The Hippocratic Oath!

The Hippocratic Oath!  Never Do Harm!

NYU Medical School Graduation 2014

My husband and I just returned from visiting our youngest daughter, Mandi, in New York City and seeing our son-in-law, Cole, graduate from NYU’s Medical School!  Health care debates aside, there are many good reasons to be hopeful for the future of the world of medicine and for having a renewed faith in those who have dedicated their lives to overseeing that the best outcomes for our health and well-being are made possible!

The Original Hippocratic Oath


Original Hippocratic Oath

The Hippocratic Oath has withstood the ages of time and still sets the precedence for high standards to be set by all doctors to follow as they establish their medical practices.  Like many other medical school commencement services taking place throughout the United States, New York Univeristy’s School of Medicine, Class of 2014, recited the Hippocratic Oath during their graduation ceremony.  (Cole’s graduating class recited a modified version of the oath adapted for our modern times by the late Professor John G. Curtis.)

“I do solemnly swear by that which I do hold most sacred:” 

 “That I will lead my life and practice my art in uprightness and honor;”

“That into whatsoever house I shall enter, it shall be for the good of the sick to the utmost of my power;”

Hippocrates Oath!

The keynote speaker at Cole’s graduation, Dr. Samuel Shem, a Rhodes Scholar, a member of the Harvard Medical School faculty, and a noted medical author, told the graduating medical students…

“Be part of the best America has to offer!”  


“I holding myself aloof from wrong, from corruption, from the tempting of others to vice;”  

“That I will exercise my art solely for the cure of my patients, and give no drug, perform no operation for a criminal purpose, even if solicited, far less suggest it;”

NYU's Medical School Graduation 2014

Dr. Shem also wisely counseled the students to…

“Speak up if you notice cruelties in your profession, don’t spread more suffering around, at the very least, don’t just doctor–HEAL!”


“That whatsoever I shall see or hear of the lives of men which is not fitting to be spoken, I will keep inviolably secret;”

“These things I do promise and in proportion as I am faithful to this oath may happiness and good repute ever be mine–the opposite if I shall be forsworn!”

The Hippocratic Oath!

Dr. Shem’s closing remarks included this advice to these new doctors as they look forward to their various residency assignments…

“Be carriers of caring!  Learn your trade in the world–and know that your patients are your world.”

Like all wise words we hear, these truths hold their integrity for all of us in our various walks of life!  I was deeply touched by the spirit of enthusiasm for their ability of now being able to contribute to the power of healing that was exhibited by the fine men and women of New York University’s School of Medicine 2014 graduates!

Congratulations, Cole and Mandi! 

You deserve only the best as you continue your next four years in New York! 

Do you have an oath or life motto you try to live by–either personal or professional? 


Let’s Be Awesomer!

Let’s Be Awesomer!

Rock climbing in City of Rocks  www.mytributejournal.comI’m certain that the title of this post will give English teachers and grammar high brows out there some major heart burn, however, a lot of dictionary resources, including Wordnik, recognize it as an urbanized word that is occasionally used in trendy vernacular now days.  I just figured that as long as we’re working on being happier, we might as well go for upping our awesome quotient too!


(Official NBC Olympic Logo) 

On the heels of watching so many incredible Olympic feats performed in Russia last month, and now seeing the athletic prowess of so many college basketball players in the NCAA championships–I often marvel at the physical and mental stamina required to be able to excel beyond the seemingly “normal” limits of human endurance!  My interests are also drawn to the backstories of diligence and perseverance they develop despite the sometimes critical scrutiny of their ability to perform!  The truer measure of a person is often defined in more poignant terms when he or she is away from the public arena.  Regardless, of the environment, self motivation and caring support from others are key factors!

Adrien Payne NCAA story

(Courtesy HLN News)

This story about Adreian Payne and his young fan, as the headline states, is “hands down” the most touching to make the news during this season’s NCAA championships!  It’s a classic tale of what can be accomplished when you do your best to hone great skill and talent with equal amounts of heart and humility!  The relationships developed will last long after the discussions of playoff brackets have ended!

Although our personal “playing fields”, so to speak, may differ vastly from those already mentioned, I think we can all agree that everyone has challenges that must be faced with a certain degree of fervor and finesse in order to achieve our various obligations and goals in life…helping us be AWESOMER!

Becoming Awesomer–A Personal Story!

I hope you won’t mind indulging me as I share a personal story of athletic triumph of sorts, that had a significant impact on me…

At the beginning of his sophomore year in high school, my son, Jake, was lifting weights in the boy’s gym when he was approached by the wrestling coach to join the team in the light weight category.  Now Jake’s first love is baseball, but he knew that there weren’t too many open positions that year on the baseball team, so he decided to do wrestling.  The fact that Jake never participated in his junior high school wrestling program, which was almost unheard of for anyone wanting to compete on a high school level where we lived, didn’t seem to faze him too much.

Jake trained hard and stayed long hours at the gym, in addition to keeping good grades in his other classes.  Jake also had to monitor what he ate each day so he could stay within a pound or two of his competing weight class.  As a mom it was hard to watch some of those first tournaments.

During Jake’s junior and senior years, his wrestling skills improved and he won quite a few tournaments, but wasn’t necessarily favored to qualify for the state championships!  Then, as fate would have it, for Jake’s final qualifying match, he ended up being paired up against the guy who was considered an easy “shoe-in” to win his weight class at the state tournament.  All I knew is that his opponent (wearing the dark brown) stood a full foot taller than Jake!

Viewmont High School Wrestling Play-offs!

Viewmont High School Wrestling Play-offs!

Viewmont High School Wrestling Play-offs!

Jake came away the unlikely victor at his wrestling match, qualifying him to compete in the state championships his senior year of high school!

As parents, we all know that the backstory to any of our children’s successes is that aside from the ample amounts of love and support we give them, the caring influence of good coaches, teachers, church leaders and friends, who work hard to help your child develop their inner conviction to be the very best they can be, should never be underestimated!

I also know for a fact, that the encouragement of their siblings is one of the most important driving forces behind many of my children’s accomplishments!

One neat example of this was when my two younger children, Jake and Mandi, went on a rock climbing excursion…

Rock Climbing in the City of Rocks  www.mytribute

…climbing a steep crevice in the City of Rocks, Mandi couldn’t seem to find the right foot holds to get up the rest of the mountain…yeah, my family’s crazy like that!?!

Rock Climbing in the City of Rocks  www.mytributejournal.comJake eventually jumped in and with equal amounts of kind encouragement and “get your butt going” –they were able to scale the mountain to the top!

Rock climbing in City of Rocks  www.mytributejournal.comTo this day, even with so many miles separating them, my children continue to look to each other as a great support system for helping them each achieve the “awesomer” version of themselves!  That does any parent’s heart good!

What I’m learning now is…

As much as we love our children, realistically, we have to be OK with the fact that we are just one of many key players that provide the needed support and encouragement in their lives so that they…   

Let's Be Awesomer! www.mytributejournal.comWhat are some ways you encourage your children to succeed and do their best?    


Also, with spring finally making a consistent appearance, coming up next week will be the first of a few new features to be showcased regularly–yeah!

Garden Therapy!


The Happiness Challenge!

The Happiness Challenge!

A favorite Mary Englebreit picture!

(via Mary Englebreit cards!)

Recovering from your winter funk–what better way to “snap out of it” than the “Happiness Challenge” 

Happiness Challenge--Can you be happy for 100 days!

…want to join me on this latest venture of mine at #100happydays!  Come on, it will be fun–and we’ll learn so much about each other and what makes us truly happy!

You all know that one of the things I love around my home is inspiring quotes!  This one on “Happiness…” is a favorite!  My mom gave it to me–so it has extra special meaning and value to me!

The Happiness Challenge--my sweet mother!

My mom was always my happiness inspiration…she was such a happy and serene person–one I had the privilege of knowing and loving!


Let’s do this!  Tell me what makes you happy during the next 100 days!  Our combined happiness journey may just take over the world–or at the very least, our little corner of the universe! 

 Follow along with my 100 happy days on my Facebook page…..share yours there too!   
