Healthy, Wealthy And Wise! Magnesium, Money Tips And Mentors!

Healthy, Wealthy And Wise!  Magnesium, Money Tips And Mentors!

This month’s “Healthy, Wealthy and Wise” post includes an easy way to boost vitality, some money tips I wish I would have taken to heart more when I was a young adult and first starting out in the “real” world, and how learning to better appreciate wise counsel shared by key people in our lives can ultimately help us tap into our true potential and give us a keener sense of purpose in life!

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!

I feel like I have always tried to enjoy every opportunity to learn and grow, but as I get older, I can honestly say that I am more fully aware of the fact that each day, as mundane as they may seem, really is a wonderful occasion to celebrate life!

Celebrating life!“There is no such thing in life as an unimportant day…so celebrate them well!”  Alexander Woollcott

Being healthy. www.mytributejournal.comNo doubt about it, there is definitely an abundance of information available out there on the importance of vitamin and supplement use that appear helpful in adding longevity to our lives!

Dr. David Angus explains in his book– “A Short Guide to a Long Life” that the body is a genius at creating its own free radicals that help sustain life in a more natural state of well-being:  “……if you block the body’s mechanism by taking copious amounts of vitamins, you block nature’s physiological process.”   

That being said, we are all aware that it’s hard to get the necessary nutrients by dietary consumption alone.  My personal physician recently informed me of the benefits of adding 400mg/day of Magnesium to my regular multivitamin.

According to an article posted by WebMD…

1. Research shows that Magnesium can enhance memory by boosting nerve signal pathways in the brain; this ability also aids other neurological related symptoms such as migraines, insomnia and depression.

2. Calcium when taken with Magnesium is best absorbed and leads to improved bone density, which will help prevent the onset of osteoporosis.

3. One of the most important benefits of taking Magnesium is linked to lowering the risk of coronary heart disease and strokes by its ability to stabilize the heart’s normal sinus rhythm.

4. Magnesium aids in the metabolism of the carbohydrates we eat and influences the release of insulin, thus, controlling blood sugar levels.

Healthy Wealthy And Wise! Magnesium, Money Tips And Mentors!

 If I’m perfectly honest, I would still like to figure out a way to make chocolate my main source of vitamins and nutrients!

Gaining wealth. www.mytributejournal.comAt this time of year, there are a number of young kids who are graduating and heading out to try their hand at chasing their dreams in the “real” world, so to speak.  In this day and age, I feel being armed with a common sense approach to our money habits is so important to the development of a healthy financial lifestyle.

I certainly wish I’d known better some of the key points outlined in this article by three money editors of the New York Times when I was younger and earning my first paychecks.

$ Keep track of how you spend your money.  When I was younger, my parents had me write down my earnings and expenses in a bank check register.  Although I wasn’t as diligent at recording my financial activity as my dad and mom might have liked, over the years I have come to realize that by keeping a record of where my hard-earned money goes, I save more; I’m also a lot less likely to be frivolous with expenses, and at the very least, I give thoughtful consideration to my budget.  (The fact that my husband is a financial planner plays in my favor as well! Ha!!)

$ Start saving/investing early.  I benefitted from my folk’s belief in this concept, especially when it came to them offsetting some of the expenses that add up quickly when you head off to college.  My parents set up savings accounts for each of their children shortly after we were born, then trusted us to manage it wisely for use in furthering our education and when we got married.  Nowadays, there are several smart savings options with big returns for an investment of as little as $100/month, like a Roth IRA or a workplace 401K, where many employers match  a certain percentage of your contributions.  My husband refers to this as “free” money!  Go figure!

$ Having fun doesn’t need to be expensive.   As parents, if we can teach our children that fun doesn’t necessarily need to have a big price tag on it, then their financial path will be that much more secure!  As stated in the New York Times article mentioned above, it’s important to keep in mind all the fun times you have had without spending a lot of money.  Budgeting as a family for special activities and/or travel while keeping your spending in check, also teaches our children that we can enjoy a variety of activities as a family while not investing too heavily in material possessions that are beyond our means.  I think that the feeling of being overly burdened with big budget costs might even prove to take away from the fun of being together with loved ones!   

Much like my husband, I am a firm believer that how much money someone has isn’t always the best measure of their true wealth!

Teaching children good savings habits!

“Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard at it!”  Albert Einstein

Using wisdom. www.mytibutejournal.comMy husband and I went on vacation to Hawaii last week, which obviously gave me some glorious beach time to relax and read a good book.  A week before leaving on our trip, I bought the book, “Resilience by Eric Greitens, a former Navy Seal,  (I know, not your usual tropical paradise light reading…?) because the preface of the title caught my attention….. “Hard-Won Wisdom For Living A Better Life: Resilience”!

This book is a compilation of the letters and wisdom written and shared by the author to another former Navy Seal and comrade who was struggling upon his return home to find his place in “normal” life.  Not only does Mr. Greitens offer practical advice on how to confront pain, build purpose in life, and ultimately create lasting happiness, but more importantly, because he has been involved in charity work for children in many countries like Rwanda, India and Cambodia, he is very qualified to offer insights to the immense value of having special loved ones and caring mentors who invest in our lives and “show up” when we are facing crisis and help us become better people even when going through hard times.

A quote on the book jacket states that, “Resilience is an inspiring meditation for the warrior in each of us!”  I found the words of wisdom shared in this book to be most inspiriing!

Good reading "Resilience" by Eric Greitens

“To realize the potential of the present, we need to heed the wisdom of the past.  When we see our struggles in the stories of those who have gone before us, we feel less alone.  We begin to see that there are tremendous sources of wisdom all around us!” 

from “RESILIENCE” by Eric Greitens

My sincere hope is that we can all draw on the best parts of who we are and always show compassion to those in need on any given day! 

I would feel honored to have you share any words of wisdom you have learned from a great mentor in your life.


Spring Fling!

Spring Fling!

I’m having a little fling with all things spring…

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 …and why not–with the promise of a spirit of youth, it’s no wonder most everyone loves SPRING!

Here’s just a few of my favorite things about spring!

One of my most favorite things about spring is getting outside again on a regular basis…breathing in the fresh air, greeting neighbors, talking on porches!

Spring Fling!

   “Kind words exchanged are like a spring day!”  Chinese Proverb

If there is anything that makes me feel younger, it’s being able to go outdoors and play with my granddaughters!  It also does my heart good to see that Makena likes her hula hoop as much as I did mine when I was her age!

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Spring Fling!

“Be sure and take your pleasures seriously!”  Charles Eames 

Like it states on one of my favorite greeting cards, I usually subscribe to the motto that putting in a little hard work usually makes most things in life all that more worthwhile–nurturing a garden is definitely my zen!

Curly Girl card

Spring gardening

“I love spring anywhere, but if I have a choice, I would always greet it in a garden!” Ruth Stout

From brightly colored nail polish to floral wallets and purses or colorful shoes and sandals, there’s just something about all the beautiful, vibrant colors of spring that can’t help but make you feel so happy!

Nail Polish colors for spring

A pedicure is a spring must-have, don’t you think–I love these fun shades of my favorite Essie nail polish! 

Relic spring wallet

This flower wallet by Relic that I got on sale at Kohl’s is perfect for spring!  There were other fun patterns to pick from.


I love these comfy Gap cutout flats for spring!  I got the tangerine pair, but don’t you love all the colors!  

“Spring colors…a perpetual astonishment!” Ellis Peters

Some of my family members weighed in on spring too…


Both my sons-in-law are bike enthusiasts–so biking is always a favorite thing for them to look forward to come spring!

Spring sunshine

No doubt, the East coast has had a long, cold winter season that has left things looking a little gray and drab back there–my daughter, who lives in New York City, simply stated that she longs for spring sunshine!  

Adventures await...

My oldest daughter put it perfectly when she told me that she thought everyone just seemed more energized and ready for new outdoor adventures come springtime…she’s looking forward to once again going on walks together and playing with her girls in their backyard!  

“Spring is nature’s way of saying…Let’s Party!” Robin Williams

Spring quote

I hope everyone has a fabulous fling with all the things you love most about spring!

What are some of the things you look forward to doing most during the springtime?  


Healthy, Wealthy And Wise! Death and Taxes!

Healthy Wealthy And Wise!  Death And Taxes!

I know, I’m barely getting this March “Healthy, Wealthy And Wise” blog post in before the end of the month…but seriously, where did March go!

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!

As we look forward to getting outside and being more active in the nicer, spring weather, this might be a good time, if you haven’t done so already, to do a little physical inventory of your overall well-being and maybe schedule a yearly exam with your personal physician.  Filing our tax returns is also inevitable in a few short weeks, so I’m always on the look-out for some good advice that might make that process a little less painful!

This time of year always makes me think of the sage advice given in this quote by Benjamin Franklin:

Healthy, Wealthy And Wise! Death And Taxes!

If you’re anything like my husband was when I first married him, going to the doctor happened only when you were sick, but as a registered nurse, I wouldn’t have done my profession any good if I hadn’t at least tried to teach him a little preventative medicine and encouraged him to have regular check-ups!

Being healthy.

I’m sure you are all familiar with the phrase, “Knowledge is power!”  The power of being in tune with our bodies and gaining the knowledge it takes to keep them going strong, can never be underestimated!

Recently, the Hospital Corporation of America came out with a guideline of five questions to have handy for your next visit to your doctor:

5 Questions to Ask At Your Next Check-Up:

1. What are my health numbers, what should they be?  Your health numbers include vital health statistics like your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and body mass index.

2. What screening tests do I need based on my gender and age?  An important role your doctor plays in your overall health and well-being is to identify appropriate screening, counseling and preventative services for you based on your specific patient characteristics.

3. Am I up to date on all my shots.  Often, we think of immunizations only in terms of infants and children, but there are some shots that are worthwhile for adults to get too; there is a new pneumonia vaccination that is available now, especially for those with ongoing respiratory conditions. 

4. After reviewing my family’s medical history, is there anything I should be worried about?  Predisposing symptoms are best tackled sooner rather than later!

5. If I change one lifestyle habit, what should it be?  This is a loaded question, to be sure, but one that a good physician is prepared to tackle.  One change in your health habits can sometimes mean the difference between life and death!  

My husband and I find that when we schedule our check-ups around important dates like our birthdays or anniversary, they’re more likely to occur.  I’m happy to report that I don’t even have to remind my husband to see a doctor anymore; we both realize the importance of staying healthy for each other and for our family!

Gaining wealth.

The jokes about taxes are prolific:

“Taxes grow without rain.”  Jewish Proverb

“There is no such thing as a good tax.” Winston Churchill

“Income tax has made more liars out of American people than golf has.”  Will Rogers

That being said, I think most of us would agree that paying taxes is no laughing matter!  My daughter’s husband is a CPA, Certified Public Accountant, and she would surely second the notion that tax season can be somewhat stressful, since Shane, my son-in-law, puts in long work hours this time of year.  I can honestly say that Shane truly enjoys his occupation and takes pride in providing a good service to his clients, so I asked him to share a few tips that he thought would be worthwhile in helping prepare our tax returns for this year and in future years to come.

1. Pay a professional!  CPA’s are well-educated on the current tax laws and will have a number of suggestions to help you decrease your tax burden either on past, current, or future tax returns.

2. If you truly want to lower your income tax liability, you’ll need to implement an advised plan in the last quarter of the previous year, at the very least.  If you wait until after the year has ended, you will only have a few ways available to you to help lower your income tax liability, even then, many people may not qualify for these options.    

3. When trying to minimize taxes owed, it’s important to remember your overall financial health.  Some tax planning tips might be good to help avoid paying extra taxes, but may not be a good move financially–this is when a good financial advisor and/or tax consultant is key.

4. It’s also important to remember that just as not two snowflakes are not alike, no two tax returns are alike either.  Just because your neighbor or coworker qualifies to get a tax refund, does not mean you will get money back.  There are many factors that go into preparing an income tax return, so it isn’t a good idea to compare your situation with another’s, unless you know all the information behind the tax return.     

Using wisdom.

My dad used to say it was a wise man (or woman) who knew when it was wise to speak up and say something, and when it was wiser to be quiet and go about your business as usual.  After discussing death (or rather, avoiding it) and taxes, perhaps the wisest way to end this journal entry is with a few of my father’s favorite quotes on gaining wisdom.

“When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise!  Proverbs 10:19

By now, you know that if I’m talking about my father, I’ve just got to include a Mark Twain quote too; this one was indeed a favorite–and the way he lived his life, exemplified it perfectly!

Mark Twain quote

In other words, being happy and wise isn’t always in seeking “greener pastures”, so to speak!  Pretty straight forward and a little less jestful for Mark Twain, I’d say!

I hope everyone stays healthy and wise as you finish up your taxes!

Do you have any good health or organization tips you’d like to share that help you survive tax season?    
