strategies on how to improve your cholesterol with your doctor.

No way around it, a healthy diet and exercise are the best ways to ensure good HDL cholesterol.  At least two servings a day of soluble fiber found in oatmeal, berries and carrots, just to name a few, help to raise healthy cholesterol levels.  Transfats found in fried foods and processed snacks are counterproductive to good cholesterol.  Certainly, these are things we know and understand, we just have to be sure and make a conscious, daily effort to incorporate healthy food choices along with an exercise regimen into our busy schedules.  (Read about some of my healthy snack picks here.)

Good cholesterol

“Research suggests that laughing decreases stress hormones, so I strongly advise that laughter be prescribed as a way to increase good HDL cholesterol test results and prevent heart disease–besides, once you laugh, it forces you to feel better, and that’s good medicine!” 

 Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, cardiologist, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City    

Gaining wealth. www.mytributejournal.comMy parents lived in an era where you saved to buy what you needed, but this philosophy especially held true when you looked to purchase those things that you merely wanted!  Now days it seems that more and more our society tends to live the instant gratification lifestyle of: “Buy now and pay later!”

As fate would have it……I not only had parents who budgeted their finances well, my husband got his college degree in economics and earns a living as a financial planner!  So here are some things I have learned about budgeting and using credit cards–and really, I am grateful to have been taught these things over the years, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t hard to resist going out sometimes and buying what I want when I want it!

Good Credit Card Habits:

1. Don’t use your credit card as a substitute for cash.  Using your credit card to purchase groceries or gas can add up fast!  My husband’s rule of thumb when you’re going shopping for food or other household items is to leave your credit card home and use a debit card–or better yet, pay cash!  In her brilliant business article on expanding our comfort zone, Rachel Gillett suggests that we should keep track of how we spend every penny for several months and pay for everything we can with cash!  

“If you have to reach in your wallet and pull out cash, you will often think twice about how much you need something!”

2. Try to pay off your balance within two pay cycles.  In an ideal world, we would pay off our balances each month, that’s why most financial advisors recommend that you don’t charge more than 20-30% of your credit card limit.  It may sound nuts to budget your credit card purchases, but if you do, then you won’t buy more than you can pay off!  A lot of stores often provide 3-6 months “same as cash” on big ticket items, and as long as the total amount billed is paid off within the designated timeframe, no interest is charged!

3. Consider the use of credit a privilege!  After all, purchases we charge will eventually have to be paid off with our hard-earned money!  I didn’t get my first credit card until I started college.  I know that sounds crazy, but even as little as 20-30 years ago, obtaining credit wasn’t as easy as it is now.  My dad and mom taught me that the use of credit was a privilege and an important factor that helps to cultivate responsible money habits and good credit ratings, which are both key when the time comes to purchase a house and some of the other things that help create the happy lifestyle we each envision for ourselves!

Helathy Credit Card Habits.

In his book, “The Happiness Advantage” —Shawn Achor lists debt and money woes as one of major blockades to obtaining true happiness.  He suggest that desired habits be put on the path of least resistance…“if you can’t resist the siren song of a sale, at the very least, having only one credit card, with a limited balance available, will cutail impulsive buying and help you be more thoughtful about your spending!” 

Using wisdom. www.mytibutejournal.comI know that many of you have heard of the serenity prayer, (also the anthem for Alcoholic Anonymous) scribed by the American theologist, Reinhold Neibuhr.

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference!”

I remember I taped a copy of this prayer to the front cover of my chemistry binder during a particularly hard semester in nursing school…..that quite honestly, almost drove me to drink–ha!

So often, we tend to think that it’s when we’re young and making all the decisions about the course our life should take that requires us to have the most courage…but the older I get, I have come to realize that every stage of life, whether we are deciding on a career choice, who our partner should be, how to best raise capable children, then make the necessary adjustments when they leave home, or care for aging parents, takes equal parts courage and wisdom!

Walt Disney quote on courage.

 I’m also a big proponent of this Chinese proverb:  “You don’t always have to chase after great things–you can be content doing small things in great ways!”

I hope the rest of your summer is spent with some of your favorite people, doing some of the things you love to do the most!

What’s on your “courage” bucket list?  When was the last time you did something for the first time?   
