Cinderella Days! Celebrating Mom!

Cinderella Days!  Celebrating Mom!

Cindrella Days!Our “Cinderella Days” are usually about doing all the fun things that my granddaughters want to do that day.  But since their mom, my cute daughter, Malia, was going to be featured on a local noon TV show giving home décor ideas and promoting our local Parade of Homes, we decided it would be a good idea to celebrate her on this week’s “Cinderella Day”!

Makena and Marli worked so hard coloring pictures and gluing letters on a poster we made to wish their mom good luck!  We sent her a text and photo before she went into the news station, to let her know we were all thinking about her.  It’s so important that we show our children and grandchildren how to be excited for others who work hard to accomplish something that is important to them!  Most often, kids love to help and be involved!

Making "Good Luck" poster!

"Celebrating mom"!

Makena and Marli were intent little workers as they made the “Good Luck”poster for their mom!

Celebrating mom with flowers!"Celebrating Mom!"

Makena loved helping me arrange these flowers so she and Marli could take them home and surprise their mom when she got home from work!

Frozen Jr. Mints!

The girls helped get everything ready to watch Malia on TV, right down to getting the Junior Mints in the freezer (It tickles me that Makena and Marli love this treat as much as I do!)

Waiting patiently to watch mom on TV.

Yummy Jr. Minits!

Enjoying treats while being patient until their mom comes on TV!

Watching mom on TV!

Celebrating mom! www.mytributejournal.som

Makena and Marli (along with grandpa and grandma) were so excited when Malia’s segment came on the program!  Great job, Malia!

View Malia’s segment here!

As her mother, I know how hard Malia has worked to establish her career, yet balance it with being a good mom too!  Having a fun “Celebrating Mom” day with Makena and Marli confirmed in my heart once again, how lucky we are to share our lives with each other!  Also, having my granddaughters be excited about doing things for others makes the days they decide what to do even more special!

After a shopping trip with grandma!!

After a recent shopping trip together, Makena and Marli modeled the cute outfits they picked out on their own!  They were so happy and grateful…I’m so in love with these girls!

When kids learn to help and serve others, even if it is a family member, I think they’re inclined to be more appreciative of the days they get to do what they love!

Take time to celebrate someone you love…or someone you know who just needs a happy day!



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