Christmas Around The World…And A Hope For Peace On Earth!

Christmas Around The World…And A Hope For Peace On Earth!

As my husband and I travel to various destinations throughout the world, one of the things we love to do is get fun Christmas ornaments from the different places we have visited, as well as learn about some of the unique holiday traditions and customs that are celebrated in each area.

On our latest venture this past fall, when we went to see our son and his wife in gorgeous Germany, the charming Christmas villages and shops we encountered along the way, made us quickly realize that the lovely people there embrace the festivities of the Christmas season with great conviction and that so many of the holiday traditions celebrated in America originated in Germany.  Maybe a good way to try to better understand other cultures around the world, and perhaps help us find a little common ground, is to see how they celebrate Christmas!

Celebrating Christmas Around The World!Christmas Arpound The World...And A Hope For Peace On Earth!


Christmas village in Rotenburg, Germany

Germany is well-known for its many quaint Christmas villages.  My son and his wife live about an hour’s drive away from Rotenburg, Germany, home of one of the most famous Christmas markets!  It was so much fun to visit a few of these darling stores while we were there and collect some of the beautiful hand-blown glass ornaments that are so popular over there.  

German glass ornaments.

The introduction of the Advent calendar originated in Germany.  Oftentimes, a wreath made of fir tree branches is decorated with 24 boxes hanging from it, each one containing a present to be opened in the days prior to Christmas.  In Germany, letters are written to Christkind (the Christ child) asking for presents.  The letters are then put in envelopes that are decorated with colored sugar glued to them, to help them sparkle and attract attention when they are placed on the window seals of their homes.  The tradition of Christmas trees is very important in Germany!  Originally, beautiful evergreen trees were brought into the house on Christmas eve and decorated by the parents as a surprise for the children.  Presents are typically exchanged on Christmas Eve too.  Another neat Christmas tradition in Germany is the gathering of Sternsingers (star singers) who go from house to house and collect donations for charity.  Goose is often served for the main holiday meal along with Stollen, a popular yeast fruit bread.   


Celebrating Christmas in Norway!

My father’s family was of Norwegian descent, so I’ve grown up knowing many of the Christmas traditions observed in Norway.  Children of Norway are taught that gifts are not only brought to them by Julenissen, (Santa Claus) but also small gnomes called, Nisse, are believed to guard all the farm animals.  On Christmas Eve, if families don’t leave a special bowl of porridge outside the barn for Nisse, they better watch out, since these mischievous creatures just might play tricks on everyone!  Small woven heart ornaments adorn many of the Christmas trees in Norway; they are usually filled with biscuits and treats to give to guests when they come to visit during the holiday season.     

Celebrating Christmas in Norway!

During the winter season in Norway, the days are short and sunlight lasts for only brief periods each day, so extravagant holiday lights are a big part of the Christmas celebrations there.  Big parties where dinner is served and caroling takes place are planned for when the lights are first illuminated in cities and villages all over the Norwegian countryside.



Like many of the countries with South American heritage, Christmas in Mexico is celebrated with a beautifully lit backdrop of brightly colored décorations, where festive music and lively dancing take place, and tables are filled with delectable dishes of traditional Mexican food. 

Celebrating Christmas in Mexico!

For most of the people from Spanish descent, Christmastime also involves several special religious commemorations.  From December 16th until Christmas Eve, children and young adults participate in Posada processions, where they carry candles on small wood planks and celebrate the part of the Christmas story where Joseph and Mary looked for a place to stay.  Life-sized nativities are popular in many South American countries too.  


Father Frost!

A wonderful lady who is a housekeeper at the hospital where I work, comes from Bosnia.  She and her husband are only able to go back home to visit during the holiday season every few years or so.  It’s always intriguing for me to hear about her country and the Christmas traditions observed over there.  During the cold winter months in Bosnia, Neya describes the weather as “bone chilling” -so it makes sense that in their culture it is believed that old Father Frost is the one to bring Christmas gifts.  Trees are decorated with wooden toys, chocolate, and woolen knit balls.   Typical holiday fare usually consists of a stuffed turkey, cabbage, spinach pie, mayonnaise salad, and pita.   


Celebrating Christmas in Australia!

Since I’m used to celebrating Christmas where the weather is cold and snowy, I’ve always thought it would be fun to spend Christmas someplace like Australia, where people are not only celebrating the Christmas holidays, they are enjoying their summer vacations as well.  One advantage of Christmas falling during the summer months in Australia is that native trees called, Christmas bushes, are in full bloom and are often used to make wreaths and other beautiful decorations that adorn homes in Australia.  Instead of parkas and boots, people who live in Australia are usually having a fun time at the beach and going camping.  Native folklore shares the tale that Santa gives his reindeer a rest in Australia by using kangaroos to pull his sled for a little while.  It’s also believed that Santa Claus changes into his casual beach wear and flips flops in Australia too!  

 No matter where you celebrate Christmas…


…you can’t help but be aware of the universal feelings of kindness and love that are so prevalent at Christmastime!  In thinking of the unease that seems ever present in the world today, we can only hope that the joyous celebration of Christmas can bring us together in a common cause of peace and harmony that will last throughout the year!   

Do you celebrate any holiday traditions from other countries with your families?

Best Christmas wishes to everyone!


A Nice, Normal Family?!

A Nice, Normal Family?!

Amid all the lights and decorations, good food and gifts, I think it goes without saying, that perhaps one of the main reasons we look forward to this Christmas time of year is the anticipation of getting together with family and loved ones!

Norman Rockwell Christmas!

Although they could be a bit hectic at times, I look back on past holiday seasons when I was growing up with fond memories.  That doesn’t mean there weren’t often reminders from my parents as I rough housed and teased that Santa was watching and checking who was naughty or nice!   Like my children are sure to recall, I remember with a bit of irony now, the determined look on my mother’s face whenever company came to visit that gave a wordless warning that I didn’t dare not heed; it’s a bit of sage advice that I’m certain has been shared over and over again in many family circles with equal parts sarcasm and sincerity!

A Nice, Normal Family!

“Remember, as far as anyone knows, we are a nice, normal family!”

Despite any idiosyncrasies and shortcomings, our families always seem to accept us the best for who we really are…but could we do better at doing more for those we love the most?  It would seem that there is no better time than during the season that celebrates life, love and families, to try and do a few things that bring us all closer together!  Here are some traditions I’ve done with my own family over the years, as well as some activities I have heard of others doing that help them keep their family bonds strong, not only at Christmas time, but all year long!

  • Gather around the dinner table!

There’s just nothing like a great meal and lively conversation around the dinner table that helps pull a family together more!

Norman Rockwell's Christmas!

With our busy schedules now days, gathering around the dinner table seems much less likely than when I was growing up, but I found that having my kids help decide on the menu, as well as taking turns with meal preparation, made the possibility of getting together for dinner a more realistic goal.  We loved having breakfast for dinner too.  (You’ll find the recipe for Ebleskivers, one of our favorite meals here.)    

  • Celebrate the season!

A “bah, hum bug” attitude just doesn’t cut it if you want to keep family ties strong!  While it may require some creative coordination and a little extra planning, there is nothing quite like getting together with our families to celebrate age-old traditions, as well as trying a few new activities to build close family relationships!

Norman Rockwell Christmas!

From all the beautiful holiday decorations and tree ornaments, to the delicious smells of familiar recipes baking in the kitchen, we all have those cherished sentiments for family Christmas traditions.  (I have shared a few of my favorite traditions here.)  However, I think you’ll all agree that it is those people in our lives who love us unconditionally that truly make Christmas such a wonderful time of year, especially that person for which we celebrate this most blessed season!

  • Unite in thoughtful giving and selfless service! 

It goes without saying that giving thoughtful gifts, including selfless acts of service, proves to unite families in special ways that are sure to strengthen family bonds like little else seems to do.

Thoughtful Giving at Christmas!

A client of my husband’s collaborates with a charitable organization at Christmas time so his family can truly focus on giving to others by helping build homes or schools in foreign countries for those in need.  My sisters-in-law started a neat Christmas party years ago where we give a homemade gift to the person whose name we draw that year.  The time and energy spent on creating a thoughtful gift for anybody can’t help but result in forming special bonds with that person!    

Family Christmas Traditions: Giving Manger Gift Set

A new way to focus on service this Christmas season that I’m giving to some family members and friends is “The Giving Manger”  gift set.  These unique sets come with an endearing story book that explains the tradition of giving and hopes to inspire selfless acts of service that results in pieces of straw being placed in the little wooden manger throughout the month of December, ending with baby Jesus being placed in the in the manger on Christmas morning.  

  • Mostly…have fun and enjoy being together!

There is just nothing better than the anticipation of family, friends and loved ones returning home for the holidays!

Welcoming Christmas!

There’s no doubt about it, despite the eclectic dynamics, funny antics, and yes, even drama on occasion, it really is nice to have the people in our lives that make up our families–with no one else are we casually able to be ourselves!  (My mom would also add that being related doesn’t excuse us from not making an effort to put forth our best manners!) 

A Norman Rockwell Christmas!

For me, a quote from a favorite movie, Dan In Real Life, just might sum it up best…“There’s a certain rightness in our wrongness!”

I hope everyone has the best Christmas season and that you are lucky enough to be able to spend much of it with your family and loved ones!

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I won’t have a couple of my kids here for Christmas, but that doesn’t mean we still won’t enjoy great conversations and all the crazy, good things we love about each other!

What fun family traditions do you look forward to celebrating every year?  


Healthy, Wealthy and Wise! Managing Juvenile Diabetes!

Healthy, Wealthy And Wise!  Managing Juvenile Diabetes!

The month of November marks the 75th anniversary of the American Diabetic Association, a group of dedicated leaders who are striving to help increase the medical research and resource options for those living with diabetes, as well as those who are looking to live a healthier lifestyle.  And while the Association’s main focus is to improve the lives of all people impacted by this disease, type 1 diabetes, best known as juvenile diabetes, has become a critical priority of the organization!

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Becoming more informed on living healthy, not only serves us better in each of our own lives, it helps us teach our children good habits too.  The “Healthy, Wealthy and Wise” journal entry this month, gives attention to a type of diabetes that can turn a family’s life upside down when one of their children is given this diagnosis.


A simple definition of diabetes is that the pancreas (located just behind the stomach) loses its primary function of producing insulin, which is necessary for the body to metabolize sugar properly. 


Most children will likely experience many of the same symptoms as their adult counterparts when diabetes is suspected, however, their diagnosis isn’t necessarily dependent on diet, weight or genetics.

While the treatment for type 1 diabetes has come a long way since the days of my youth, where my only memory of the disease was of a good friend who had it and couldn’t have the sweets and candy that most of us enjoyed everyday and had to endure daily blood tests and injections.  That’s not to say that it isn’t a struggle to find a good balance in the lives of young children who are given a diagnosis of juvenile diabetes!  Just recently, a good friend of mine found out the life changes that are required of all family members to help manage the effects of this disease when her son was diagnosed with diabetes.  Here is her endearing story!

Managing Juvenile Diabetes!

Nicholas’ mom, Catherine, adds that unlike some other childhood illnesses, diabetes is a lifelong diagnosis that will follow him where ever he goes, no matter what he’s doing.  As a family they have to be diligent about balancing what he eats in conjunction with his activity level.  But by doing this, Nick will be able to live a relatively normal lifestyle full of all the activities a boy his age loves! 

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Catherine also notes that while she is constantly learning about diabetes, it can get overwhelming at times, so she is very grateful for help from a supportive network of  family and friends.  She hopes that in Nick’s lifetime he will be lucky enough see a cure for this disease!  Until then, “Team BioNIC-K” is going strong!

Managing Juvenile Diabetes!

As a nurse, I often see superheroes reside in the brave hearts of small children fighting big battles!  

You’ll find more information on juvenile diabetes by checking the Type 1 American Diabetic Association website here.

What has your experience been with someone who has diabetes?  If you have a child with juvenile diabetes, what are some of the things you do as a family to help with the treatment of this disease?  
